und der rechtsaufsichtlichen Genehmigung durch den Präsidenten.
Amberg, 14.07.2022
Prof. Dr. Clemens Bulitta
Die Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den Bachelor-Studiengang
und der rechtsaufsichtlichen Genehmigung durch den Präsidenten.
Amberg, 14.07.2022
Prof. Dr. Clemens Bulitta
Die erste Satzung zur Änderung der Allgemeine Studien- und Prü
Weiden English 2 weeks, block Summer Semester
Modul Convenor Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Dmytro Antoniuk Prof. Dr. Dmytro Antoniuk
None, this course is on beginner’s level
Project team & contact (current) Project team & contact scientific management Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Loebenberger Contact Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Loebenberger Professor Department of Electrical Engineering
wish you a successful and enjoyable time at our university!
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. med. Clemens Bulitta
OTH Amberg-Weiden, Abt. Amberg Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring [...] the visa for Mr Meghraj Kasalkar as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.
Dr. Annabelle Wolff
Director International Office
OTH Amberg-Weiden
Embassy of the Federal Republic
Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Aßmuth Prof. Dr. A. Aßmuth, Prof. Dr. F. Brunner, Prof. Dr. H. Hofberger,
Prof. Dr. K. Hoffmann
Prerequisites [...] Convenor
Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Aßmuth Prof. Dr. A. Aßmuth, Prof. Dr. F. Brunner, Prof. Dr. H. Hofberger,
Prof. Dr. K. Hoffmann
Prerequisites [...] Module Convenor
Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Aßmuth Prof. Dr. A. Aßmuth, Prof. Dr. F. Brunner, Prof. Dr. H. Hofberger, Prof. Dr. K.
Gründer Ferdinand Aptazy,
Unternehmensberater und Dozenten Prof. Dr. Hermann Raab und Projektkoor-
dinator des Oberpfalz Start-up HUB (O/HUB) Dr. Bastian Vergnon.
Herr Aptazy, wie sind Sie auf die Idee
Sie auch über weitere Einzelheiten zur Prüfungseinsicht informiert.
Prof. Dr. Krämer
(Vors. d. Prüfungskommission)
also be informed about further details regarding the examination
Prof. Dr. Krämer
(Chairman of the Examination Board)
Engineering, Media, Computer Science (EMI)
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23, 92224 Amberg
Vocational Education
Prof. Dr. Mandy Hommel
E-Mail: m.hommel@oth-aw.de
Achtenhagen, F. (2001). Criteria for the
Exercises Innovative learning spaces News and announcements List of publications Project management Prof. Dr. paed. Dipl.-Math. Mike Altieri Vice President for Teaching, Didactics and Digitisation; Vice head [...] language PD Dr. Michael Seidl Research assistant Focus on Mathematics Sarah Klung Staff Focus on German as a foreign and technical language Isabella Strobl Research assistant Focus on media didactics Dr. Wolfgang [...] Phone: +49 (961) 382-1029 Fax: +49 (961) 382-2029 e-mail: s.bach @ oth-aw . de Project coordination Dr. -Ing. Michael Weinmann Project coordinator Focus on university didactics and innovative teaching spaces
online exam review e.g.
BBB in Moodle).
Prof. Dr. Werner Prell (PK-Vorsitzender BU-EN-EZ-UT-PI-UM)
Prof. Joachim Hummich (PK-Vorsitzender KT-MA-MB-MO-IN)
besteht jedoch
nicht. Bei mangelnder Teilnahme könnten einzelne Kurse entfallen.
Prof. Dr. Manfred Beham
Studiengangsleiter WI
here. Your contact persons for the Neumarkt Campus - feel free to contact us! Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Steffen Hamm Contact Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Steffen Hamm Professor Department of Industrial Engineering and
participants … … and as moderator gives a first short insight into the contents of the workshop. Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Math. Altieri welcomes the participants and introduces the project. Ms. Strobl presents the [...] this purpose. Project staff … … and the interested audience … listen to the practical report of Prof. Dr. Schmid, who integrated the self-learning module "Complex Numbers" as module supervisor in the lecture [...] the interested parties present in persona. Thanking for the interest and the lively participation, Prof. Dr. Altieri and Mrs. Dechant-Herrera closed the project meeting. The presentation slides Please click
und der Abschlussdiskussion.
Prof. Dr. Christiane Hellbach Prof. Dr. Sonja Haug
Clustersprecherin stellvertretende
[...] Programm
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Lisa Ranisch, OTH Amberg-Weiden
9:30 Uhr - 9:45 Uhr
Begrüßung durch
Prof. Dr. Christiane Hellbach
Clustersprecherin [...] den
Prof. Dr. Sonja Haug
stellv. Clustersprecherin, OTH Regensburg
9:45 Uhr - 10:00 Uhr
Nachhaltige Produktgestaltung (deutsch)
Prof. Dr. Burkhard Berninger
Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Fabian Brunner Prof. Dr. H. Hofberger, Prof. Dr. A. Aßmuth, Prof. Dr. F. Brunner,
Prof. Dr. K. Hoffmann
Prerequisites [...] Convenor
Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Fabian Brunner Prof. Dr. H. Hofberger, Prof. Dr. A. Aßmuth, Prof. Dr. F. Brunner,
Prof. Dr. K. Hoffmann
Prerequisites [...] Convenor
Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Fabian Brunner Prof. Dr. H. Hofberger, Prof. Dr. A. Aßmuth, Prof. Dr. F. Brunner,
Prof. Dr. K. Hoffmann
Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Fabian Brunner Prof. Dr. H. Hofberger, Prof. Dr. A. Aßmuth, Prof. Dr. F. Brunner,
Prof. Dr. K. Hoffmann
Prerequisites [...] Convenor
Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Fabian Brunner Prof. Dr. H. Hofberger, Prof. Dr. A. Aßmuth, Prof. Dr. F. Brunner,
Prof. Dr. K. Hoffmann
Prerequisites [...] Convenor
Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Fabian Brunner Prof. Dr. H. Hofberger, Prof. Dr. A. Aßmuth, Prof. Dr. F. Brunner,
Prof. Dr. K. Hoffmann
questions, suggestions or would you like to contact us for any other reason? Then contact us! Contact : Prof. Dr. paed. Dipl.-Math. Mike Altieri Phone: +49 (9621) 482-3641 Fax: +49 (9621) 482-4641 E-mail: m.altieri [...] Funding amount: 1.440.000 € Project duration: 01.10.2020 – 30.09.2023 Project management Amberg: Prof. Dr. paed. Dipl.-Math. Mike Altieri East Bavarian University of Technology Amberg-Weiden (Ostbayerische [...] Universität Dortmund, Institut für Entwicklung und Erforschung des Mathematikunterrichts; IEEM), Prof. Dr. Susanne Prediger Cooperation partners: Centre for Teacher Education (Zentrum für Lehrerbildung;
Team (current) Publication Team Amberg Project management Projektleiter Prof. Dr. paed. Dipl.-Math. Mike Altieri Contact Prof. Dr. paed. Dipl.-Math. Mike Altieri page link Zum Profil Schließen Project staff
Development by Prof. Dr. Nadiia Shmygol, Management Department, National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic", Warsaw University of Technology - Communication in IT projects by Prof. Dr. Eng. Sc. Olena [...] infrastructure (online) by As. Prof. PhD. Anzhelika Parkomenko and As. Prof. PhD. Olga Gladkova, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic» - Project Management (online) by As. Prof. PhD. Nataliia Telichko [...] Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» - Financial Management and Sustainable Finances (offline) by Prof. Dr. Nadiia Shmygol , Management Department, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», Warsaw
Project Management
and Agile Methods
Professor / Lecturer Course Content
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Möhring
Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. rer. nat. Theresa Götz
Function, types, contents and processes of conventional [...] project
Business Model Innovation
Professor / Lecturer Course Content
Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl
and international team of lecturers from Haaga-Helia
University of Applied Sciences, H [...] 13
Digital Marketing
and eCommerce
Professor / Lecturer Course Content
Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl The impact of digitalization on marketing and sales - strategy, marketing mix,