electrical efficiency up to 5 % points.
Natural gas is transported under high pressure in order to reduce the volume flow rate. At the
end of the line, high pressure must be reduced to the pressure level [...] generator could recover a portion of the energy which was necessary to bring the gas to the
original high pressure level (Fig 1a).
In addition to that, there is another interesting application that should [...] impulse turbine design are the
ability to process very high pressure ratios per stage and the option to design the turbine stage
with partial admission due to the fact there is no pressure drop across
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] Annual Review of Economics 8, 111-144.
Badarinza, C., J. Campbell & T. Ramadorai (2017), What Calls to ARMs? International
Evidence on Interest Rates and the Choice of Adjustable-Rate Mortgages, Management [...] (2017), Dissecting the Yield Curve: a central bank perspective, welcome remarks at
the annual meeting of the ECB’s Bond Market Contact Group, Frankfurt, 16. May 2017.
Deutsche Bundesbank (2002), Zum
sector are asked to respond to the following question: “How would you assess
the current willingness of banks to extend credit to businesses”? The answers to
choose from are “accommodating” [...] firms.
In this survey firms are asked to give their perception of the current willing-
ness of banks to extend credit to businesses. We interpret the responses to the
credit question as information [...] “one of the crucial issues related to the credit crunch is
the extent to which profitable and viable firms did or did not have access to
finance.” They tried to tackle this problem by looking at the
"My approach to the problem of uncertainty over model selection is relatively simple:
Use a wide variety of models and don‘t ever trust any one of them too much.
But there seems to be much too [...] "uncle asking", relative to econometric
evidence. Skepticism about econometric estimates is one thing, and is highly
appropriate. But healthy skepticism should not be allowed to devolve into
econometric [...] offiziellen Stellungnahmen von Zentralbanken wie "within our
mandate, the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe
me, it will be enough." (Draghi, 2012, bei Ankündigung
"My approach to the problem of uncertainty over model selection is relatively simple:
Use a wide variety of models and don‘t ever trust any one of them too much.
But there seems to be much too [...] "uncle asking", relative to econometric
evidence. Skepticism about econometric estimates is one thing, and is highly
appropriate. But healthy skepticism should not be allowed to devolve into
econometric [...] offiziellen Stellungnahmen von Zentralbanken wie "within our
mandate, the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe
me, it will be enough." (Draghi, 2012, bei Ankündigung
attributed to the normal response of currency holdings to the lowering of interest rates and to
the increase in income from the government stimulus. The remaining 80% may be due to an
increase [...] banknotes in circulation in the period from January 1991 to December 2001
corresponds to the volume of D-Mark banknotes outstanding (converted to euros with the irrevocably fixed
exchange rates of 1 January [...] also report results for the aggregate
currency-to-GDP ratio. The substitution effects with respect to electronic payments are
largely confined to the demand for small denominations. Moreover, they
2006 to
the beginning of 2008 and resulted in a oil price of over USD 140 per barrel. Subsequently,
the oil price fell to below USD 40 by the beginning of 2009, only to rise to levels of up to USD
80 [...] research to determine whether the correlations discovered here are also
to be found in models with monthly or quarterly frequency. Above and beyond that, it is
interesting to investigate to what extent [...] Greek Treasury. Main tasks of the Specialist are to
participate with continuity and efficiency to the governments' securities auctions, to contribute to the efficiency of the secondary market through market
2006 to
the beginning of 2008 and resulted in a oil price of over USD 140 per barrel. Subsequently,
the oil price fell to below USD 40 by the beginning of 2009, only to rise to levels of up to USD
80 [...] research to determine whether the correlations discovered here are also
to be found in models with monthly or quarterly frequency. Above and beyond that, it is
interesting to investigate to what extent [...] Greek Treasury. Main tasks of the Specialist are to
participate with continuity and efficiency to the governments' securities auctions, to contribute to the efficiency of the secondary market through market
24/10/2023 to 09/02/2024
You are invited to submit your abstracts from
24/10/2023 to 12/01/2024
OTH Amberg-Weiden
11. – 13. March 2024
Amberg, Germany
International Meeting
of the STACK
are able to work in a team and apply flexible project management methods.
• You will learn to build partnerships and conduct business negotiations.
• You will be able to present business ideas to investors [...] Everything You Need to Know to Make Your Startup Dreams Come True From Idea to Product to Company
Hardcover. Time travellers books, 2017. 394 р.
Jonikas D. Startup Evolution Curve From Idea to Profitable and [...] Type/Scope incl. Weighting *2)
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Study work:
development of startup
project and strategy of
promotion to the market of
Eastern European country
Columns.Count, r.Rows.Count)
ar = WorksheetFunction.Average(r)
ReDim dd(1 To t + 1)
ReDim h(0 To t + 1)
ReDim reldd(1 To a)
For i = 1 To t
If r(i) < 0 Then
If h(i - 1) = 0 Then h(i) = r(i) Else h(i) = (1 [...] Columns.Count, r.Rows.Count)
ar = WorksheetFunction.Average(r)
ReDim dd(1 To t + 1)
ReDim h(0 To t + 1)
ReDim reldd(1 To n)
For i = 1 To t
If r(i) < 0 Then
If h(i - 1) = 0 Then h(i) = r(i) Else h(i) = (1 [...] = 0
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To t + 1
If h(i) = 0 Then dd(i) = h(i - 1) Else dd(i) = 0
Next i
For i = 1 To n
If Abs(WorksheetFunction.Small(dd, i)) = 0 Then GoTo sprung Else _
reldd(i) = Abs(W
institute within a probit model. We extend the traditional
approach in two directions: First, in addition to individual variables we also take into
account factors derived from principal components analysis [...] e, there are some signs of instabilities in the last few
years, whereas the economic downturn due to the financial market crisis was already
evident in May 2007 in our preferred forecasting model. Since [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF."
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 "Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?"
von Heribert Popp
Sweller, J. (2021). The Modality Principle in Multimedia Learning. In R. E. Mayer & L. Fiorella (Hg.),
The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (3. Aufl., S. 261–267). Cambridge University Press.
[...] 026
Chi, M. T. H., & Wylie, R. (2014). The ICAP Framework: Linking Cognitive Engagement to Active Learning Outcomes.
Educational Psychologist, 49(4), 219–243.
Hattie, J. & Timperley, H. (2007). [...] pictures: A meta-analysis. Learning and
Instruction, 17(6), 722–738.
Fiorella, L., & Mayer, R. E. (2021). Principles for Reducing Extraneous Processing in Multimedia Learning: Coherence,
Tests Language admission requirements FAQ Glossary Virtual University Bavaria We would like to draw your attention to the offer of the Virtual University of Bavaria ( vhb ). The vhb offers students who are [...] can find all the information you need about certificates of achievement, online tutorials and e-learning skills as well as the course programme at http://www.vhb.org/studierende/konzept at the vhb.
prevented to attend the inspection on February
23rd, this must be announced in good time on the bulletin board (Schwarzes
Brett). Students who would like to view their exam then have the opportunity
to request [...] stated. In order to meet deadlines, inspection must be possible within
four calendar weeks from the day the grades are announced.
The agreed appointment must be observed, there is no right to catch up on [...] und Erstkorrektor-
The inspection will take place on Friday, February 23rd, 2024, from 9:00 to
12:00 at the MBUT Faculty with the respective first correctors
2. Sollten Erstkorrektoren
prevented to attend the inspection on August 8th,
this must be announced in good time on the bulletin board (Schwarzes Brett).
Students who would like to view their exam then have the opportunity to
request [...] stated. In order to meet deadlines, inspection must be possible within
four calendar weeks from the day the grades are announced.
The agreed appointment must be observed, there is no right to catch up on [...] und Erstkorrektor-
The inspection will take place on Friday, August 8th, 2024, from 9:00 to 12:00
at the MBUT Faculty with the respective first correctors
2. Sollten Erstkorrektoren
Buchner, J. (2018). How to create Educational Videos: From watching passively to learning actively. R&E-SOURCE.
https://journal.ph-noe.ac.at/index.php/resou [...] • “Interactivity in the context of computer-based multimedia learning is reciprocal activity between a learner
and a multimedia learning system, in which the [re]action of the learner is dependent upon [...]
Mayer, R. E. (2022). Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning. In R. E. Mayer & L. Fiorella (Hrsg.), The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning
(S. 57–72). Cambridge University Press.
Mayring, P
reminders. To be able to
attribute the results to the methods used, a control group was also observed,
which was not given an explicit method.
The results show that all groups were able to reduce their [...] all its forms. The aim of this work is to find out, in
the form of a behavioural-economic correlation, to what extent nudges as
measures increase the willingness to have a COVID-19 vaccination and
whether [...] print true
Author kiram
producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
access_permission:can_modify true
pdf:docinfo:producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
pdf:docinfo:created 2022-09-04T17:00:01Z
regulations to allow the
use of e-portfolios seems inevitable. Our test within the research project is not affected by
2.2 Introducing students to e-portfolios
To introduce e-portfolios to the [...] tion to a course on product design and how the students are introduced to the use of
e-portfolios. We develop a three-step process, that supports i) the preparation of e-portfo-
lios (in advance to the [...] teaching
especially in MINT subjects [2]. Therefore we started to explore how to implement these
personal, user centered online spaces to store data and project progress from student pro-
jects at our
observed that many students do not learn to work independently and to
reflect on their own learning process in high school. Autonomous learning can therefore by no means
be taken for granted as an ability; [...] The analysis of our interviews showed that it is important to create a well-structured introduction to e-
portfolios to allow students to use them successfully. All students mentioned that clear ex [...] and react to feedback.
3.2.2 Flexibility and room for creativity
Another important aspect that the interviewees pointed to was the ability to work in a creative, flexible
way and to show one’s
theoretical content to give students
time to design and build a prototype. To illustrate the course two student projects are
shown. We want to motivate lecturers to introduce prototyping to courses, since [...] had the chance to build prototypes of their designs. We decided to reduce the scope
of theoretical content (and thus the number of lectures) to give the students time and
resources to really do an individual [...] wooden product for teenagers (up to 16 years). They are
free to decide on the target group for their product. To give a first orientation for the
students, they are motivated to get inspiration from agriculture
building C010
Advice and Support
...in crisis situations or when
you simply need someone
to listen to you
Weiden: main building, C011
Amberg: MB/UT E 02
… [...] E07
Weiden main building C011
Advice and Support
… with the organization of studies
... with learning diffi culties
... with time- and self-management
... with the fi nancing of studies
deadlines do I have to meet and am I actually registered for all exams? It's easy to lose track of things during the exam phase. But don't worry, we've put together everything you need to know! On Thursday [...] exam registration), staff from the Student Office and the Study and Career Service will be on hand to answer your questions and dispel any misunderstandings and myths about exam registration and study
against Russia) of the European Council of 2 March 2022, to prohibit to “sell, supply,
transfer or export euro denominated banknotes to Russia or to any natural or legal person, entity or body in Russia [...] goods helped to overcome import limitations set by the government and
started to provide almost everything – from basic food to medications. In addition, traditional supermarkets were also able to re-supply [...] RBZ (IMF,
2009, 8) which were later exchanged for banknotes to meet the rising cash demand by the public due to ever increasing prises. To avoid
an inflation-induced scarcity of cash, however, four
Dozenten und Dozentinnen Nutzung von unterschiedlichen Lernplattformen (Moodle, meet-to-learn,...)
Qualität und Anzahl der Tutorien Angebot und Qualität an Wahlfächern (mehr Kurse, mehr