Online self test
An online self-test can help you to better assess your prior mathematical knowledge. At the moment, there is no separate test available for BeVorStudium, but you can use the freely available entrance test MINTFIT instead. This contains two parts that essentially correspond to the two mathematics modules of BeVorStudium. In the Mathematics 1 module, most of the topics from Part 1 of the test are covered - except for the sub-areas logarithms, quadratic functions, trigonometry and trigonometric functions. These sub-areas as well as the topics from Part 2 of the test are covered in the Mathematics 2 module. Based on your test results, we will be happy to advise you on your choice of module.
Click here for the MINTFIT entrance test.
For the two mathematics modules, lectures take place fortnightly on Saturdays, each from 9:00 to 16:15.
- Mathematics I: Lectures on 6 Saturdays from February to April
- Mathematik II: Lectures on 9 Saturdays from May to September
From May onwards, the physics module will take place approximately once a month on a total of five Saturdays, each from 9:00 to 14:30. In addition, there will be a practice session on a weekday evening between each two days of attendance. This takes place as an online meeting.
► To the complete timetable 2021
Online self test
An online self-test can help you to better assess your prior mathematical knowledge. At the moment, there is no separate test available for BeVorStudium, but you can use the freely available entrance test MINTFIT instead. This contains two parts that essentially correspond to the two mathematics modules of BeVorStudium. In the Mathematics 1 module, most of the topics from Part 1 of the test are covered - except for the sub-areas logarithms, quadratic functions, trigonometry and trigonometric functions. These sub-areas as well as the topics from Part 2 of the test are covered in the Mathematics 2 module. Based on your test results, we will be happy to advise you on your choice of module.
Click here for the MINTFIT entrance test.