Student financing
Unfortunately, studying is not free. Travel costs, rent and food, learning materials and books, clothing, health insurance, mobile phone and internet costs...
The financing is often taken over by the parents and many students earn extra money by working. Other ways to afford your studies are:
BAföG and KfW Student Loan
According to the Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, BAföG), German students and, under certain conditions, foreign students can receive financial assistance if they are unable to finance their studies on their own or with the help of persons liable to pay maintenance. You can find information about BAföG at the Studentenwerk Oberfranken.
The KfW Student Loan can also be used to finance living expenses during a course of study. You can find more information at the KfW.
Incidentally, it is not only the "highly gifted" who can get a scholarship. In addition to good grades at school or university, many foundations take into account voluntary work or personal circumstances.
State-funded foundations
There are a number of foundations for the promotion of gifted students that provide financial and non-material support for students. Most of these foundations pursue a specific goal and, in addition to good school or study performance, place value on voluntary work or address a specific target group, such as persons with a migration background or first-year students who have completed vocational training.
You can find a list of these foundations at Stipendium Plus.
Special funding programmes
We would like to draw special attention to the following funding programmes, as they have a local or subject-related connection for students at OTH Amberg-Weiden or take into account the special nature of an existing vocational training programme
- Deutschlandstipendium
- Otto-Carl-Schulz-Stiftung der DEPRAG SCHULZ GmbH & Co. KG
- Max-Weber-Programm des Freistaats Bayern
- Oskar-Karl-Forster-Stipendium
Students in need at state universities, universities of applied sciences and art colleges in Bavaria can apply for a one-off grant to purchase books or other learning materials. Application is made to the Studien- und Career Service - Aufstiegsstipendium
Half of this scholarship is funded by the BMBF and half by sponsors (companies, associations, private individuals). More information on the Deutschlandstipendium.