free time to explore Germany
Tip for this weekend: Beer festival and Krüglmarkt in Amberg
We'll be happy to give you some more tips on where to go, where to find a good place
to eat, where [...] International Student Club will organize an excursion to Nuremberg. You are very
welcome to join in and come to Nuremberg with them, but will have to pay for your
travel by train.
Thursday [...] weather), it is possible to arrange in advance to rent bicycles from the
international office.
Weiden Spring Festival
Monday, 29.04.2024 Excursion to Regensburg
field of deep
learning on their own, while also learning from the views and approaches of others to further deepen their understanding. Overall, it
helps students to learn not only how to self-organize [...] Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
• F. Chollet: Deep Learning with Python, Manning, 2018. (deutsche Version bei mitp Professional, 2018)
• Géron: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras [...] practical machine learning tools and techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, 2018.
A. Géron: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O'Reilly, 2018.
Raschka: Machine Learning with Python:
A T ?
With guided
exercises and a
survey for personal
H O W ?
Via Google Meet
06 May to 10 May:
every day from
6 pm - 7 pm
8 pm - 9 pm
W H E R E & W H E N ?
R E G I S T E R [...] A S I L Y
One subject hour (1 VPH)
Start the exam phase
with more serenity & Learning
about tools for daily use
W H A T ' S T H E O U T C O M E F O R
Y O U ?
! Please make
a wide range of
learned methods and tools. In addition, students will be able to independently schedule their work and meet
milestones. The ability to objectively assess as well as to reflect on one's [...] tools they have learned. In addition, students will be able to organize their work independently and ad-
here to learning objectives. The ability to objectively assess and reflect on their own strengths and [...] competencies to write a cover letter, revision letter and to manage the review process
• Students can take advantage of the reviewer’s recommendations to improve the manuscript
• Students are able to present
l Management &
Business Ethics
Master‘s Thesis (20 ECTS) & Colloquium (5 ECTS) & Service Learning (5 ECTS)
Summer Semester
(30 ECTS)
Winter Semester
(30 ECTS)
Final Semester
(30 ECTS)
[...] Innovation
= Electives on General Management, Corporate Responsibility & Key Qualifications (subject to change)
Foliennummer 1
guaranteed to be something for every taste. With hopefully the best summer weather, we would be happy to meet you at the campus in Weiden after the official farewell. More information according to the event [...] forward to being able to celebrate your graduation with you again this year. We invite all graduates from the summer semester 2023 and the winter semester 23/24 on Friday, June 21, 2024, from 4 p.m. to the [...] make it to the graduation ceremony on the 21st of june ... ...then we recommend that you register in the OTH Amberg-Weiden alumni portal. Once you have registered, we will be happy to keep you up to date
Last, but not least: Thanks to small student
groups, professors, lecturers and support
3 staff quickly get to know you by name. We
are quickly accessible and try to address any
problems that might [...] how industry
and businesses operate
To be successful, deep
knowledge in engineering or
management is not enough -
interdisciplinarity is key
In addition to knowledge,
further skills are essential: [...] universities
Many elective modules, entrepreneurship
and research projects to realize own
ideas, different study paths to address
different language levels
Understand and apply the necessary
with the subject-specific and linguistic skills to be able to enter the German labour market at the beginning of the practical semester and to be able to complete the third study section partly in German [...] in the applicant portal. Admission Requirements Would you like to apply for the Industrial Engineering degree programme? For admission to the OTH Amberg-Weiden you need 1. University Entrance Qualification [...] Skills Due to the unique profile of the degree programme, the following regulations also apply: - All applicants* must also provide proof of English language proficiency at B2 level according to the Common
with the subject-specific and linguistic skills to be able to enter the German labour market at the beginning of the practical semester and to be able to complete the third study section partly in German [...] passionate about the technology that helps people to live a better life? Are you looking for a diverse role in an international environmen t? Do you want to learn something new every day and enjoy interdisciplinary [...] interdisciplinary collaboration? Have you always wanted to study abroad ? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you've come to the right place! Study with us and find amazing global healthcare
(6) In addition to specialist and methodological skills, the degree programme aims to convey the
joy of learning and the creative application of knowledge, promote the ability to criticise and
reflect [...] language skills in the first two study sections to enable them to enter the
German labour market at the start of the practical semester and to be able to complete the
third study section partly in German [...] divided into
- the first study phase with semesters 1 to 2,
- the second study phase with semesters 3 to 4,
- the third study phase with semesters 5 to 7.
(8) Detailed information on the structure of
against Russia) of the European Council of 2 March 2022, to prohibit to “sell, supply,
transfer or export euro denominated banknotes to Russia or to any natural or legal person, entity or body in Russia [...] goods helped to overcome import limitations set by the government and
started to provide almost everything – from basic food to medications. In addition, traditional supermarkets were also able to re-supply [...] RBZ (IMF,
2009, 8) which were later exchanged for banknotes to meet the rising cash demand by the public due to ever increasing prises. To avoid
an inflation-induced scarcity of cash, however, four
(7) In addition to specialist and methodological skills, the degree programme aims to convey the
joy of learning and the creative application of knowledge, promote the ability to criticise and
reflect [...] language skills in the first two study sections to enable them to enter the
German labour market at the start of the practical semester and to be able to complete the
third study section partly in German [...] skills to complete
annotation annotationTitle Amy De Vour-Schön
annotationContents Convenience Translation
In order to enable students to complete the practical semester and to participate
The requirements vary depending on the course. For a bachelor’s degree, a university entrance qualification is required (Fachabitur, Abitur or professional qualification), for a continuing education M
In contrast to full-time study, self-study, i.e. independent learning from home, takes up a larger proportion of the course. The advantage of this is that students can organize their learning workload according [...] according to their own rhythm, regardless of time and place.
advantages, such as financial independence, as you continue to receive a salary, you can put what you have learned directly into practice and you continue to gain professional experience.
structure Have you always wanted to study abroad ? Do innovation and management, Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things and digitalisation topics interest you? Would you like to know how they are interrelated [...] of electives and thus determine your own specialisation. Whether you want to dig deeper into management or you would prefer to become an automation expert, the choice is yours! Practice-oriented The lectures [...] who have a basic knowledge of the German language (level A2) and want to develop this language skill further, on the other hand, to those who already have German language skills at level B2 or better or
They learn to identify these situations and to appear interculturally competent.
• Personal competence (social competence and self-competence): Students acquire the interdisciplinary ability to perform [...] • In addition to theoretical knowledge, students also acquire the ability to apply process engineering principles in practice, both
independently and in a team.
• They are able to critically analyse [...] interculturality. They learn the theoretical basics
of intercultural communication and understanding.
• Methodological competence: Students are able to apply strategies to improve the handling
A Blended Intensive Programme
Physically 5 days on campus
2 online meetings
Certificate [...] on teaching participants
to enhance customer service and develop
'excellent services' through crash courses and
practical tools. Collaborate in cross-cultural
teams and get to the bottom of the challenge [...] multicultural
Day 1: Arrival international students
Day 2: Ice-breaking, introduction to the challenge
and Service Design, ‘Mystery Shopping, social
activity/leisure time
Day 3: Insights
online meetings
Certificate of attendance
Social and cultural activities in multicultural
Day 1: Arrival international students
Day 2: Ice-breaking, introduction to the [...] Where?
Thomas More Campus National
Kronenburgstraat 62
2000 Antwerp
Join different international students and get
confronted with [...] with real challenges about circular
economy. Thrive in the multicultural
environment and get to know new people.
Enjoy the vibrant city of Antwerp and immerse
yourself in Flemish culture.
Join Thomas More's fourth summer school at
Campus National@Antwerp, Belgium,
embracing the challenge to lower barriers for
minority groups [...]
A Blended Intensive Program
Physically 5 days on campus
2 online meetings
Certificate of attendance
Social and cultural activities in multicultural
Do, 02.05.2024, 16:00 – 18:30 Uhr
Schutzrechte und Recht
Di, 07.05.2024, 16:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Meet Your Mentor
Di, 16.05.2024, 18:30 – 20:30 Uhr
Beginn der Unternehmensphase
Fr, 17.05.2024 00:00 [...] in Präsenz und hybrid statt. Details und kurzfristi-
ge Änderungen zu den Terminen können über E-Learning
(GRIPS „5-Euro-Business“) abgerufen werden.
5-Euro-Business –
Starte durch mit 5 Euro Startkapital
Level II is to teach language and cultural basics. This lays the foundations for a longer stay abroad and for further independent learning. Sufficient communication skills are achieved to communicate in [...] 4 levels. At the OTH Amberg-Weiden, levels I to III are currently offered, depending on the language. The aim of the basic level and UNIcert® - Level I is to acquire basic knowledge as a solid basis for [...] CEFR-B2. UNIcert® - Level III is an advanced level of language competence that allows you to study abroad or to move confidently in a professional environment (recommended mobility level). UNIcert® - Level
the first semester, so that you have clarity at short notice as to whether or not you have to attend the lecture or whether you still have to provide any certificates of achievement. If possible, bring relevant [...] submitted to the study office . The respective lecturers will then check whether the content and scope (credit points or semester hours per week) etc. of the subjects already completed meet the requirements [...] relevant documents (e.g. module handbook from your previous university) with you to enable a comparison (excerpts are also attached to the application).
resilience to power outages, cyberattacks and crises.
• Private monies and systems may contribute to efficiency but are profit-driven, which
limits the extent to which they can contribute to the public [...] cash and, establish rights to access and pay in cash.
The cash infrastructure must be adapted to the needs of cash users, who
otherwise will have no option but to shift to electronic payment alternatives [...] important for people who find it difficult to make ends meet.
• Cash provides tourists and foreign visitors to a country with a certainty about being
able to pay.
In light of these benefits, many
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