higher education for engineers: Lessons learned.
SIG: Mathe digital
▪ OK!Thermo: OER Learning Tool for Thermodynamics
▪ Lerninseln Digital - Modern learning materials for engineering mathematics [...] Statistics Learning through Automated STACK Testing
▪ An outline of achievements in integrating STACK to Undergraduate Mathematics Education in AfricaAn outline of achievements in integrating
STACK to Und [...] Lunch break
▪ A model for STACK internships to promote STACK adoption in
African universities
▪ Empowering African STEM Education: A Journey from Intern to Key
STACK Contributor
▪ STACK Empowering
disposable income is to be understood as an approximation. In a
liquidity analysis, it would be more appropriate to use income adjusted for taxes and
transfers as a starting point, but not to deduct imputed [...] calculated according to equation (4). It becomes obvious that the time-
dependent burden ratio over the term of the mortgage reacts to a
change in the inflation rate ( ) and to a change in the monetary [...] burden switches from positive to negative values
compared to the scenario of price stability (base scenario).
Four scenarios are considered. The impact of inflation to the mortgage
interest rate
building C010
Advice and Support
...in crisis situations or when
you simply need someone
to listen to you
Weiden: main building, C011
Amberg: MB/UT E 02
… [...] E07
Weiden main building C011
Advice and Support
… with the organization of studies
... with learning diffi culties
... with time- and self-management
... with the fi nancing of studies
building C010
Advice and Support
...in crisis situations or when
you simply need someone
to listen to you
Weiden: main building, C011
Amberg: MB/UT E 02
… [...] E07
Weiden main building C011
Advice and Support
… with the organization of studies
... with learning diffi culties
... with time- and self-management
... with the fi nancing of studies
building C010
Advice and Support
...in crisis situations or when
you simply need someone
to listen to you
Weiden: main building, C011
Amberg: MB/UT E 02
… [...] E07
Weiden main building C011
Advice and Support
… with the organization of studies
... with learning diffi culties
... with time- and self-management
... with the fi nancing of studies
Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors, Newnes, 2013
D. W. Lewis: Fundamentals of Embedded Software with the ARM Cortex-M3, Pearson, 2012
M. Trevor: The Designer’s Guide to the Cortex-M [...] Kontaktstudium: 60 h (4 SWS)
Eigenstudium: 90 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden [...] ung des Präsenzunterrichts
und Projektarbeit)
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden
Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors, Newnes, 2013
D. W. Lewis: Fundamentals of Embedded Software with the ARM Cortex-M3, Pearson, 2012
M. Trevor: The Designer’s Guide to the Cortex-M [...] Kontaktstudium: 60 h (4 SWS)
Eigenstudium: 90 h
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden [...] ung des Präsenzunterrichts
und Projektarbeit)
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Nach dem erfolgreichen Absolvieren des Moduls verfügen die Studierenden über die folgenden
To reflect the shift to future workplace trends, the curriculum
needs to be adjusted. Similarly, to successfully make the
transition into a highly digitalized workplace, it is essential
to explain [...] and techno-
logical skills on their ability to obtain work in the future;
ultimately, we decided to research this issue to gain better
insights. According to the American Psychological Associ-
ation [1] [...] an impact in the years to come [11].
Future workplace design concepts are already beginning to
take shape [10]. To be ready for the changes that will occur,
it is essential to understand how these megatrends
multiple-choice questions to
display images instead of text.
• Randomly shuffling schedules during each iteration.
• Identifying the correct answer corresponding to the
graph in Sections [...] ion(ta);
Part 2.2
TTK UAS Research Problem
The challenge arises due to the limited contact hours
available to lecturers for an in-depth study of classical
theoretical distributions of [...] of random variables. This
necessitates the exploration of alternative methods to
enable students to thoroughly grasp and reinforce the
curriculum of the statistics subject, while also monitoring
and randomised
exercises to improve understanding of lecture materials
2. Homework questions
to test understanding of lecture materials
students need 60% of points to participate in the final exam [...] 2024-03-06T19:54:36Z
Lerninseln Digital - Modern Learning Materials for Engineering Mathematics
Lerninseln Digital -
Modern Learning
Materials for Engineering
Sandra [...] offered by TU Berlin with up to 3000
students from 30 majors in the winter term
3 lectures per week, 43 in total,31 of which
Calculus and 12 Linear Algebra
in addition to the lecture, an optional
"Bottlenecks" identified
− "Decoding the Disciplines" interviews
carried out
− To Do: derive appropriate exercises
− To Do: Derive "Design Patterns"/
"Best Practice Examples" and make them
available [...]
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Forschung/Forschungsprojekte/IdeaL/OK_Thermo__OER_Learning_Tool_for_Thermodynamics_Poster.pdf
Author Wormland, Andreas
producer Microsoft® PowerPoint® [...] exercises defined and
in test phase
− Testing the procedure for quality
management & versioning
− To Do: Test collaboration when creating
new exercises and using exercises in
teaching across module
Similar regulations apply to studies leading to a Staatsprüfung. The level of
qualification is equivalent to the Master level.
- Integrated studies at Universitäten (U) last 4 to 5 years (Diplom degree [...] tation of Programmes and Degrees
To ensure quality and comparability of qualifications, the organization of studies and general degree requirements have to conform to
principles and regulations established [...] credits corresponding to
one semester.
8.4.1 Bachelor
Bachelor degree study programmes lay the academic foundations, provide methodological skills and lead to qualifications
related to the professional
science and the machine learning domain
• Understanding some of the most widely used machine learning methods
• Being able to implement a machine learning pipeline in order to solve real world problems [...] Voraussetzungen*
This course is an introduction to ML. There is no need to have any prior knowledge about machine learning
*Hinweis: Beachten Sie auch die Voraussetzungen nach Prüf [...] limited to
linear regression and classification, Support vector machines and Deep neural networks.
3) Introduction to Python programming for data science.
4) Applying machine learning models on
science and the machine learning domain
• Understanding some of the most widely used machine learning methods
• Being able to implement a machine learning pipeline in order to solve real world problems [...] Voraussetzungen*
This course is an introduction to ML. There is no need to have any prior knowledge about machine learning
*Hinweis: Beachten Sie auch die Voraussetzungen nach Prüf [...] limited to
linear regression and classification, Support vector machines and Deep neural networks.
3) Introduction to Python programming for data science.
4) Applying machine learning models on
Excursion to pilsen
LEISURE [...] 2024-02-23T10:37:54Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.4
xmp:CreatorTool Canva
pdf:docinfo:title Excursion to pilsen
stream_content_type application/pdf
pdf:hasXFA false
introduction to object-oriented programming, including an overview of the language syntax and how to develop simple
applications. Students will learn how to write custom classes and methods, and how to test their [...]
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Module work (ModA)
Project Work in Groups
-Details to follow-
The group project is used to test the practical learning content
and [...]
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Module work (ModA)
Project Work in Groups
50% Presentation, similar to board
presentation at annual shareholder meeting
50% written
introduction to object-oriented programming, including an overview of the language syntax and how to develop simple
applications. Students will learn how to write custom classes and methods, and how to test their [...]
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Module work (ModA)
Project Work in Groups
-Details to follow-
The group project is used to test the practical learning content
and [...]
Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Module work (ModA)
Project Work in Groups
50% Presentation, similar to board
presentation at annual shareholder meeting
50% written
incl. Weighting Learning Objectives/Competencies to be Assessed
Module work (ModA) Project Work in Groups
50% Presentation, similar to
board presentation at annual
shareholder meeting
50% written report [...] intervention techniques in organisations and are able to use them.
• They are able to work and communicate cooperatively as a team in order to solve a problem in the field of
process management in [...] report, similar to
Management’s discussion and
analysis of financial condition
and results of operations
The group project is used to test the practical learning
content and competence profiles
down to the button “To Payment (ePayment)” in order to pay the student union fee (72 Euros) and the
semester ticket (90 Euros) amounting to 162 Euros.
Note: It may take up to one week for the [...] -programmes/. There you will also find the right person to contact
with your questions.
According to the legal provisions, we have to inform you that the notification of admission must be revoked [...] term due to a delay in the visa
process, his/her enrolment will not be cancelled, but it is imperative that he/she can come to Germany
and start studying on campus as soon as possible, in order to limit
staff acquisition Contact Terms of use OTH Professional – Your training institute Lifelong learning is the key to sustainable success. At a time when the knowledge available worldwide is growing very quickly [...] further education modules, certificates or a complete Master's degree course alongside your career. Mail to OTH Professional
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] decisions in Germany and discuss them in their international contexts.
Concrete examples are ment to explain economical problems and chances in one.
Within the analysis, Schulte and Wörster pay [...] betrieblicher Altersversorgung für den GGF.“
von Thomas Dommermuth
9 „Zur Entwicklung von E-Learning an bayerischen Fachhochschulen-
Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Einsatz?“
von Heribert Popp und
not want to
travel a longer distance to get to the next Farmer`s Market, where they could buy sea-
sonal, fresh vegetables and fruits for example. Initiatives to shift the marketplace to loca-
[...] heavily improved to be more ethical and environmentally friendly. To
my mind, it shows that our society, especially the authorities, have learned from the
past mistakes and started to work together [...] resemble different kinds of solid waste that used to be a big problem.
However, I see it as a metaphor for learning how to cope with waste and how to make
the best of it within the framework of the
• Students will learn the elementary skills to implement basic algorithms in an object-oriented software
development environment.
Methodological Skills:
• Students can use UML to create a static class [...] Competence and Self-competence):
• Students are also able to present solutions that have been created, to discuss their quality and alternatives
and to reflect on their problem-solving strategy in a technical [...] intervention techniques in organisations and are able to use them.
• They are able to work and communicate cooperatively as a team in order to solve a problem in the field of
process management in
companies with higher ESG
scores were more likely to leave Russia. This seems to justify the high ethical standards
attributed to such stocks, leading to the aforementioned protective effect.
So did [...] for the economic ties to Russia and
Ukraine has to be considered. After all, the degree of economic dependency to Russia
5. When using characteristics that are related to the social pillar of ESG [...] the risk-return
patterns of stocks.1 To achieve this, it is essential to gain a deeper understanding of
the risk-return patterns, with particular attention to tail-risks and their interconnec-
Machine Learning mit Scikit-Learn, Keras und TensorFlow“, O'Reilly; 2. Edition (2020)
Bishop, C.M.: „Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning“, Springer (2006)
Chollet, F.: „Deep Learning with Python“ [...] Seite 66 von 86
4.1.3 Machine Learning for Engineers – Einführung in Methoden und Werkzeuge
Machine Learning for Engineers – Introduction to Methods ans Tools
Zuordnung zum
Curriculum [...] verschiedener Algorithmen des
Machine Learning.
• Methodenkompetenz:
Die Studierenden sind befähigt, verschiedene Verfahren des Machine Learnings praktisch anzugehen und die Ergebnisse zu