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the non-financial sectors in the United States on (national and international) output growth (see, e.g.
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“Swiss monetary targeting 1974-1996: the role of internal policy analysis” by G. Rich, June
237 “Growth expectations, capital flows and international risk sharing” by O. Castrén, M. Miller
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the currency of a benchmark country that is either mainly used for internal
transaction purposes or is used in addition for internal hoarding purposes but not demanded by
non-residents, dependent [...] �Swiss monetary targeting 1974-1996: the role of internal policy analysis� by G. Rich,
June 2003.
237 �Growth expectations, capital flows and international risk sharing� by O. Castrén, M. Miller
and R [...] narrowly related to special
characteristics of currency, e.g. its anonymity and secrecy.5 An international comparison of
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an interdisciplinary,
international education in the intersection of information and communication technology,
operational value creation processes and management in international companies and serves [...] realization,
implementation, marketing and procurement processes of digital technologies in
internationally active manufacturing companies and in the service sector, an intercultural
sensitization and [...] principles, methods and tools of
general business administration, business process management, internal and external
accounting, logistics, industrial engineering and digital marketing.
evtl. zweizeiligProf. Dr.-Ing. Werner Prell welcome.ING – dual, international, regional 1
dual – international – regional
Fachkräfte für die Region
Ihre Meinung ist gefragt! [...] Präsentation
evtl. zweizeiligProf. Dr.-Ing. Werner Prell welcome.ING – dual, international, regional 5
International dual Studierende als zusätzliche zukünftige Fachkräfte für die Region [...] Seitenzahl
Titel der Präsentation
evtl. zweizeiligProf. Dr.-Ing. Werner Prell welcome.ING – dual, international, regional 2
Vorstellung welcome.ING
Bevölkerungsentwicklung Bayern
- (Stark) negative
ORC Plants?, 3rd International Seminar on ORC Systems, October 12-14, Brussels,
[6] WEISS A. P.: Der Prüfstand für Druckluftantriebe und – technik, Interner Bericht, OTH
Amberg-Weiden [...] combined with a
micro turbine generator. Occurring electrical load peaks could then be absorbed by the internal
CAES-system, without having to buy expensive peak load electricity from the external provider.
laterales System mit gegenseitigen Interventionsver-
pfl ichtungen. Hier tritt mit der EZB ein international
glaubwürdiger Akteur auf. „Die Erfahrung lehrt, dass
sich der Markt in schwierigen Zeiten vor
decisions of the
FOMC by law. In that sense
they are more or less
Legal basis International law which can only
be changed with unanimity by all
EU member states.
(Simple) law which [...] the agenda.
The EU Treaty and the Statutes of the ESCB are the legal basis. Since this is international
law, it can only be modified with unanimity by all EU member states. In this respect, the [...] explicit nominal anchor (Scheide,
2001, 335). In this way, the expectations of the public and the internal decision process of the
Fed lack a clear orientation. Moreover, the implicit feedback rule is
mit der
Karlheinz Ruckriegel und Franz Seitz 11
Öffentlichkeit, aber auch als interne Richtschnur. Mit ihrer Hilfe soll das Entstehen
von Inflationserwartungen verhindert werden. Im [...] S., Laubach, T., Posen, A.S., Mishkin, F.S. (1999): Inflation Targeting:
Lessons from the International Experience, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Bindseil, U. (2004): The Operational Target
Transformation im Hochschulbereich
erlaubt neue lukrative Geschäftsmodelle, die auch
neue und international tätige privatwirtschaftliche
Anbieter auf den Bildungsmarkt führen und die Wett-
HSK Chinesisch Zertifikat
Das HSK (= 汉语水平考试 Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì) ist eine
international anerkannte standardisierte Prüfung zum Nachweis
chinesischer Sprachkenntnisse und ist mit dem
Labour Market Institutions and Employment Thresholds.
An International Comparison
Gebhard Flaig
Horst Rottmann
Ifo Working Paper No. 15
[...] page
Ifo Working Paper No. 15
Labour Market Institutions and Employment Thresholds.
An International Comparison
This paper deals with the effects to labour market institutions [...]
1 Introduction
Labour market institutions play a key role in explaining international differences in labour market
performance. The most important labour market institutions considered
No. 15 Flaig, G. and H. Rottmann, Labour Market Institutions and Employment Thresholds. An
International Comparison, August 2005.
No. 14 Hülsewig, O., E. Mayer and T. Wollmershäuser
increase in the real wage bill will be even
lower. In addition, price increases reduce the international competitiveness of domestic industry,
which causes a reduction of exports and an increase in
Bank for International Settlements, Basle.Journal of International Money and Finance 19, 2–22.
Stekler, H. O. (1991). Turning point predictions, error, andMishkin, F. S. (1999). International experiences [...] s for the Europeanpredict recessions? The international evidence. Working
Central Bank. European Economic Review 41, 1375–Paper No. 37, Bank for International Settlements, Basle.
1401.Boughton, J. M., [...] 3.02
pdf:docinfo:created 2000-02-15T16:46:14Z
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International Journal of Forecasting 16 (2000) 39–58 locate / ijforecast
Interest rate
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The consequence of
information problems is that external finance is either more costly than internal finance or not
available at all, which may be regarded as an infinitely high cost. Thus, firms [...] firms investment
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funds. So we assume the following function for the change in investment ∆I * for [...] constraints and the interaction term FCi ∆ lnYi of FCi and the
growth rate of sales ∆ lnYi . Internal liquidity is usually measured by cash flow which we do not
have in our data set. We therefore
the Demand for Money in the United Kingdom, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, International Finance Discussion Paper No. 457, Washington
Falk, M., Funke, N (1995), The Stability of Money [...] monetary stimuli. If monetary targets (including their determinants) are not only applied in the internal decision-making process but when these targets are also published, they also act as a means of
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. . 93
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4.2.4 Interner Aufwand der Konsumenten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.2.5 Interne Kosten der Unternehmen . . . . . . . . . . . . [...] EU-16 – 2006 112 Interne Kosten der Unternehmen (ohne Bargeldkosten)
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