News / Events

Fancy Romance languages? We still have places available!

The Language Centre offers the following language courses in the coming winter semester:


  • Business Spanish A1 - Wed., 15.30 - 18.45, starts on 02.10.2024 
  • Italian A1 - Mon., 16.00 - 19.15, starts on 07.10.2024 in MBUT 024


  • Business Spanish A2 - Tues., 15.45 - 19.00, starts on 08.10.2024 in BW 205

Enrolments here

The Language Centre has moved!

From now on you will find us in

  • Amberg, in building A, room 105 (1st floor LEFT) 
  • Weiden, in the WTC building, room 1.23 and 1.25 (1st floor LEFT) 



Final examination English UNIcert III for Professional Purposes in Amberg

The final examination of the language course English UNIcert III for Professional Purposes in Amberg

will take place on 05 October 2024 in Amberg, 10.00, MB/UT 024.

We wish you every success!

Our English UNIcert II courses have been restructured: Get the UNIcert certificate in only 2 semesters!

With the start of the semester, our UNIcert II courses only consist of two modules, which we offer alternately at each of our locations:

Technical English in Weiden: Mondays, 15.45 - 19.00 (4 SWS/5 ECTS), starts on 7 October 2024, room WTC 1.29 → Business English in Weiden in the summer semester 2025

Business English in Amberg: Tuesdays, 15.30 - 18.45 (4 SWS/5 ECTS), starts on 8 October 2024, room MBUT 024 → Technical English in Amberg in the summer semester 2025

Register here!

Online registration for the winter semester 2024/25

Online registration for our language courses in the winter semester 2024/25 is activated!

New: German-English glossary for university context


For German-English translations for a university context you can now look up the most important administrative terms used at our university under the "Glossary" menu item on the Language Centre website.

There you will also find links to external glossaries or translation guidelines.

UNIcert certificates are ready to pick up at the Language Centre!

As of now, UNIcert certificates for  Russian and English can be picked up at the Language Centre in Weiden, room WTC 1.32.

Czech - now you can learn the language of our neighbours!

„Speaking foreign languages is the key to international understanding and cultural exchange. But why is there so little interest in the language of our Czech neighbours? And is there another way?”

Listen to the impressions of Czech learners and teachers in a very interesting audio report (in German)


For the coming summer semester 2024 we are planning a Czech course for beginners in Amberg (UNIcert Basis Module 1), registration is possible until 15 March!


Learn something different than most? Our Chinese courses still have places available!

The Chinese HSK 2 course (for beginners) starts on Tuesday, 19 March 2024 at 17:30.

These language courses prepare for the HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) certificate exam at the Confucius Institute Nuremberg-Erlangen.

The HSK certificate serves as proof of Chinese language ability and is recognized worldwide. Further information is available in the course!


Course registration is open until 15 March!

Good luck with your exams and have a relaxing semester break!

The Language Centre team wishes you all a successful exam period and a nice and relaxing semester break!

See you soon!

20 years UNIcert® at the OTH Amberg-Weiden

20 years ago, in the summer semester of 2002, the first language courses from the UNIcert® language program started at OTH Amberg-Weiden.

Today, we can draw a thoroughly positive balance: Since the summer semester of 2002, a total of 6272 students have taken part in the courses at OTH Amberg-Weiden and 1298 UNIcert® certificates have already been issued for the languages English, Polish, Russian and Czech. Our students benefit from a clearly structured course program with courses that build on each other and acquire a meaningful certificate that transparently documents and attests to the skills they have acquired. The multilingual certificate is recognized by German and, in some cases, foreign universities as proof, e.g. when applying for a place on a master's program, and is a plus point for application documents.

Also in the Corona semester, various language courses from the UNIcert® language program were offered and in the summer semester 2021, a total of 29 students completed their language training with a UNIcert® certificate - congratulations!