(Ethik & Nachhaltigkeit,
Interaktion & Meeting)
1. Heckmann
2. Ranisch
--- ÜbL Benotete Pflichtübungen (SPO alt)
Ethik, Kognition & Meeting 1. Heckmann
2. Ranisch
--- Prä SPO neu [...]
Kl 28.01.25
90 min
10.00 Uhr
Machine Learning (SPO alt) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
Machine Learning 1 (SPO neu) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
s. Prüfungsplan BKI Kl 04.02 [...] arrive punctually 30 minutes before the start of the examination in order to be seated in the lecture
hall. The candidates have to bring a valid identity card or passport.
2) Contact with persons other
5 1. Kronen
2. Hubmann
s. Prüfungsplan GI X s. Prüfungsplan GI
Machine Learning 1
(neue SPO)
5 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
s. Prüfungsplan KI X X X X X X X KL 60 min
Examination inspection: to be announced
4. Please note:
- You will not receive a grade without exam registration during the examination registration in Primuss!
This also applies to repeat examinations [...] the semester.
- Anyone who notices overlaps in examinations to be taken must report this immediately, at the latest by 17.12.2024 to Ms. Trottmann (f.trottmann@oth-aw.de)
- In individual cases, [...] IMS/DEI Übungsleistung Fischer
MS Office Experts IB/IMS Übungsleistung Jawadur Rahman
Service Learning IMS Projektarbeit Ranisch
Social Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Innovation IMS Präsentation Löbus
ng Christian Stauf
Intro to Management Consulting IB Übungsleistung Laura Stoussavljewitsch
Introduction to Academic Research IB Projektarbeit Anna Grimm
Meetings, Negotiations & Conflict IB [...] Examination inspection: to be announced
4. Please note:
- You will not receive a grade without exam registration during the examination registration in Primuss!
This also applies to repeat examinations [...] the semester.
- Anyone who notices overlaps in examinations to be taken must report this immediately, at the latest by 17.12.2024 to Ms. Trottmann (f.trottmann@oth-aw.de)
- In individual cases,
Author Andrea Bäuml
producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
access_permission:can_modify true
pdf:docinfo:producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
pdf:docinfo:created 2024-12-10T08:03:20Z
ME_Pr [...] hweis
ME Innovationsmanagement Steinhauser semesterbegleitender Leistungsnachweis
ME Machine Learning for Engineers Götz semesterbegleitender Leistungsnachweis
ME Maschinelles Sehen und Mustererkennung
biblatex: biber anstatt bibtex)
• Webartikel "What to do to switch to biblatex?"
author = {{Apache [...] https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/5091/what-to-do-to-switch-to-biblatex https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/5091/what-to-do-to-switch-to-biblatex
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph P. Neumann [...] Neumann
Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes
annotation https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Learn_LaTeX_in_30_minutes
____ to ____.
This year, ____ received many submissions. In order to speed
up the review process, some low-quality papers will be
rejected directly based on TPC chairs' judgement.
We regret to inform [...] used with nouns referring to people, groups of
people, countries, and animals.
• No "Deep Learning's role in…", because DL is not a person!!!
→ "The role of Deep Learning in…"
• Lesen Sie zu weiteren [...] der Conf-Deadline!]:
• Research and Experience papers are limited to 10 pages excluding references
• Position papers are limited to 6 pages excluding references.
• Candidate Workshops:
• Workshop
machine learning.
• Methodological competence: The students are able to practically apply various machine learning methods and to evaluate the
• Personal competence: Ability to discuss [...] Personal competence: Ability to communicate about lightweight engineering; ability to work independently as well as in team to
solve a technical problem; ability to lifetime learning
Course Content
Inhalte [...] private situations. They learn to identify these situations and to appear interculturally competent.
• Personal competence: Students acquire the interdisciplinary ability to perform in a culturally
Bernt Mayer
24 A Micro Data Approach to the Identification of Credit Crunches
von Timo Wollmershäuser und Horst Rottmann
25 Strategies and possible directions to improve Technology
Scouting in [...] mailto:f.seitz@oth-aw.de
English Abstract:
We analyze the ability of standard macro models to explain recessions and depressions as well as
financial crises. We find that the usual textbook models [...] decisive
factor is the (lack of) adjustment of the real interest rate. As a solution, we propose recourse to
elements of the Loanable Funds theory. This can better explain the interactions between the goods
Verfahren (z.B. XAI, Embedded AI, semi-/self-supervised learning, active learning, federated learning,
contrastive learning, transfer learning, DL für Audiosignale)
Lehrmaterial / Literatur
Teaching [...] Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, 2018.
A. Géron: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O’Reilly, 2018
Raschka: Machine Learning mit Python: das [...] and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
F. Chollet: Deep Learning with Python, Manning, 2018. (deutsche Version bei mitp Professional, 2018)
A. Géron: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and
Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2018.
• A. Géron: Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow, O’Reilly, 201.
• S. Raschka: Machine Learning mit Python [...] Einsatzgebiete von Reinforcement Learning
Problemstellung und Grundbegriffe
Temporal Difference Learning (z.B. Q-Learning, SARSA)
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Teaching [...] Nachbereitung sowie KI.Meeting)
Lernziele/Qualifikationen des Moduls
Learning Outcomes
Das Modul besteht aus zwei Vorlesungsteilen KI.Ethik und KI.Kognition sowie einem KI.Meeting.
Nach dem erfolgreichen
Author Thomas Niehoff
producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
access_permission:can_modify true
pdf:docinfo:producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
pdf:docinfo:created 2024-11-28T07:55:31Z
Microsoft [...] PDFParser
creator Thomas Niehoff
meta:author Thomas Niehoff
pdf:producer Microsoft: Print To PDF
meta:creation-date 2024-11-28T07:55:31Z
created 2024-11-28T07:55:31Z
access_permissio [...] of Intent für Projektantrag
Keine Projektbeteiligung
OTH Regensburg
Förderprojekt LEAP Learning Poses
50 % Gemeinsamer Mitarbeiter
Teaching, Inverted Classroom, Peer Instruction, Collaborative Learning, Problem
Based Learning, Learning on Demand, Micro-Learning)
3. Blended-Learning: Modelle, Vor- und Nachteile, Best-Practice Beispiele [...] (2018). Handbuch E-Learning: Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien. UTB.
Arshavskiy, M. (2017). Instructional Design for eLearning: Essential guide for designing successful eLearning courses. CreateSpace [...] Dirksen, J. (2016). Design for How People Learn. New Riders.
eLearning Industry Inc, https://elearningindustry.com. Zuletzt geprüft am 11.08.2020.
eLearning Journal Online, https://www.elearning-journal
Inverted Classroom, Peer Instruction, Collaborative Learning, Problem
Based Learning, Learning on Demand, Micro-Learning)
3. Blended-Learning: Modelle, Vor- und Nachteile, Best-Practice Beispiele [...] (2018). Handbuch E-Learning: Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien. UTB.
Arshavskiy, M. (2017). Instructional Design for eLearning: Essential guide for designing successful eLearning courses. CreateSpace [...] Dirksen, J. (2016). Design for How People Learn. New Riders.
eLearning Industry Inc, https://elearningindustry.com. Zuletzt geprüft am 11.08.2020.
eLearning Journal Online, https://www.elearning-journal
Intercultural Competence
Machine Learning (English) 1. Levi
2. Bergler
PrA Project Work: Conception and
prototypical implementation of a
machine learning use case
Natural Language Processing [...] arrive punctually 30 minutes before the start of the examination in order to be seated in the lecture
hall. The candidates have to bring a valid identity card or passport.
2) Contact with persons other [...] and
task-specific AI-project (project
documentation and presentation)
Deep Reinforcement Learning 1. Nierhoff
2. Bergler
Energy Management with AI
1. Lechner
2. Wiehl
Kl 27.01.25
60 min
08.30 –
09.30 Uhr
Machine Learning (SPO alt) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
Machine Learning 1 (SPO neu) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
keine Kl 04.02.25
60 min [...] ---- ModA ---- ----
Deep Learning 1. Levi
2. Brunner
---- ModA ---- ---- Analyse und Bearbeitung einer
gegebenen Aufgabenstellung mit
Hilfe von Deep Learning;
prototypische Realisierung von [...] kleinen
Teams (neue SPO)
Künstliche Intelligenz 1
(Ethik & Nachhaltigkeit,
Interaktion & Meeting)
1. Heckmann
2. Ranisch
--- ÜbL Benotete Pflichtübungen (SPO alt)
Kl 27.01.25
60 min
08.30 –
09.30 Uhr
Machine Learning (SPO alt) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
Machine Learning 1 (SPO neu) 1. Brunner
2. Pirkl
keine Kl 04.02.25
60 min [...] ---- ModA ---- ----
Deep Learning 1. Levi
2. Brunner
---- ModA ---- ---- Analyse und Bearbeitung einer
gegebenen Aufgabenstellung mit
Hilfe von Deep Learning;
prototypische Realisierung von [...] kleinen
Teams (neue SPO)
Künstliche Intelligenz 1
(Ethik & Nachhaltigkeit,
Interaktion & Meeting)
1. Heckmann
2. Ranisch
--- ÜbL Benotete Pflichtübungen (SPO alt)
will have the opportunity to interact directly with the company representatives. Prof. Liedl will meet you at 08:20 in front of the OTH canteen and take the bus from the OTH to ZMS. You will arrive back [...] Dear students, on Friday, 29-11-2024, an excursion to ZMS (waste recycling association) in Schwandorf will take place. You can expect a company tour and a presentation on sustainability. As with the other
inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Gewichtung: 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Gewichtung: 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Gewichtung: 100%
Hinweis: Die
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Übungsleistung Drafting of 3-5 experimental designs with a mi-
nimum of two different sensors each - for a to-
tal of 100% grade [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Übungsleistung Die zu erbringenden Übungsleistungen (Exerci-
ses) setzen [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Klausur über 90 Minuten (Einzelleistung), Ge-
project teams in digital business. They learn to assess speed, adap-
tivity, user-centricity and flexibility as key drivers of a changed process management. You will learn to adopt new, dynamic
and flexible [...] ung / Internationalität:
Course Content
Students learn to argue the impact of digitalization on the management of project teams and to apply methods and tools
for the analysis, design, imp [...] flexible ways of thinking as a contrast to traditional, planning-oriented project management in order to meet the requi-
rements of very high innovation speed and the rapid changes in customer preferences.
Lernziele / Qualifikationen des Moduls:
Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is to impart the basics of operations and supply chain management related to the industrial transfor-
mations. Starting [...] English, proficiency in Ger-
man is not necessary.
Learning outcomes:
The following learning objectives are anticipated:
• You will be able to define the topic of supply chain management and the [...] will be able to classify current developments and their effects on supply chains
• You will be able to classify, evaluate, model and optimize supply chain processes
• You will be able to use, evaluate
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
portfolio examination Learning portfolio (100%) The Learning Portfolio is used to check the entire
learning content and competence [...] achievements of previous studies can only be
recognised if the learning outcome can be attributed to a Master level or corresponds to the learning outcome of a
module in the OTH Master's degree programme [...] environment.
• Personal competence (self-competence): Students learn to self-reflect their cultural values and learn strategies how
to assume ethical responsibility in an international context.
• Methodological competence: Getting to know and learning to assess basic business management methods.
• Social competence: Students learn how to convey information clearly, actively listen [...] and regulatory requirements spe-
cific to their industry.
• Methodological Competence: Interns learn to apply theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situ-
ations, enhancing their [...] Business Analytics Capstone • How to ask the right questions of the data, and know how to use data effectively to ad-
dress business challenges • How to make data-driven decisions to real business challenges
inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur Klausurteil: Betriebswirtschaft
Dauer: 30 Minuten
Gewichtung: [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Gewichtung 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten [...] inkl. Gewichtung *2
Type/scope incl. weighting
Zu prüfende Lernziele/Kompetenzen
Learning outcomes / competences to be assessed
Klausur 90 min. Gewichtung: 100% Über die Klausur werden die gesamten