More flexible part-time studying
Childcare, caring for relatives, permanent job or desire for flexible offers/work-life balance - more and more people want or need to balance their academic education and training with other factors. For many, a part-time study model with a smaller amount of teaching and learning units per semester is an option. OTH Amberg-Weiden will be offering a part-time Bachelor's programme for the degree programmes from the winter semester 2020/21:
- International Technology Management
- Medical Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
In terms of content, part-time study is identical to full-time study, only the structure and procedure are different: students acquire an average of 20 ECTS credits per semester instead of 30, i.e. less workload per semester. The standard period of study is stretched to 11 semesters.
After individual assessment, full-time study is possible at any time with crediting of the acquired achievements, and the study programme is shortened accordingly.
Questions about application and admission? The students’ office is happy to help.
Our part-time study courses
Artificial intelligence M.Sc.
Educational Technology M.Eng.
Industrial Engineering B.Eng.
- Digital Product Development
- Digitalization in Production and Logistics
- Mobility and sustainability
International Technology Management B.A.
- Product Life Cycle Management
- Global Procurement & Sales
- Digital Production & Logistics
- International Management & Languages
IT and automation M.Eng.
Media technology and media production M.Eng.
- Media Production
- Media Informatics
Medical Technology B.Eng.
- Digital Medical Technology
- Medical Physics
- Service & Application
- Medical Product Development and Regulatory Affairs
The part-time study model at OTH Amberg-Weiden means that students earn an average of 20 ECTS credits per semester, i.e. they have a lower workload per semester. For comparison: In the full-time course, a semester is usually completed with 30 ECTS points.
The content as well as the study and examination achievements do not differ from the full-time course. As a result, a total of 210 ECTS credits are acquired in an extended standard period of study of 11 semesters. The bachelor’s degree is awarded upon successful completion of the course.
Schedule of studies
This depends on the degree programme you choose. If this programme provides for specializations/focus areas, you must choose one in accordance with the study and examination regulations.
Part-time students are integrated into the full-time curriculum. They attend the same courses as students on the full-time course, but with fewer modules per semester. As a rule, lectures take place Monday to Friday in the mornings and afternoons.
In the first few semesters, the basic subjects provide the necessary technical foundation for your training. Depending on your chosen degree course, after the practical phase you decide on your preferred specialization and deepen your specialist knowledge. In the integrated practical phase, you will complete an extensive industrial internship in a company or institution.
In the full-time program, the practical phase comprises an internship of 100 working days, which should be completed in one continuous period. In part-time studies, this corresponds to an equivalent of 100 working days, which can be spread over two semesters, provided the internship provider allows this. By submitting an informal application, you can also combine the practical phase and complete it full-time in one semester if the 100 working days are completed full-time in this semester. The standard period of study is shortened by one semester accordingly. In the eleventh semester, you usually complete your studies by writing your bachelor’s thesis.
The weekly attendance time for part-time students is around 9-12 hours of 45 minutes each. In addition, there is time for preparing and following up on courses, possible group work outside the courses and time for self-study.
Part-time study is easily compatible with (flexible) employment of around 20-25 hours/week. However, students are expected to show a certain flexibility and willingness to adapt their working hours to the course times. Employers must also expect that working hours may change each semester.
No. Part-time students choose their courses from the same range of courses as full-time students. OTH Amberg-Weiden strives to adapt the teaching times to the needs of the students.
Please bear in mind that, unlike working professional students, your lecture times will not be in the evenings or at weekends.
Winter semester: from the beginning of October to mid-March, the exams usually take place in the first weeks of the lecture-free period from mid/end of January. Lectures are held from October until the beginning of the lecture-free period.
Summer semester: from mid-March to the end of September, examinations usually take place in the first weeks of the lecture-free period from the beginning/mid-July. Lectures are held from mid-March until the beginning of the lecture-free period.
You can find all information on courses and lecture times on our website under the relevant degree program. Once you have received your letter of admission, you can draw up your semester timetable and coordinate the times with your employer or childcare facilities if necessary. The Student Advisory Service will be happy to help you with your planning.
According to the current legal situation, part-time students are not entitled to BAföG funding (as of 13.08.2018). Please check other consequences of part-time study (e.g. health insurance, child benefit, etc.) well in advance.
Since the winter semester 2013/14, tuition fees have no longer been charged in Bavaria. The basic fee for student services is currently 72 euros. This also applies to students on leave of absence, students on internships and students on semesters abroad.
No, the semester fee must be paid each semester.
A change from full-time to part-time and vice versa is possible once, after a discussion with study counselling, provided that a place is available in the respective degree program. Prior to this, a discussion with the study counselling must be held in which the reasons for a change are discussed and documented for the examination board. A further change is also only possible upon application. Proof must be provided that the reason for the first change no longer exists. It is not possible to switch to the other study model in the event of de-registration due to a failed full-time or part-time examination!
For students who were once enrolled on a full-time degree course, all examination deadlines continue to run as they did on the full-time degree course. Switching to a part-time degree course does not extend these deadlines further.
In addition, the change should only be made after a personal consultation. Here you will discuss with the student advisor whether a change (still) makes sense and how to proceed. After thorough examination and planning, submit an application for transfer to the Student office. You must also submit an online application for a higher semester. Please note the following deadlines: Beginning of May to July 15 for a transfer to the winter semester and mid-November to January 15 for a transfer to the summer semester.
Crediting of previously completed examinations
Yes, all credits earned on the full-time course will be credited to the part-time course and vice versa. Please complete the application for credit transfer. Please note, however, that all (repeat) deadlines will also be taken into account.
In principle, every examination achievement must be checked by the module supervisor. The module supervisor will decide whether the work completed so far can be credited. To do this, you must also complete an application for credit transfer and submit it to the Examinations Office.
This depends on the degree programme you choose. If this requires a (pre)-internship, you must complete this in accordance with the requirements of the study and examination regulations.
Competences acquired outside of the university sector may not replace more than half of the competences to be proven. The Chair of the Examination Board decides on the comparability and creditability of achievements and skills acquired outside of the higher education sector.
The same admission requirements apply for the part-time course as for the full-time version. There is no NC, but a university entrance qualification recognized in Bavaria is required.
Professionally qualified students can also apply for a place on the course. Information on application and admission can be found on our website.
No, you can only apply for part-time or full-time study. If you apply for both types of study, only the application for full-time study will be considered. However, you can withdraw an application up to the end of the application period and submit a new one for the other type of study.
No, in principle you can do any job alongside your studies. The important thing is that you have a flexible job so that you can adapt your working hours to the lecture times as soon as the course catalogues are online.
No, ECTS points are valid ‘for life’.