Microsoft Word - FLORIDA2005-Kurzweil.DOC
Proceedings: The 15th International Seminar On Double Layer Capacitors,
Deerfield Beach, FL., U.S.A., December 5-7, 2005.
[...] linear relation of differential capacitance and
current I = C dU/dt holds for capacitors with low
internal resistance. Table 2 compiles the theoretical
corrections for equivalent circuits which take
account [...] dc leakage resistance R2
(polarization resistance in parallel) in real
Internal resistance. The voltage drop ∆UR = IR is
determined as the point of intersection between the
Microsoft Word - FLORIDA2005-Kurzweil.DOC
Proceedings: The 15th International Seminar On Double Layer Capacitors,
Deerfield Beach, FL., U.S.A., December 5-7, 2005.
[...] linear relation of differential capacitance and
current I = C dU/dt holds for capacitors with low
internal resistance. Table 2 compiles the theoretical
corrections for equivalent circuits which take
account [...] dc leakage resistance R2
(polarization resistance in parallel) in real
Internal resistance. The voltage drop ∆UR = IR is
determined as the point of intersection between the
Rückblick auf die Studienjahre 2002 – 2004
The 14th International Seminar On Double Layer Capacitors, Deerfield Beach, FL., U.S.A., December 6-8, 2004.
Chronik [...] powerful tool for the characzterization of materials and electrochemical power sources, Proc. 14th
International Seminar on Double Layer Capacitors, Deerfield Beach, FL, U.S.A., December 6-8 (2004).
Labour Market Institutions and Employment Thresholds.
An International Comparison
Gebhard Flaig
Horst Rottmann
Ifo Working Paper No. 15
[...] page
Ifo Working Paper No. 15
Labour Market Institutions and Employment Thresholds.
An International Comparison
This paper deals with the effects to labour market institutions [...]
1 Introduction
Labour market institutions play a key role in explaining international differences in labour market
performance. The most important labour market institutions considered
Seite 4 FH-weltweit
Seite 5 Firmenporträt/
die Reportage
Seite 6 FH-extern
Seite 7 FH-intern
Seite 8 Events
Die Fachhochschule Amberg-Weiden
handelt in den Zeiten von
RF Sensor Technologies,
Principals and Practices; International Wireless Packaging Consortium, Stuttgart, October
18, 2004
- International Wireless Packaging Consortium Congress 2004; 18.-22 [...] umfassen industriellen Partner, For-
schungseinrichtungen, Fachhochschulen
und Universitäten. International sind ins-
besondere die Kontakte nach Brasilien,
Jordanien, China und Ägypten hervorzu- [...]
B. Artikel, Patente, Broschüren) gemacht.
Der Fachbereich war auf verschiedenen
international bedeutenden Messen (z.B. der
Hannover-Messe) vertreten und mehrere
Kollegen fanden in
Seitz (2000), »Interest Rate Spreads as Predictors
of German Inflation and Business Cycles«, International Journal of Fore-
casting 16, 39–58.
Latane, H.A. und R.J. Rendleman (1976), »Standard Deviations
Seitz (2000), »Interest Rate Spreads as Predictors
of German Inflation and Business Cycles«, International Journal of Fore-
casting 16, 39–58.
Latane, H.A. und R.J. Rendleman (1976), »Standard Deviations
Microsoft Word - FLORIDA2004.DOC
Proceedings: The 14th International Seminar On Double Layer Capacitors,
Deerfield Beach, FL., U.S.A., December 6-8, 2004.
ac [...] Standards
IEC 40/1378 and the German translation DIN IEC
62391 [14,15] create a draft international standard of
supercapacitors for use in electronic equipment and
power applications. Essential [...] supercapacitor.
Constant current
Constant resistance
Internal resistance
ac impedance
dc resistance
Self discharge
Leakage current
Robustness of terminations
laterales System mit gegenseitigen Interventionsver-
pfl ichtungen. Hier tritt mit der EZB ein international
glaubwürdiger Akteur auf. „Die Erfahrung lehrt, dass
sich der Markt in schwierigen Zeiten vor
Institutionelle Regelungen spielen eine
herausragende Rolle bei der Erklärung der
international und intertemporal unter-
schiedlichen Entwicklung der Arbeitslo-
senquote (für eine Übersicht
the monthly reports. Furthermore, we have used Bundesbank sources (official
publications and internal briefing documents) to reconstruct the Bundesbank’s real-time
estimates of potential output. [...] in the Bundesbank’s
Annual and Monthly Reports as well as with more detailed information from internal
notes. Table 2 depicts the structure of the data set for potential output.14
The reconstruction [...] of all-German M3 for the first
half of 1991. However, we were able to reconstruct these data from internal sources.
29 There were, however, revisions of the seasonal adjustment factors, but these obviously
Lizondo, J.S., Foreign Direct Investment, in: International Monetary Fund, Determinants and
Systemic Consequences of International Capital Flows, Occasional Paper No. 77,
1991, S. 68-82. [...] in diesem Fall den Bestand an Direktinvestitionen negativ beeinflussen.
Stellen aber die international gehandelten Güter keine perfekten Substitute dar, so ist diese
Argumentationsweise nicht zwingend [...] Arbeitskosten in Deutschland, Datenquelle: U.S. Department of
Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Comparisons of
Hourly Compensation Costs (http://www.bls.gov).
riski,t Relation zwischen
the currency of a benchmark country that is either mainly used for internal
transaction purposes or is used in addition for internal hoarding purposes but not demanded by
non-residents, dependent [...] �Swiss monetary targeting 1974-1996: the role of internal policy analysis� by G. Rich,
June 2003.
237 �Growth expectations, capital flows and international risk sharing� by O. Castrén, M. Miller
and R [...] narrowly related to special
characteristics of currency, e.g. its anonymity and secrecy.5 An international comparison of
currency demand equations including socio-economic factors is presented by Kenny
Electrolytically produced hydrogen offers to reduce harm-
ful exhaust gases of internal combustion engines. All these
applications require a self-regulating electrolyzer, which
works reliably [...] 2, 1992.
[6] H. Funke, G. Tan, SAE Technical Paper Series No. 961371 Pre-
sented at 26th International Conference on Environmental Systems,
Monterey, CA, 8–11 July 1996.
[7] P. Kurzweil, O. Schmid [...] Platinum Met. Rev. 38 (1994) 46–56.
[14] P. Kurzweil, H.-J. Fischle, in: Proceedings of the 11th International
Seminar on Double Layer Capacitors, Deerfield Beach, USA, 3–5
December 2001.
[15] W. Schmickler
1992, 1994,
for Finland and Goodhart and Krueger, 2001, as well as Snellman et al.,
2000, for an international comparison including these countries). This should
be mainly due to the influence of cash-substituting [...] ented monetary policy and the size of the euro currency area may
contribute to a rise in the international demand for euro banknotes for trans-
actions as well as for hoarding purposes over time, especially [...] exchange rate movements as the theoretical model
above suggests. But, as it is known from the international finance literature,
exchange rate movements are to a large extent unpredictable. Furthermore,
multilaterales System mit gegenseitigen Interventionsverpflichtungen.
Hier tritt mit der EZB ein international glaubwürdiger Akteur auf. „Die
Erfahrung lehrt, dass sich der Markt in schwierigen Zeiten vor
In: International Trade Journal, Vol. 17 (2003), S. 165 - 176.
Haucap, J./Wey, C./Barmbold, J.: Location Costs, Product Quality and Implicit Franchise Contracts.
In: Journal of International Economics [...] Credibility Problem of an Honest Government: A
Case for Foreign Investment Subsidy. In: Review of International Economics, Vol. 7 (1999), S.
625 - 631.
Rodrik, D.: Has Globalization Gone too Far? Washington
“Swiss monetary targeting 1974-1996: the role of internal policy analysis” by G. Rich, June
237 “Growth expectations, capital flows and international risk sharing” by O. Castrén, M. Miller
and R. [...] Inflation?,
Bank of England Working Paper No. 152, February 2002.
Berk, J.M., Bikker, J.A. (1995): International Interdependence of Business Cycles in the
Manufacturing Industry: The Use of Leading Indicators [...] Leybourne, S.J., and P. Newbold (1997): Testing the Equality of Prediction Mean
Squared Errors, International Journal of Forecasting, 13, pp. 281-291.
Holman, J.A. (1998): GMM Estimation of a Money-in
gung. Eine empirische Untersuchung auf der Basis des ifo Unternehmenspanels. Center for
International Labor Economics, Universtät Konstanz, Diskussionspapier 33.
1980-1992 - Einige Ergebnisse einer Verknüpfung der Umfragen des ifo Instituts, in: Cen-
ter for International Labor Economics, Diskussionspapier Nr. 32, Universität Konstanz 1996. Eine Ver-
knüpfung der Umfragen
increase in the real wage bill will be even
lower. In addition, price increases reduce the international competitiveness of domestic industry,
which causes a reduction of exports and an increase in
Theoretical Model and an
Empirical Application for West-German Manufacturing Firms. Center for International
Labor Economics, Universtät Konstanz, Diskussionspapier 37.
SMOLNY, Werner [...] Beschäfti-
gung. Eine empirische Untersuchung auf der Basis des ifo Unternehmenspanels. Center for
International Labor Economics, Universtät Konstanz, Diskussionspapier 33.
The consequence of
information problems is that external finance is either more costly than internal finance or not
available at all, which may be regarded as an infinitely high cost. Thus, firms [...] firms investment
does not only depend on expected profitability but also on the availability of internally generated
funds. So we assume the following function for the change in investment ∆I * for [...] constraints and the interaction term FCi ∆ lnYi of FCi and the
growth rate of sales ∆ lnYi . Internal liquidity is usually measured by cash flow which we do not
have in our data set. We therefore
/ LAUBACH, T. / MISHKIN, F.S. / POSEN, A.S. (1999): Inflation Targeting – Lessons
from the International Experience, Princeton.
BERNANKE, B. / MISHKIN, F. (1992): Central Bank Behavior and the Strategy [...] Bundesbank and ECB
Monetary Policy Rules, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, International Fi-
nance Discussion Papers No. 705, http://www.federalreserve.gov, Mai 2002.
FEDERAL RESERVE [...] Monetary Policy: Some Implic a-
tions for Europe, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, International Finance Dis-
cussion Papers No. 721, http://www.federalreserve.gov, Mai 2002.