Download Ratgeber für Studierende: »Versicherungen für Studenten«. (Guidebook for Students: Insurance for students, in German)
Health insurance
In order to study at the OTH Amberg-Weiden, you must provide proof of health insurance coverage upon initial admission. You have a free choice of health insurance fund. Individual counselling and the issuing of information is done by the health insurance companies themselves.
Please note that the reports from your health insurance companies will only be sent digitally (data record) to the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden.
If your proof of health insurance coverage is missing, then enrolment at our university is not possible.
If you are a privately insured student, you can be exempted from compulsory insurance. The exemption must be issued by a statutory health insurance company and reported digitally (data record).
Students who are also insured in the statutory health insurance of their parents, spouse or dependants (age limit: 25 years) are exempt from insurance and contributions; this must also be reported digitally (data record) to OTH Amberg-Weiden by the health insurance company.
Anbieter von Krankenversicherungen
AOK - Die Gesundheitskasse
Personal student service on site.
Selina Hiltl
Phone: +49 9621 860-259
AOK-Vorteile für Studierende | AOK - Die Gesundheitskasse
Mitglied werden
(Click here to find out how to join)
Techniker Krankenkasse
Personal student service on site:
- Amberg: Every Monday on even calendar weeks in front of the Audimax from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- Weiden: Every Monday on the odd calendar weeks in front of the library from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Andreas Schaller
Telefon: 0151-12 65 9138
Mitglied werden
(Click here to find out how to join)
Marienstraße 10
92224 Amberg
Josef-Witt-Platz 2
92637 Weiden
Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: 09:00 - 18:30
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Infoblatt für Studierende (Info Fact Sheet for Students, in German)
Flyer „Your perfect start“ (in German)
Flyer „Für alle, die das Beste wollen“ (Flyer: „For all those who want the Best”, in German)
Liability insurance
You are liable for personal injury and property damage caused by you in connection with your studies according to the general principles of liability.
We therefore recommend that you take out private liability insurance.
Accident insurance
Since 1971, all German and foreign students enrolled at a higher education institution in the Federal Republic of Germany have been insured free of charge against the consequences of an accident directly related to their studies under the provisions of the Reich Insurance Code.
During the practical study semesters, there is statutory accident protection in accordance with § 539 Para. 1 of the Reichsversicherungsordnung (German Insurance Code) with the professional association responsible for the training company.
You must report any accident immediately to the study office.