Course of studies

Upon successful completion of the Master's program in Digital Entrepreneurship you will be awarded the academic degree Master of Arts (M.A.). This qualifies you to take on complex specialist and management tasks.
The standard period of study is three semesters including the master thesis. The program is modular in structure and is equipped with a credit point system.
The course of study comprises a total of 90 credit points (ECTS points), whereby a module usually comprises 5 credit points. For each credit point, a workload of 30 hours is assumed for the students.
Your Master's degree in Digital Entrepreneurship comprises three thematic blocks:
the subject-specific focus area of the DIGIT modules (30 ECTS)
the subject-specific project area (25 ECTS) and
the individual basic area ("elective area") ( 15 ECTS)
as well as the master thesis and the master colloquium.
Subject specific focus area of the DIGIT modules (30 ECTS)
In terms of content, the DIGIT module area is grouped around five subject areas:
- Digitale Technologien/ Digital technologies: Technological expertise
- Innovationen und Digitalisierung/ Innovation and digitisation: Technology-based R&D methodological competence
- Gründung und Wachstum/Start-up and growth: entrepreneurial expertise and methodological competence
- Ich-Entwicklung:/Ego-Development: self-, team- and social competence, founding personality
- Technologie- und Gründungsforum/Technology and Start-up Forum: Extra-curricular offers such as guest lectures or guest stays abroad. The forum promotes digital technologies and start-up culture at the associated universities, as well as the networking of lecturers and students with each other and with the outside world.
You choose at least one course from each of the first four subject areas. A total of at least 30 ECTS must be earned from this DIGI area.
The DIGI subject areas enable you to expand your knowledge in a topic-focused manner. They also teach you the interrelationships of digitisation with regard to entrepreneurial and technological particularities. This enables you to define, interpret and change opportunities, limits, methods, technologies, terminologies and teaching opinions in digital entrepreneurship.
Subject specific project area (25 ECTS)
At the centre of your Master's programme in Digital Entrepreneurship is a start-up and/or innovation project, which is developed in interdisciplinary teams in a so-called Digital Innovation Business Lab.
The project offers you the opportunity to deepen the knowledge acquired during your studies. Use your new skills directly for the application- or research-oriented development and implementation of independent ideas.
You can take part in the Digital Innovation Business Lab:
- either take the initiative and contribute your own start-up projects and thus subject them to a viability test during your studies
- or develop entrepreneurial opportunities in an applied workshop on "Opportunity recognition, creation, enactment and development" in an initial, theory-based manner
- or you work on an industrial innovation project task related to digital technologies, which you can choose from a pool of innovation questions. The project proposals with which the pool is filled come from industry and research of regional companies and institutions.
Regardless of the method chosen to generate the project idea, each project is processed and implemented by interdisciplinary teams. They can score points several times over, because
- You will be coached by your professors/lecturers throughout the project
- You will establish initial contacts with industrial companies and potential new employers/partners and expand your professional network
- You develop your skills in terms of teamwork and team building
we work closely with the "Digital Start-up Initiative in the Upper Palatinate" (DGO)
Individual basic area (15 ECTS)
The individual basic area (elective area) allows you, depending on your previous knowledge, to either focus on technology subjects (focus on MINT, e.g. for students with a Bachelor's degree in business studies) or on entrepreneurship and BW courses (focus on business, e.g. for students of electrical engineering and information technology, medical technology and industrial engineering). This gives them the opportunity to close individual professional gaps on the way to innovation and start-up. The catalogue of offers, in which you can select the modules offered from the individual basic area, will soon be available in the module handbook of the course of studies under Documents.
Master thesis and colloquium (15 ECTS)
In the third semester, you will complete your master's thesis as well as the master's colloquium, thus completing your studies. Upon successful completion of your Master's degree in Digital Entrepreneurship you will be awarded the academic degree Master of Arts (M.A.).
Course Catalogue and Study Plan
The module handbook and curriculum contain in particular regulations and information on
- the learning objectives and contents of the compulsory and optional modules,
- the learning objectives and contents of the practical semester as well as its form and organisation,
- the type of course in the individual modules, unless conclusively specified in Appendix 1,
- the time allocation of the weekly hours per module and semester,
- more detailed provisions on credits and attendance certificates during studies
- and the compulsory elective modules that can be chosen by the students of the course.
You can download the module handbook and the curriculum for the Digital Entrepreneurship Program as PDF files:
Timetable / Examination Schedule
In the timetable you will find the current lecture times of the Master's programme Digital Entrepreneurship. It shows the lecture times for basic modules, advanced modules, key qualifications and integrative modules in a weekly view. All timetables can also be found in our OTH-AW-App.
On the examination schedule you will find all important information about your upcoming exams. Here you can access the current examination schedule (as soon as available) for the Digital Entrepreneurship program.
Study and Examination Regulations
The course is legally regulated by the study and examination regulations, the general examination regulations of the university and the framework examination regulations for all universities of applied sciences in Bavaria. Here you can find the current study and examination regulations of the Master's program Digital Entrepreneurship.