5 1. Kronen
2. Hubmann
s. Prüfungsplan GI X s. Prüfungsplan GI
Machine Learning 1
(neue SPO)
5 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
s. Prüfungsplan KI X X X X X X X KL 60 min
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Fakultaeten/WEBIS/Insight/Wintersemester_19_20/Workshop_Ws1920_ToGRunSnail_SarahGo__ltlAnnaPschierer.pdf
pdf:hasXMP true
access_permission:extract_content true [...] uns im Team kann
jeder vorbeischauen und mithelfen – das
Know-how kommt dann getreu dem Motto
„Learning by Doing“ mit der Zeit.“
Technik ohne Grenzen
Ob regional oder in der Ferne –
results, according to which pro-Russian candidate (Viktor Yanukovych) won.
(2009) "Gas war" with Russia: Russia cut off gas to Ukraine, and then ordered a
halt to all gas supplies to the border with Ukraine [...] Refused to continue codesharing
program with Aeroflot [3]
Stopped selling Russian goods at the
retail chain [2]
Decision to stop delivering cars to the
Russia [4]
Decided to suspend chip [...] united to end the war in Ukraine
• We are Ukrainian citizens, who were born to live
in the independent Ukraine.
• We work in the top international firms located in
Ukraine and decided to unite
Lernplattform meet-to-learn:
Neues im Überblick für Studierende
Nachfolgende Informationen geben einen Überblick über zentrale Änderungen in der neuen Versi-
on von meet-to-learn.
Zur Nutzung [...] webOS) erhältlich.
Um auf Ihre Kurse in meet-to-learn mobil zugreifen zu können, müssen Sie nach
der Installation sowie dem Öffnen der App Blackboard Mobile Learn im Suchfeld „Hochschule Am-
berg-Weiden“ [...] sich mit Ihrem meet-to-learn-Account einloggen können.
Mit der für die jeweiligen Besonderheiten von Android-/iOS-/BlackBerry-/webOS-Endgeräten opti-
mierten App Blackboard Mobile Learn ist ein PC-/
Weitere Informationen (z.B. Literatur) werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Seite 3
Management [...] Weitere Informationen (z.B. Literatur) werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Seite 4
Management [...]
Weitere Literatur und Informationen werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Seite 6
theoretical content to give students
time to design and build a prototype. To illustrate the course two student projects are
shown. We want to motivate lecturers to introduce prototyping to courses, since [...] had the chance to build prototypes of their designs. We decided to reduce the scope
of theoretical content (and thus the number of lectures) to give the students time and
resources to really do an individual [...] wooden product for teenagers (up to 16 years). They are
free to decide on the target group for their product. To give a first orientation for the
students, they are motivated to get inspiration from agriculture
accordingly to
Learning foring language
I provide explanations and career guidance for students
we carry out advertising
Not much yet on my side
To make spesial [...] internships abroad give us the opportunity to prepare for these
Activities aimed to familiarize students with local and regional culture
questionnaire, meetings with other students for integrational [...] of the student.
preparatory colleges, individual approach
1st - to help them with language barrier ; 2nd - to help them to become part of students community not only
during study process
Informationen Weitere Literatur und Informationen werden im Unterricht oder im
Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt gegeben.
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Medizintechnik [...] Weitere Informationen und Literaturangaben werden in der Vor-
lesung und im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Medizintechnik [...] Teubner Verlag
Weitere Informationen werden in der Vorlesung oder im Lernma-
nagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt gegeben.
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Medizintechnik
mentoring program?
❖ to have the opportunity to share your experiences with young (future)
researchers and to offer them new perspectives and career paths.
❖ to contribute to enhancing the attractiveness [...] ss of our university and expanding
international partnerships.
❖ to inspire more people for your field of expertise.
❖ to meet new open-minded people and establish new cross-border connections
through [...] mentoring program 'careerSTEPS'?"
❖ Because we value and want to support your talent.
❖ Because you will have the opportunity to learn about what and how experts
work in a specific field and what their
mentoring program?
❖ to have the opportunity to share your experiences with young (future)
researchers and to offer them new perspectives and career paths.
❖ to contribute to enhancing the attractiveness [...] ss of our university and expanding
international partnerships.
❖ to inspire more people for your field of expertise.
❖ to meet new open-minded people and establish new cross-border connections
through [...] mentoring program 'careerSTEPS'?"
❖ Because we value and want to support your talent.
❖ Because you will have the opportunity to learn about what and how experts
work in a specific field and what their
Weitere Literatur und Informationen werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Masterstudiengang Seite 5
Int [...] Weitere Informationen (z.B. Literatur) werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Masterstudiengang Seite 6
Int [...] nen (z.B. Literatur) werden in der Vorlesung,
in den Handouts oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-
learn“ bekannt gegeben.
Modulhandbuch für den Masterstudiengang Seite 10
met prior to enrolling in the course. Students who wish to enrol in
these courses must seek approval to enrol from the Course Coordinator and will be
required to provide evidence of meeting the prerequisite [...] page
Courses to be completed at UniSC:
Courses remaining to be completed at
The courses listed are correct at the time of writing but are subject to
change. Advice should be [...] be sought from Student Central prior to enrolling
in courses.
Developing and Graduate courses (1) 12 units
BUS306 World of Work: Your Pathway to Employment
Major and Elective courses (7) 84 units
: Students gain the ability to act in an interdisciplinary and
interculturally sensitive manner. They have expanded their ability to change perspectives and are able to communicate with
different [...] on the respective offer and the individual learning agreement
• Methodological competence: Depending on the respective offer and the individual learning agreement
• Personal competence (social [...] courses. The course choice is based on the required
competencies and learning objectives, which are agreed on in the individual learning agreement between the student and the supervisor.
The contents
incl. Weighting Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Module work (ModA) Project Work in Groups
50% Presentation, similar to
board presentation at annual
shareholder meeting
50% written report [...] intervention techniques in organisations and are able to use them.
• They are able to work and communicate cooperatively as a team in order to solve a problem in the field of
process management in [...] report, similar to
Management’s discussion and
analysis of financial condition
and results of operations
The group project is used to test the practical learning
content and competence profiles
(lifelong) learning. Our goal is to strengthen this
• We grant responsibility to our students and demand indepen-
dence (in learning and working) as well as a willingness to per-
form. [...] develop-
• We use modern teaching/learning methods to inspire students
through subject expertise and to arouse their curiosity.
• We attach great importance to optimal study conditions. This in-
cludes [...] are committed to diversity-appropriate teaching and learning.
We view and design our content, methods and processes with
this in mind.
• We want to achieve equal opportunities and to this end we sup-
(lifelong) learning. Our goal is to strengthen this
• We grant responsibility to our students and demand indepen-
dence (in learning and working) as well as a willingness to per-
form. [...] develop-
• We use modern teaching/learning methods to inspire students
through subject expertise and to arouse their curiosity.
• We attach great importance to optimal study conditions. This in-
cludes [...] are committed to diversity-appropriate teaching and learning.
We view and design our content, methods and processes with
this in mind.
• We want to achieve equal opportunities and to this end we sup-
Welcome to
Nice to meet
you :)
Getting off
to a perfect start with
your studies at OTH AW
Welcome guide for international students
Flowchart of Content
Welcome to students [...] little checklist of what to pack!
bag for daily use & traveling
Welcome to
Nice to meet
you :)
Getting off
to a perfect start with
your [...]
you intend to stay longer than 90 days. The short stay
visa is also known as a ‘tourist visa’ and is valid for a
period of up to 90 days.
If you are coming to Germany to study, this type
Dozenten und Dozentinnen
Nutzung von unterschiedlichen Lernplattformen
(Moodle, meet-to-learn,...)
Qualität und Anzahl der Tutorien
Angebot und Qualität an Wahlfächern (mehr Kurse, [...] ,...)
Dozenten und Dozentinnen
Nutzung von unterschiedlichen Lernplattformen (Moodle,
Qualität und Anzahl der Tutorien
Angebot und Qualität an Wahlfächern (mehr Kurse, mehr [...] ,...)
Dozenten und Dozentinnen
Nutzung von unterschiedlichen Lernplattformen (Moodle,
Qualität und Anzahl der Tutorien
Angebot und Qualität an Wahlfächern (mehr Kurse, mehr
(Ethik & Nachhaltigkeit,
Interaktion & Meeting)
1. Heckmann
2. Ranisch
--- ÜbL Benotete Pflichtübungen (SPO alt)
Ethik, Kognition & Meeting 1. Heckmann
2. Ranisch
--- Prä SPO neu [...]
Kl 28.01.25
90 min
10.00 Uhr
Machine Learning (SPO alt) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
Machine Learning 1 (SPO neu) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
s. Prüfungsplan BKI Kl 04.02 [...] arrive punctually 30 minutes before the start of the examination in order to be seated in the lecture
hall. The candidates have to bring a valid identity card or passport.
2) Contact with persons other
Feelings of being lost, overlooked, exploited What helps to overcome culture shock ? Learn about the new culture; learn the language Be patient with regard to the adaptation process Maintain contact with your [...] Culture shock is the emotional and physical discomfort one suffers when coming to live at a place different from the place of origin. Culture shock can appear at different times. Symptoms can be: Sadness [...] and accept the new country Set simple goals and evaluate your progress Take up a hobby Go out and meet new people
presented at
the project kick-off and have to be worked on successively.
Each student has to contribute individually to the common task. The
overall results are to be submitted in the form of a pitch video [...] Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, 2018.
A. Géron: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O’Reilly, 2018.
S. Raschka: Machine Learning mit Python: [...] Nachbereitung sowie KI.Meeting)
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Das Modul besteht aus zwei Vorlesungsteilen KI.Ethik und KI.Interaktion sowie einem KI.Meeting
Teil 1: Ethik
on to object-oriented programming,
including an overview of the language syntax and how to develop
simple applications. Students will learn how to write custom classes and
methods, and how to test [...] presented at the project kickoff and are to be worked on
Each student has to contribute individually to the
common task. The overall results are to be submitted
in the group in the form [...] Competence and Self-competence):
• You are also able to present solutions that have been created, to discuss their quality and alternatives and to
reflect on their problem-solving strategy in a technical
You seek to work in an international environment? Multilin-
gual teams and stays abroad are exactly what you want? You
like to know how to professionally move about on global
markets and how to collaborate [...] people from diff erent
countries and cultures? Then, welcome to our International
Business degree program!
The fi rst semesters are designed to provide you with all the
required business administration [...] S, PRACTICE-BASED PROJECTS, GUEST
Aft er your degree, all doors are open to you: with your
specia list knowledge and language skills you will be
You seek to work in an international environment? Multilin-
gual teams and stays abroad are exactly what you want? You
like to know how to professionally move about on global
markets and how to collaborate [...] people from diff erent
countries and cultures? Then, welcome to our International
Business degree program!
The fi rst semesters are designed to provide you with all the
required business administration [...] S, PRACTICE-BASED PROJECTS, GUEST
Aft er your degree, all doors are open to you: with your
specia list knowledge and language skills you will be
• Methodological competence: Getting to know and learning to assess basic business management methods.
• Social competence: Students learn how to convey information clearly, actively listen [...] and regulatory requirements spe-
cific to their industry.
• Methodological Competence: Interns learn to apply theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situ-
ations, enhancing their [...] Business Analytics Capstone • How to ask the right questions of the data, and know how to use data effectively to ad-
dress business challenges • How to make data-driven decisions to real business challenges