Professor Department of Industrial Engineering and Healthcare
Telefon: +49 (961) 382-1715
Fax: +49 (961) 382-2715
Lehrgebiet(e): Point-of-care und Molekulare Diagnostik (ME), Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen (PA), Mikrobiologie und Hygiene (PA), In-vitro Diagnostik und Pharma (MZ), Hygiene und Reinraumtechnik (ME), Diagnostische Systeme (PA), Microbiology (IME), Research and Evalu
Hygienisches Design von Medizinprodukten, antimikrobielle Oberflächentechnologien, Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten, Infektionskontrolle mittels raumlufttechnischer Anlagen im OP
Zum Profil
Akademischer Verlag
• Evans Eric, Domain-Driven Design, Addison-Wesley
• Larman Craig, Applying UML and Patterns. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall
• Meyer Bertrand, Object-Oriented [...] 2020-10-25 (Heckmann):
Modulhandbuch „Künstliche Intelligenz – International“ integriert
Neus Design für das Inhaltsverzeichnis
Überarbeitung 2020-11-17 (Heckmann):
Anmerkungen des Peer-Reviews [...] können
statische Web-Seiten mit den Web-Standardtechnologien erstellen. Sie können mithilfe von Screen-Design-Tools Entwürfe
von Webseiten erstellen, die Grafiken und sonstige audiovisuelle Medien für die V
date 2024-10-10T13:38:12Z
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analysis and system design
• Notation in UML
• Relational database systems and their application
• Development of a relational schema
• Basics of SQL-queries
• Exercises in designing and using an exemplary [...] Applied research design process
• Critical evaluation of published research
• Objectivity, validity and reliability
• Quantitative and qualitative research strategies
• Questionnaire design
• Observation [...] School on Lowering Barriers for Minority Groups in Retail 41
International Winter Week on Service Design 42
KREA Spring School 43
International Summer School on Sustainability
§ 8 Program counseling
Students who have not earned at least the number of ECTS credits designated for the first semester
of study at the end of the second semester of study should see the faculty
y Heigl semesterbegleitender Leistungsnachweis 1S, 2
DTM International Winter Week on Service Design Heigl semesterbegleitender Leistungsnachweis
DTM KREA Spring School Heigl semesterbegleitender
analysis and system design
• Notation in UML
• Relational database systems and their application
• Development of a relational schema
• Basics of SQL-queries
• Exercises in designing and using an exemplary [...] Applied research design process
• Critical evaluation of published research
• Objectivity, validity and reliability
• Quantitative and qualitative research strategies
• Questionnaire design
• Observation [...] School on Lowering Barriers for Minority Groups in Retail 38
International Winter Week on Service Design 39
KREA Spring School 40
International Summer School on Sustainability 41
date 2022-08-24T12:06:14Z
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2022-08-24T12:06:14Z [...] given algorithm into a procedural program.
Methodological Skills:
• You are able to analyse and design an application using OO methods
• You can use step-by-step refinement to break down a problem into
Adobe InDesign 15.0 (Windows)
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system analysis and
system design
Notation in UML
Relational database systems and their application
Development of a relational schema
Basics of SQL-queries
Exercises in designing and using a exemplary [...]
date 2023-02-16T15:09:20Z
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from English Moscow: Alpina Publisher,
2014. 368 p.
– Brown T. Design thinking in business. From developing new products to designing business models. Transl. from Engl. Moscow:
Mann, Ivanov and Ferber [...] software needed to develop ES and can make a basic design as applied to IoT sensors and
embedded controllers.
Student understands what constitutes IoT design solution and can explain the component parts [...] .
Evaluate a product's value chain in relation to achieving sustainable development goals.
Design the product life cycle according to the circular economy principles.
Make an integrated assessment
• Evaluate a product's value chain in relation to achieving sustainable development goals.
• Design the product life cycle according to the circular economy principles.
• Make an integrated assessment [...] solve the communication problem.
• Student can plan the IT project argumentation.
• Student can design a presentation that will be in the stakeholder’s mind.
Methodological Skills:
• Student
date 2024-11-04T14:37:32Z
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date 2024-11-04T14:01:49Z
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- create simple designs as 3D MCAD models
- clarify the requirements of a design task with a team, derive their own tasks and explain them
- explain the dynamic aspects of a design in teamwork
Course [...] requirements creation, design engineering, user experience and software
development. For this purpose, the complete design task is carried out with the help of a CAD tool.
A design task and the workload [...] to abstract design tasks (functional analysis) and develop and evaluate various possible solutions (conception)
- acquire the ability to dimension and design complex machine parts (design)
- create designs
Akademischer Verlag
Evans Eric, Domain-Driven Design, Addison-Wesley
Larman Craig, Applying UML and Patterns. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall
Meyer Bertrand, Object-Oriented [...] Fachkompetenz genannten
Lernziele. s.o.
Design und Produktion digitaler Medien
Design and Production of Digital Media
Zuordnung zum
Classification [...] ik ........................................................................................ 44
Design und Produktion digitaler Medien ................................................... 45
electives like Robotics, IoT Technology or
Digital Image Processing.4 of 13
2 of 6
3 of 9
Design your own study programme
OTH Amberg-Weiden – Industrial Engineering - Prof. Dr. Kris Dalm
date 2022-02-03T10:29:08Z
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analysis and system design
• Notation in UML
• Relational database systems and their application
• Development of a relational schema
• Basics of SQL-queries
• Exercises in designing and using an exemplary [...] Applied research design process
• Critical evaluation of published research
• Objectivity, validity and reliability
• Quantitative and qualitative research strategies
• Questionnaire design
• Observation [...] School on Lowering Barriers for Minority Groups in Retail 38
International Winter Week on Service Design 39
KREA Spring School 40
International Summer School on Sustainability 41
date 2023-09-07T17:55:28Z
pdf:PDFVersion 1.5
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pdf:docinfo:modified 2023-09-07T17:55:28Z [...] Impact of digitalization and other megatrends on business models and organizations
• Basics of the Design Thinking process
• Understanding user groups and their needs, requirements and problems
• Brainstorming