22 Vgl. hierzu insbesondere ARIYOSHI [...] crisis on emerging asia, Peterson Insti-
tute for International Economics Working Paper Series, No. 09-11, Washington D.C.
INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCE (2010): Capital flows to emerging market [...] stabilitätsorientierte Geldpolitik) und flexible
Wechselkurse gesetzt werden.
This paper analyses international capital flows before and during the current global financial and econom-
ic crisis. A special
Im Rahmen dieses Clusters wurden im Berichtszeitraum sowohl
interne als auch externe Projekte durchgeführt. Auf interner Ebene
wurde die installierte Lehr- und Lernplattform für die Hochschule [...] 50 ausstellenden
Unternehmen oder auch das Fremdsprachenprogramm der Hoch-
schule, das international anerkannte UNIcert-Abschlüsse verleiht.
Nicht zuletzt wurde ein Sprachenzentrum der HAW als [...] HAW-Meisterschaften
im Volleyball teil. Die hochschuleigene Sporthalle in Amberg war
Schauplatz interner Turniere (Fußball- und Nikolaus-Volleyballtur-
nier). Beim Public Viewing während der Fußbal
en sind hier die Zweckentfremdung
und Schwund der Behälter sowohl extern als auch intern
ein großes Problem. Intern wird ein Großteil des Behälter-
schwunds durch nicht dafür vorhergesehene funktions- [...] Econometrica, 33, 671–84.
Warnock, F. E. and Warnock, V. C. (2005) International capital flows and US interest rates, International Finance Discus-
sion Paper No. 840, September 2005.
West, K. D. (1988) [...] institu-
tions, labour demand, international comparison, employ-
ment threshold.
1. Introduction
Labour market institutions play a key role in explaining
international differences in labour market
Ltd. 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
International Finance 13:3, 2010: pp. 409–441
DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2362.2010.01267.x
ing a [...] Dreger, C., and J. Wolters (2010), ‘Investigating M3 Money Demand in the Euro
Area’, Journal of International Money and Finance, 29, 111–22.
Ehrmann, M., and F. Smets (2003), ‘Uncertain Potential Output [...]
Stracca, L. (2007), ‘A Speed Limit Monetary Policy Rule for the Euro Area’,
International Finance, 10(1), 21–41.
Svensson, L., and M. Woodford (2002), ‘Indicator Variables for Optimal
Ausgabe 2/2010 unseres Newsletters!
Prof. Dr. Erich Bauer
Präsident der HAW
2 HAW intern
Beitrag zum Studienerfolg:
3 Kompetenz & Innovation
HAW Te [...] hierzu ein wichtiger Baustein.«
Prof. Dr. Erich Bauer
Präsident der HAW
Newsletter 2|2010 HAW intern2
Für den Technologiecampus werden
aus dem Programm des Freistaats Bayern
zur Förderung
les Unternehmens- und Technologiemanagement
(3) Das Studium vermittelt die Fähigkeit, in international tätigen Technologieunternehmen Aufgaben mit
Führungsverantwortung in verschiedenen Tätigkeit
Probesemester festgelegt sind.
(3) In Bachelorstudiengängen sind auf der Grundlage eines international kompatiblen
Leistungspunktesystems pro Semester mindestens 15 Leistungspunkte nachzuweisen.
Probesemester festgelegt sind.
(3) In Bachelorstudiengängen sind auf der Grundlage eines international kompatiblen
Leistungspunktesystems pro Semester mindestens 15 Leistungspunkte nachzuweisen.
date 2010-11-12T07:12:47Z
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unfortunately does still not satisfy the re-
quirements of international IPR standards.
In spite of China’s adherence to several international agreements for protecting IP (such
as the WIPO, Berne [...] utilisation of internal resources. However, the communica-
tion with the technology owners in China is sometimes very hard.
In order to evaluate technologies carefully, the internal organization [...] Innovation Approach
Closed Innovation (CI) was predominant during most of the twentieth century. Internal
Research and Development (R&D) departments developed innovative ideas and products
and kept
unfortunately does still not satisfy the re-
quirements of international IPR standards.
In spite of China’s adherence to several international agreements for protecting IP (such
as the WIPO, Berne [...] utilisation of internal resources. However, the communica-
tion with the technology owners in China is sometimes very hard.
In order to evaluate technologies carefully, the internal organization [...] Innovation Approach
Closed Innovation (CI) was predominant during most of the twentieth century. Internal
Research and Development (R&D) departments developed innovative ideas and products
and kept
PAPER NO. 3159
An electronic [...] Lahiri,
Christoph Moser and the participants of the CESifo Area Conference on Macro, Money and
International Finance 2010 and the CESifo-Delphi Conference 2010 for helpful comments
and suggestions. We also [...] the data set, we motivate our choice of the explanatory variables by the
existing evidence from internal surveys, according to which the responses to
these questions can be viewed as proxies for actual
Christoph Moser and the participants of the CESifo Area Conference on Macro, Money and
International Finance 2010 and the CESifo-Delphi Conference 2010 for helpful comments
and suggestions. We also [...] the data set, we motivate our choice of the explanatory variables by the
existing evidence from internal surveys, according to which the responses to
these questions can be viewed as proxies for actual
Christoph Moser and the participants of the CESifo Area Conference on Macro, Money and
International Finance 2010 and the CESifo-Delphi Conference 2010 for helpful comments
and suggestions. We also [...] the data set, we motivate our choice of the explanatory variables by the
existing evidence from internal surveys, according to which the responses to
these questions can be viewed as proxies for actual
Christoph Moser and the participants of the CESifo Area Conference on Macro, Money and
International Finance 2010 and the CESifo-Delphi Conference 2010 for helpful comments
and suggestions. We also [...] the data set, we motivate our choice of the explanatory variables by the
existing evidence from internal surveys, according to which the responses to
these questions can be viewed as proxies for actual
Christoph Moser and the participants of the CESifo Area Conference on Macro, Money and
International Finance 2010 and the CESifo-Delphi Conference 2010 for helpful comments
and suggestions. We also [...] the data set, we motivate our choice of the explanatory variables by the
existing evidence from internal surveys, according to which the responses to
these questions can be viewed as proxies for actual
Ausgabe 1/2010 unseres Newsletters!
Prof. Dr. Erich Bauer
Präsident der HAW
2 HAW intern
Amberger Patenttag 2010:
IP-Management in Unternehmen
3 Kompetenz & Innovation
Running Snail [...] wie Patentanwalts-
Prof. Dr. Erich Bauer
Präsident der HAW
Newsletter 1|2010 HAW intern2
ten Rennwagens des Teams mit Verbren-
nungsmotor statt. Es handelt sich um
den [...] und Informations-
technik) den Grundstein für eine Forschungs-
kooperation mit den dortigen, international
renommierten Wissenschaftlern legen. Das
CSIRO ist eine nationale Großforschungs-
promote human resource development, such as
advocating “people oriented”, creating harmonious internal and external environment,
influencing human resource development by harmonious regulations, [...] spirit is the
soul of corporate culture. A successful entrepreneur should understand thoughts of internal
environment and needs of external environment then he forms his own thoughts and
influences [...] empirical study on dimension of harmonious corporate culture. Proceedings of the
15th Tri-University International Joint Seminar and Symposium 2008, Jiangsu University
Press: 79-84.
Lin Guo. 2007. An
promote human resource development, such as
advocating “people oriented”, creating harmonious internal and external environment,
influencing human resource development by harmonious regulations, [...] spirit is the
soul of corporate culture. A successful entrepreneur should understand thoughts of internal
environment and needs of external environment then he forms his own thoughts and
influences [...] empirical study on dimension of harmonious corporate culture. Proceedings of the
15th Tri-University International Joint Seminar and Symposium 2008, Jiangsu University
Press: 79-84.
Lin Guo. 2007. An
4 An alternative would be Brent oil. However, the WTI is more commonly used internationally. A
comparison of both and one further price is presented in Kang et al. (2009).
page [...] (2005), Empirical Exchange Rate Models
of the Nineties: Are any fit to survive?, Journal of International Money and Finance
24, pp. 1150-1175.
Chinn M.D., LeBlanc, M & O. Coibion (2005), The Predictive [...] Shore (2005), A Monthly Crude Oil Spot Price Forecasting
Model Using Relative Inventories, International Journal of Forecasting 21, pp. 491-
Zamani, M. (2004), An Econometrics Forecasting Model
Johann Strassl u. a.):
Im Rahmen dieses Clusters wurden sowohl interne als auch exter-
ne Projekte durchgeführt. Auf interner Ebene wurde die installierte
Lehr- und Lernplattform für die Hochschule [...] und umgesetzt.
Vergleichbar einem Qualitätsansatz in Unternehmen werden
hierzu nicht nur interne Abläufe und Qualitätsziele betrachtet,
sondern auch Qualitätswirkungen im externen Bereich einbe- [...] Amberg-
Weiden (24.06.2009)
59. Berufung einer neuen Professorin (26.06.2009)
60. HAW International: 660.000,– Euro für Auslandsbeziehun-
gen (01.07.2009)
61. Erfolgreicher Abschluss des
(2005), Empirical Exchange Rate Models of the Nineties: Are any fit to survive?,
Journal of International Money and Finance 24, S. 1150-1175.
Chinn M.D., LeBlanc, M & O. Coibion (2005), The Predictive [...] J. Shore (2005), A Monthly Crude Oil Spot Price Forecasting Model Using Relative Inventories, International
Journal of Forecasting 21, S. 491-501.
Zamani, M. (2004), An Econometrics Forecasting Model [...] demand for the company’s products or services, changes in foreign exchange markets, changes in international and domestic
financial markets and in the competitive environment, and other factors relating
(2005), Empirical Exchange Rate Models of the Nineties: Are any fit to survive?,
Journal of International Money and Finance 24, S. 1150-1175.
Chinn M.D., LeBlanc, M & O. Coibion (2005), The Predictive [...] J. Shore (2005), A Monthly Crude Oil Spot Price Forecasting Model Using Relative Inventories, International
Journal of Forecasting 21, S. 491-501.
Zamani, M. (2004), An Econometrics Forecasting Model [...] demand for the company’s products or services, changes in foreign exchange markets, changes in international and domestic
financial markets and in the competitive environment, and other factors relating
Lahiri und F. Seitz (2000), Interest rate spreads as predictors of
German inflation and business, International Journal of Forecasting, 16, S. 39-58.
Johnson, R.A., and D.W. Wichern (1992): Applied Multivariate