user-friendly and up-to-date information on the institution’s learning environment that should be
available to students before the mobility period and throughout their studies to enable them to make the right [...] ools/isced-f_en.htm should be used to
find the ISCED 2013 detailed field of education and training that is closest to the subject of the degree to be awarded to the student by
the Sending Institution [...] Sending Institution: an academic who has the authority to approve the Learning Agreement, to
exceptionally amend it when it is needed, as well as to guarantee full recognition of such programme on behalf
Welcome to
Nice to meet
you :)
Getting off
to a perfect start with
your studies at OTH AW
Welcome guide for international students
Flowchart of Content
Welcome to students [...] little checklist of what to pack!
bag for daily use & traveling
Welcome to
Nice to meet
you :)
Getting off
to a perfect start with
your [...]
you intend to stay longer than 90 days. The short stay
visa is also known as a ‘tourist visa’ and is valid for a
period of up to 90 days.
If you are coming to Germany to study, this type
Your perfect start to study at OTH-AW - 6mm.indd
Welcome to
Nice to meet
you :)
Getting off
to a perfect start with
your studies [...] little checklist of what to pack!
bag for daily use & traveling
Welcome to
Nice to meet
you :)
Getting off
to a perfect start with
your [...]
you intend to stay longer than 90 days. The short stay
visa is also known as a ‘tourist visa’ and is valid for a
period of up to 90 days.
If you are coming to Germany to study, this type
x x
1 X Künstliche Intelligenz x x x
1 M KI.11 Künstliche Intelligenz.1 (KI.Ethik, Interaktion & Meeting) 5 5 SU/Ü, Pr ÜbL x x x
1 X Programmieren & Informatik x x x
1 M KI.12 Programmieren.1 (Python) 5 [...] 30 37 x x x
2 X Künstliche Intelligenz x x x
2 M KI.21 Künstliche Intelligenz.2 (Klassische KI & Meeting) 5 5 SU/Ü ÜbL x x x
2 X Programmieren & Informatik x x x
2 M KI.22 Programmieren.2 (C & C++) 5 5 [...] 60 o o x
4 Semester 4 (Sommer) 30 26 x x x
4 X Künstliche Intelligenz x x x
4 M KI.41 Machine Learning 5 4 SU/Ü, Pr ÜbL x x x
4 M KI.42 Computer Vision 1 5 4 SU/Ü, Pr Kl 90 x x x
4 X Programmieren &
really worth it. At this moment I wouldn‘t like
to be anywhere but here. I‘m so happy to be here that I see every problem as an opportunity to grow and to learn. And
the OTH is a great place for your semester [...] and being able to use the library at any moment. Weiden is a nice place to
be, with cozy cafés and restaurants and very friendly people. Dare to speak German and everybody will be ready to help
you.“ [...] student who faced lots of problems before
coming, I‘d suggest to new incoming students not to worry because everything will work out and to compromise if need-
ed but never give up. The only thing you can
study at the OTH to use the 24 h library. However, we welcome you to study at the library during our opening hours. If you like, you can also get a free library card which permits you to use most of our [...] our services. If you would like to learn more, click here or, if you have questions that have not yet been answered, please contact the library staff ! We are glad to help!
study at the OTH to use the 24 h library. However, we welcome you to study at the library during our opening hours. If you like, you can also get a free library card which permits you to use most of our [...] our services. If you would like to learn more, click here or, if you have questions that have not yet been answered, please contact the library staff ! We are glad to help!
Rollen, Artefakte und Meetings in ei-
nem Scrum-Projekt und sind in der Lage, diese Rollen auszufüllen
bzw. Artefakte zu erstellen und konstruktiv und zielführend sich in
Meetings zu verhalten.
sind [...] Yiu, j.: The Definite Guide to ARM Cotex M3., Newnes
Lewis, D. W.: Fundamentals of Embedded Software with the ARM Cortex M3,
Trevor, M.: The Designer‘s Guide to the Cortex-M Processor Family [...] schreiben und einen Lebenslauf verfassen.
kennen Standardsätze für Diskussionen (z. B. in Meetings), Telefonie-
ren und Präsentieren.
können technische Komponenten anhand von Beschreibungen
Rollen, Artefakte und Meetings in ei-
nem Scrum-Projekt und sind in der Lage, diese Rollen auszufüllen
bzw. Artefakte zu erstellen und konstruktiv und zielführend sich in
Meetings zu verhalten.
sind [...] Yiu, j.: The Definite Guide to ARM Cotex M3., Newnes
Lewis, D. W.: Fundamentals of Embedded Software with the ARM Cortex M3,
Trevor, M.: The Designer‘s Guide to the Cortex-M Processor Family [...] schreiben und einen Lebenslauf verfassen.
kennen Standardsätze für Diskussionen (z. B. in Meetings), Telefonie-
ren und Präsentieren.
können technische Komponenten anhand von Beschreibungen
you have to meet during your studies. The first one is the the application deadline. If you click here and then press the orange button "Hier geht es direkt zur Bewerbung", you will be guided to another [...] lectures. This deadline changes yearly and depends on the the study program you are in. You also have to meet several deadlines during your studies, for example re-registration, registration for examinations [...] another site with all the application deadlines and information as to whether the application is still open or already closed. You can also look up the application periods here . The next deadline is the imm
Dear Students, prof. Fabian Liedl is offering excursions to BHS in Weiherhammer (15.11.) and ZMS in Schwandorf (22.11.). An exciting program awaits the participants on both days: an exclusive tour of the [...] the respective company, a presentation from a company representative and the opportunity to speak directly with the HR department about entry opportunities and careers during an HR session. The excursions [...] free of charge. The bus starts on November 15th at 8:15 a.m. and on November 22nd at 8:30 a.m. The meeting point is outside the OTH cafeteria. The return is planned for around 12:00 p.m. You can register
will have the opportunity to interact directly with the company representatives. Prof. Liedl will meet you at 08:20 in front of the OTH canteen and take the bus from the OTH to ZMS. You will arrive back [...] Dear students, on Friday, 29-11-2024, an excursion to ZMS (waste recycling association) in Schwandorf will take place. You can expect a company tour and a presentation on sustainability. As with the other
Excursion to pilsen
LEISURE [...] 2024-02-23T10:37:54Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.4
xmp:CreatorTool Canva
pdf:docinfo:title Excursion to pilsen
stream_content_type application/pdf
pdf:hasXFA false
Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, 2018.
A. Géron: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O’Reilly, 2019.
S. Raschka: Machine Learning mit Python [...] Verfahren des Supervised und des Unsupervised Learning
• Implementierung und Anwendung von Machine Learning-Methoden in einer Software-Bibliothek (z.B. Scikit-learn)
Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching [...] TensorFlow 2 und Scikit-learn: das Praxis-Handbuch für Data Science, Deep Learning und
Predictive Analytics, mitp-Verlag, 2021.
C. M. Bishop: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer Verlag, 2016
5 1. Kronen
2. Hubmann
s. Prüfungsplan GI X s. Prüfungsplan GI
Machine Learning 1
(neue SPO)
5 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
s. Prüfungsplan KI X X X X X X X KL 60 min
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Fakultaeten/WEBIS/Insight/Wintersemester_19_20/Workshop_Ws1920_ToGRunSnail_SarahGo__ltlAnnaPschierer.pdf
pdf:hasXMP true
access_permission:extract_content true [...] uns im Team kann
jeder vorbeischauen und mithelfen – das
Know-how kommt dann getreu dem Motto
„Learning by Doing“ mit der Zeit.“
Technik ohne Grenzen
Ob regional oder in der Ferne –
results, according to which pro-Russian candidate (Viktor Yanukovych) won.
(2009) "Gas war" with Russia: Russia cut off gas to Ukraine, and then ordered a
halt to all gas supplies to the border with Ukraine [...] Refused to continue codesharing
program with Aeroflot [3]
Stopped selling Russian goods at the
retail chain [2]
Decision to stop delivering cars to the
Russia [4]
Decided to suspend chip [...] united to end the war in Ukraine
• We are Ukrainian citizens, who were born to live
in the independent Ukraine.
• We work in the top international firms located in
Ukraine and decided to unite
Lernplattform meet-to-learn:
Neues im Überblick für Studierende
Nachfolgende Informationen geben einen Überblick über zentrale Änderungen in der neuen Versi-
on von meet-to-learn.
Zur Nutzung [...] webOS) erhältlich.
Um auf Ihre Kurse in meet-to-learn mobil zugreifen zu können, müssen Sie nach
der Installation sowie dem Öffnen der App Blackboard Mobile Learn im Suchfeld „Hochschule Am-
berg-Weiden“ [...] sich mit Ihrem meet-to-learn-Account einloggen können.
Mit der für die jeweiligen Besonderheiten von Android-/iOS-/BlackBerry-/webOS-Endgeräten opti-
mierten App Blackboard Mobile Learn ist ein PC-/
Weitere Informationen (z.B. Literatur) werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Seite 3
Management [...] Weitere Informationen (z.B. Literatur) werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Seite 4
Management [...]
Weitere Literatur und Informationen werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Seite 6
theoretical content to give students
time to design and build a prototype. To illustrate the course two student projects are
shown. We want to motivate lecturers to introduce prototyping to courses, since [...] had the chance to build prototypes of their designs. We decided to reduce the scope
of theoretical content (and thus the number of lectures) to give the students time and
resources to really do an individual [...] wooden product for teenagers (up to 16 years). They are
free to decide on the target group for their product. To give a first orientation for the
students, they are motivated to get inspiration from agriculture
accordingly to
Learning foring language
I provide explanations and career guidance for students
we carry out advertising
Not much yet on my side
To make spesial [...] internships abroad give us the opportunity to prepare for these
Activities aimed to familiarize students with local and regional culture
questionnaire, meetings with other students for integrational [...] of the student.
preparatory colleges, individual approach
1st - to help them with language barrier ; 2nd - to help them to become part of students community not only
during study process
Informationen Weitere Literatur und Informationen werden im Unterricht oder im
Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt gegeben.
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Medizintechnik [...] Weitere Informationen und Literaturangaben werden in der Vor-
lesung und im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Medizintechnik [...] Teubner Verlag
Weitere Informationen werden in der Vorlesung oder im Lernma-
nagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt gegeben.
Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Medizintechnik
mentoring program?
❖ to have the opportunity to share your experiences with young (future)
researchers and to offer them new perspectives and career paths.
❖ to contribute to enhancing the attractiveness [...] ss of our university and expanding
international partnerships.
❖ to inspire more people for your field of expertise.
❖ to meet new open-minded people and establish new cross-border connections
through [...] mentoring program 'careerSTEPS'?"
❖ Because we value and want to support your talent.
❖ Because you will have the opportunity to learn about what and how experts
work in a specific field and what their
mentoring program?
❖ to have the opportunity to share your experiences with young (future)
researchers and to offer them new perspectives and career paths.
❖ to contribute to enhancing the attractiveness [...] ss of our university and expanding
international partnerships.
❖ to inspire more people for your field of expertise.
❖ to meet new open-minded people and establish new cross-border connections
through [...] mentoring program 'careerSTEPS'?"
❖ Because we value and want to support your talent.
❖ Because you will have the opportunity to learn about what and how experts
work in a specific field and what their
Weitere Literatur und Informationen werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Masterstudiengang Seite 5
Int [...] Weitere Informationen (z.B. Literatur) werden in der Vorlesung
oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-learn“ bekannt
Modulhandbuch für den Masterstudiengang Seite 6
Int [...] nen (z.B. Literatur) werden in der Vorlesung,
in den Handouts oder im Lernmanagementsystem „meet-to-
learn“ bekannt gegeben.
Modulhandbuch für den Masterstudiengang Seite 10