date 2024-11-22T13:17:02Z
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2. Frey
Modern Databases and NoSQL 1. Pirkl
2. Wiehl
--- PrA --- --- Design and implementation of a
selected application. Project report (10-
15 pages)
Programmieren für
und Lernen mit digitalen Medien. UTB.
Arshavskiy, M. (2017). Instructional Design for eLearning: Essential guide for designing successful eLearning courses. CreateSpace [...] lag.
Pappas, C. (2015). The Power of AGILE Instructional Design Approach.
proach. Zuletzt geprüft am 11.06.2021.
Stoecker, D [...] (2019). Agile for Instructional Designers: Iterative Project Management to Achieve Results . ATD Press.
Vai, M. & Sosulski, K. (2015). Essentials of Online Course Design: A Standards-Based Guide (Essentials
und Lernen mit digitalen Medien. UTB.
Arshavskiy, M. (2017). Instructional Design for eLearning: Essential guide for designing successful eLearning courses. CreateSpace [...] lag.
Pappas, C. (2015). The Power of AGILE Instructional Design Approach.
proach. Zuletzt geprüft am 11.06.2021.
Stoecker, D [...] (2019). Agile for Instructional Designers: Iterative Project Management to Achieve Results . ATD Press.
Vai, M. & Sosulski, K. (2015). Essentials of Online Course Design: A Standards-Based Guide (Essentials
Fortgeschrittene Themen der
1. Frey
2. Kock
Design Computation 1. Peterhänsel
2. Frey
ModA ---
Masterseminar 1. Müller
2. Frey
Akademischer Verlag
• Evans Eric, Domain-Driven Design, Addison-Wesley
• Larman Craig, Applying UML and Patterns. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall
• Meyer Bertrand, Object-Oriented [...] 2020-10-25 (Heckmann):
Modulhandbuch „Künstliche Intelligenz – International“ integriert
Neus Design für das Inhaltsverzeichnis
Überarbeitung 2020-11-17 (Heckmann):
Anmerkungen des Peer-Reviews [...] können
statische Web-Seiten mit den Web-Standardtechnologien erstellen. Sie können mithilfe von Screen-Design-Tools Entwürfe
von Webseiten erstellen, die Grafiken und sonstige audiovisuelle Medien für die V
Education, New York
Dalpiaz, F./E. Paja/P. Giorgini (2016): Security Requirements Engineering – Designing Secure Socio-Technical Systems. MIT
Press, Cambridge
Internationalität (Inhaltlich) [...] Abtastraten-Verändernde Systeme, Wavelets
- Komplexe Signale, Hilbert Transformation
- IIR- Filter-Design und Implementierung
- Spektralschätzungsmethoden, Modellansätze
Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching [...] Cryptography, Springer, 2009.
Ferguson, N., B. Schneier und T. Kohno: Cryptography Engineering – Design Principles and Practical Applications, Wiley, 2010.
Hoffstein, J., J. Pipher und J. H. Silverman:
date 2024-11-29T12:01:00Z
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dc:title Deckb
Distance Exploration Prof. Henry Meißner siehe MHB GI 4 5 WPM
Motion‐Graphics‐Design [fortgeschritten] Motion Graphics Design [advanced] Prof. Alexander Peterhänsel siehe Anlage 4 5 SWPM WPM
X Geo‐Data‐Analytics [...] Stochastics Prof. Brunner siehe MHB MI 5 5 WPM WPM WPM WPM PM PM WPM PM WPM WPM WPM
Sound‐Design bei AV‐Medien Sound‐Design for Motion Picture & TV Prof. Maximilian Kock siehe Anlage 4 5 SWPM WPM
X Stateg [...] nn siehe Anlage 4 5 WPM WPM WPM SWPM ausschließlich ab 4. Semester belegbar
X Compositing Motion‐Design [Grundlagen] Composition & Motion [basics] Prof. Martin Frey siehe Anlage 4 5 SWPM WPM
X Computergrafik
Calculator, formulary eight pages DIN-A 4 /
IEE 2 05.02.2025 08:30 60 09:30 WPM Plant and Equipment Design in Energy Technology Written exam Prell Bischof two pages DIN-A 4 handwritten, calculator not pr
Student Studienarbeit Skubacz Rönnebeck
SSW/AWPM 7 n.Vereinb. ohne 0 ohne SSW/AWPM Parametrisches Design mit Grasshopper in Rhino3D Modularbeoit Raabe Scubacz
SSW/AWPM 08.02.2025 16:00 60 17:00 SSW/AWPM
4.3 Computational Fluid Dynamics 5 4
3.4.4 Design of Experiments (DoE) 5 4
3.4.5 Recycling and Waste Management 5 4
3.4.6 Calculation and Design of Unit Operations in Process Engineering 5 4
date 2024-12-03T07:55:41Z
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4.3 Computational Fluid Dynamics 5 4
3.4.4 Design of Experiments (DoE) 5 4
3.4.5 Recycling and Waste Management 5 4
3.4.6 Calculation and Design of Unit Operations in Process Engineering 5 4
date 2024-12-03T07:56:55Z
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the phases of molding/product design as well as the course of
parts engineering in plastics industry; properly designing plastics parts (conceptual designing, designing, dimensioning and
tolerating) [...] ing most rules for designing technical products; applying rules
for tolerances and fits; designing with the use of a 3D CAD program
• Methodological competence:
Designing and developing technical [...] for web-programming
• Relational databases:
o Basics, design and development, SQL-queries
• Web-programming:
o Basics, design and development, client/server principal
The contents of
Security Challenges for Cloud or Fog Computing-Based AI Applications
• FoodFresh: Multi-Chain Design for an Inter-Institutional Food Supply Chain Network
• Distributed Case Handling
• AI
• [...] Tatyana Künstliche Visuelle Intelligenz Bildverarbeitung, Medizininformatik
Söllner, Matthias Design und Produktion digitaler Medien UI/UX, Web-Frontends
Jeder Informatik- oder KI-Professor [...] Processing
• FoundationDB: A Distributed Unbundled Transactional Key Value Store
• Amazon Aurora: Design Considerations for High Throughput Cloud-Native Relational Databases
• Spanner: Google’s Glob
Schmitt-Rüth Stephanie
Digital Marketing & Sales DB/MLD/DEI Modularbeit Kamran Qeis
Innovation und Design DB Modularbeit Strassl
1. Schwerbehinderte können unter Nachweis der Behinderung
date 2024-12-20T10:46:16Z
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t IB Übungsleistung Ruhul Amin Noel
Change Management IB Modularbeit Qeis Kamran
Design Science and Design Thinking IB Übungsleistung Qeis Kamran
Diversity Management BW/IB Übungsleistung Qeis
MAI GI MT Datum/Zeit. Anmerkung
Grundlagen Compositing Motion
5 1. Frey
2. Peterhänsel
X X praktische Studienarbeit
Industrie 4.0 Projekt
y Heigl semesterbegleitender Leistungsnachweis 1S, 2
DTM International Winter Week on Service Design Heigl semesterbegleitender Leistungsnachweis
DTM KREA Spring School Heigl semesterbegleitender
(Times New Roman, 10 pt., italic, justified).
1. Add headings accordingly to paper (Introduction / Design / Objectives / Methods / Discussion / Conclusions, etc.)
Text (Times New Roman, 10pt., justified
(Times New Roman, 10 pt., italic, justified).
1. Add headings accordingly to paper (Introduction / Design / Objectives / Methods / Discussion / Conclusions, etc.)
Text (Times New Roman, 10pt., justified
und -Muster
• Angewandte Elektronik
• Simulation in der theoretischen Elektrotechnik
• HW/-SW Co-Design/VHDL
• Industrielle Kommunikationssysteme
• Echtzeitsysteme
• Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Biotechnologie II 1 MBUT 111 Klausur Lindenberger
05.02.2024 8:30 9:30 IEE WPM Plant and Equipment Design in Energy Technology 10 MBUT 205 Klausur Prell
05.02.2024 11:00 12:30 MA 18-19 Maschinenelemente
aking bodies of the ECB at the beginning of Stage 3 of
EMU (January 1st, 1999) in order to designate those parts of the European System of Central
Banks which are responsible for monetary policy [...] assets arises mainly from the purchase of US
dollars during the time of Bretton-Woods.
The design of required reserves is similar in both systems (for the institutional frameworks in
detail see [...] Facilities”. These operations
are carried out on the initiative of the credit institutions. They are designed symmetrically and
provide or absorb liquidity with an overnight maturity. The marginal lending