DILLUGIS project
About the 2025 DILLUGIS project
The DILLUGIS’25 (Digital Labs & Lectures for Ukrainian, German & International Students) enables students and lecturers from Ukraine especially of NU "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic", NTUU" Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Odessa State Agrarian University, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University and Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, as well as interested international students, to participate in the digital education of the East Bavarian University Amberg-Weiden’s Digital Technology and Management program.
Regardless of their location, students can continue their studies even in these troubles times by participating in especially selected modules that fully match or enhance their Ukrainian study programs. In order to ensure the best learning environment possible despite challenging circumstances, professors from Germany and the Ukraine are working together to develop and offer digital courses, content, practice opportunities, and even digital labs for students.
The project is implementing with the support of the German academic exchange service DAAD as the part of the «Ukraine digital: Ensuring academic success in times of crisis» initiative funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FMBF).
Why DILLUGIS is important for Ukrainian students
The DILLUGIS project offers several benefits:
- participation in the international educational environment through online courses of the Digital Technology and Management program in East Bavarian University Amberg-Weiden
- the possibility of obtaining modern knowledge, skills and competences, that meet the requirements of the European labor market, from specialists of German technological companies (Siemens, OnraSens) and professors of a German university, whose courses have a significant practical orientation
- access to the digital educational materials and participation in digital labs and practical works
- getting the experience of participation in the academic mobility program and implementation of the international project DILLUGIS (Digital Labs & Lectures for Ukrainian, German & International Students) with the support of the German academic exchange program DAAD
- improvement of English language knowledge
- participation in multicultural educational process
- receiving a certificate from the East Bavarian University Amberg-Weiden (in case of successful completion of the course)
- the possibility of re-enrollment in NU "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic", NTUU "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Odessa State Agrarian University, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture and Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University of the studied discipline (course) in accordance with the Regulation on academic mobility
- acquisition of knowledge and skills that go beyond the traditional educational program in frames of non-formal education
- familiarization with the educational environment of East Bavarian University Amberg-Weiden for the future continuation of studies within the framework of international academic mobility and internationalization of education.
List of disciplines and courses offered in Summer Semester 2025
You may choose from the following courses (Please note that learning takes time and effort, so please consider your capabilities):
- Business Simulation
- Product Management
- Communication Technologies
- Industrial Engineering
- Ethics in Business and Technology
- Medical Device Technology
A detailed description of the learning outcomes, course content and lecturers can be found in the course catalog.
Important organisational aspects
- The training will take place in an online format according to the courses of the "Digital Technology and Management" program of the East Bavarian University Amberg-Weiden.
- The language of education and communication is English.
- During the entire period of study, support from Ukrainian-speaking professors is provided.
- The start of online classes – March 18, 2025, the end of classes and final assessment – July, 2025. Application deadline – 22.02.25
- Mandatory participation in at least 80% of online classes.
- The number of students participating in the project is limited, so registration is conducted on the principle of "first come, first served", on the condition of successful selection.
How to participate in the academic mobility program DILLUGIS project:
1. Carefully read the information about the project and decide whether you need it.
2. Choose the courses/disciplines of interest to you that will be studied online at the East Bavarian University Amberg-Weiden, after thoroughly familiarizing yourself with their structure, competencies and skills. For more information, please consult the course catalog.
3. Fill out the application form below with brief information about yourself, chosen courses and justification of the importance of participating in the project (2-3 sentences).
4. Have a short interview with the project coordinators.
5. Receive a confirmation letter about enrollment in courses.
6. Take part in the organizational meeting and receive the class schedule.
7. Take part in online lectures and digital practical activities.
8. Pass the final assessment and receive a certificate.
Application for the DILLUGIS Project Summer Semester 2025
Ukrainian-German Teaching Week took place from 28 September to 5 October (in averade 4 lessons щк 8 academic hours a day) as a part of the DILLUGIS 24 (Digital Labs & Lectures for Ukrainian, German & International Students) project.
Professors from 3 Ukrainian universities NTUU "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", NU "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" and Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture taught their courses for OTH Amberg-Weiden and Ukrainian students in online format.
Within the Ukrainian-German Teaching Week the following courses were presented:
- Innovation and Technology Lifecycle Management by As. Prof. PhD. Natalia Skorobogatova, Department of International Economics, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
- Integrated Approaches to Sustainable Development by Prof. Dr. Nadiia Shmygol, Management Department, National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic", Warsaw University of Technology
- Communication in IT projects by Prof. Dr. Eng. Sc. Olena Verenych, Project Management Department, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
A detailed description of the learning outcomes, course content and lecturers can be found in the course catalog.
Ukrainian-German Teaching Week took place from 30 September to 7 October as a part of the DILLUGIS 23 project.
Professors from 3 Ukrainian universities NU "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic", NTUU "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and Odessa State Agrarian University teached their courses for OTH Amberg-Weiden and Ukrainian students in offline (Weiden) and online formats.
Within the Ukrainian-German Teaching Week the following courses were presented:
- Innovation and Technology Lifecycle Management (offline) by As. Prof. PhD. Natalia Skorobogatova, Department of International Economics, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
- Management of Startup-projects (offline) by As. Prof. PhD. Kateryna Kopishynska, Deputy Dean for International Affairs of Management and Marketing Faculty, NTUU «Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
- Financial Management and Sustainable Finances(offline) by Prof. Dr. Nadiia Shmygol, Management Department, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», Warsaw University of Technology
- Embedded systems as the basis of IoT infrastructure (online) by As. Prof. PhD. Anzhelika Parkomenko and As. Prof. PhD. Olga Gladkova, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic»
- Project Management (online) by As. Prof. PhD. Nataliia Telichko, Odessa State Agrarian University
- Internet marketing (online) by PhD. Mariia Levina-Kostiuk, Odessa State Agrarian University
In these courses 39 OTH students and 108 Ukrainian students took part online and offline.
More information: www.oth-aw.de/hochschule/aktuelles/news/ukrainian-german-teaching-week-an-oth-amberg-weiden/
Workshop about digitalisation 2023
Workshop for lecturers: digital technologies in educational process was held at OTH Amberg-Weiden on the 10-14 July as a part of the DILLUGIS 23 project.
The main purpose of this event was experience exchange, networking and benchmarking on the issue of the digital technologies’ implementation in German and Ukrainian universities as a basis for further educational process improvement.
6 speakers from Ukrainian partner universities - project participants (Prof. Dr. Vladimir Bahrushin and Ph.D. Iryna Zelenova from National University “Zaporizhzhzhia Polytechnic”; Ph.D. Tetiana Zheliaskova and Ph.D. Inna Simashko from NTUU "Igor Sikorsky National Technical University"; Ph.D. Mariia Levina-Kostiuk and Krystyna Pavlenko-Didur from Odessa State Agrarian University) under the moderation of the project coordinators from OTH Dr. Kateryna Antoniuk and Dr. Dmytro Antoniuk, shared their experience of the learning process digitalisation.
The experience, attained from the participation in the DILLUGIS project, and directions for improvement were covered by professor-lecturer from German side and professors-listeners from Ukrainian side. It was interesting to get the feedback from Ukrainian students who have successfully completed courses at OTH. The discussion with the Competence Centre for Digital Learning OTH team aroused great interest both from the guests and 45 online participants from the partner universities.
The programme of the workshop included a visit to Siemens Impulse, where together with Ralf Koegl, a lecturer from OTH, the guests got acquainted with the main trends of the company's development, discussed the issues of competences and personnel training, as well as digital technologies in the production process.
As noted by the rectors of the partner universities and project coordinator Dr. Julia Heigl, this workshop is the next step for the development of German-Ukrainian cooperation. It creates conditions for the preparation of new projects in the field of digitalisation as a key vector of modern learning.
More information: https://www.oth-aw.de/hochschule/aktuelles/pressemeldungen/digitale-unterstuetzung-fuer-ukrainische-studierende-dillugis-startet-ins-dritte-semester/