Search and Find


The OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) makes your life easier. In this electronic library catalog, you can search the local holdings of our departmental libraries in Amberg and Weiden as well as the Amberg Provincial Library. In addition, you also have the option of expanding your search to libraries throughout Bavaria.
On this page you will find instructions for OPAC and interlibrary loan as well as further information. Just scroll down!

The OPAC is also important for your account management. Here you can check your loan periods online at any time and reserve or order desired books. All you need to do is log in. The user name is the number on your chip card (for external users the number under the barcode on the back of the ID card). The default password is the date of birth (ddmmyy). Please change it to a personal password as soon as possible and do not forget to log out in the OPAC as well.

OPAC access

Select the library location to which you belong. Only then the status (borrowable, orderable) of the media will be displayed correctly. The selected library becomes the pickup location for ordered literature.

I am a user of the:

Enter your library number. External users with an orange library card enter the number under the barcode. Then enter your password (by default your birthday is assigned in the format ddmmyy).

For further orientation in the OPAC (orders, reservations, etc.) you can download step-by-step instructions here:
Information OPAC Amberg
Information OPAC Weiden

How do I order a book through interlibrary loan?

To place an interlibrary loan request, you must log in to OPAC. Your search results will be displayed in three tabs:
In the first tab you will find the hits of the local library catalog (OTH libraries, Amberg Provincial Library).
The second tab shows the hits of the Interlibrary loan can use the Order/Availability function to place an interlibrary loan order under "Other options".
More information on interlibrary loan as well as practical step-by-step instructions for interlibrary loan orders can be found here.
In the third tab (Articles & more) you will find, for example, essays from books and articles from journals. In many cases, full text is also available.

Use a modern browser like Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer. Java script and pop-ups must be enabled.

At the end of the session, please log out so that other people do not have access to your data!

Digital library

How does the use of the digital library work?

The library offers access to numerous literature databases, electronic journals and various e-book portals (for a list, see "Databases" below). Access authorization is checked via IP address, i.e. PCs on the OTH campus are recognized as authorized to access.
For university members, access also works outside the university network, e.g. from your home PC, by using a VPN connection to the university.Please use the VPN Forticlient.  Installation and configuration instructions (for various operating systems) can be found on the Computer Centre website.

For more information about our e-books (How do I find e-books? How do I get access?), you can find our e-book information handout here.

Legal provisions for the use of the digital library

The university library provides its users with electronic books (e-books) and other digital publications exclusively for personal academic use. Any distribution of the licensed content, in whole or in part - whether in digital form (e.g. electronic data carriers), by remote data transmission or in analog form (e.g. paper copies) - is not permitted. Reproduction of the licensed content or parts of the licensed content for the purpose of distribution (including via the Internet) as well as distribution (whether commercial or free of charge) is not permitted. Any translation, adaptation or other transformation of the Licensed Content or parts of the Licensed Content is prohibited. The use of robotic systems, so-called spiders and crawlers, as well as other automated downloading programs for the purpose of systematic and automatic search, indexing and retrieval of licensed content is not permitted.

Databases - the most important at a glance (german)

General databases

Databases for economics and economic/organizational psychology

  • APA PsycArticles (Journals of the American Psychological Association)
  • de Gruyter E-Books (all subjects, german and english)
  • EconBiz (References on the economy)
  • EBSCO Business Source Elite (English-language full texts on the economy, including regional news and research starters; online training courses on BSE:
  • Emerald  (over 400 e-journals up to 2019 and eBook series Collection 1991-2019)
  • Hanser eLibrary (Usable from outside only via VPN FortiClient)
  • IMF eLibrary (e-books, articles, and other publications from the International Monetary Fund (IMF))
  • Oxford University Press (e-journals of the publisher)
  • PsyJournals (30 e-Journals on psychology and psychistry from 2015 to 24 months back)
  • Refinitiv Eikon / LSEG Data & Analytics: Access to PCs in the IT labs of the WeBiS faculty (e.g. IT lab 124 or 106)
  • Sage Journals Online Complete (over 1.100 journals with a focus on economics, social sciences and psychology)
  • Science direct (e-books on economics from Elsevier, e-journals are not accessible)
  • Scopus (literature and citation database)
  • SpringerLink (interdisciplinary e-books and journal articles)
  • SSRN (Social Science Research Network, partially free download of working papers of the social sciences, law and economics)
  • Taylor & Francis E-Books (after entering the search term → Filter by → "Content I have access to" displays accessible e-books)
  • Wiley Online Library (e-journals on business, e-books are not accessible)
  • PsyJournals (30 journals on psychology and psychistry from 2015 until 24 months back), english and german)
  • PsycNet of the American Psychological Association (references on psychology): please click again on the logo "APA PsychNet" at the linked website to get to the search!
  • PubPsych(free search interface for psychological literature databases, research data and full texts, multiligual searching)
  • JSTOR (interdisciplinary journal articles and book chapters, partially accessible)

Databases for electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering and geoinformatics

Databases for medicine and medical technology

  • MEDLINE with Fulltext (Literature references and full texts from medical journals from the entire field of medicine, including nursing, dental and veterinary medicine, public health, psychology and preclinical subjects)
  • PubMed (literature references including medicine, preclinical subjects, public health, nursing, biology, biochemistry, and psychology)
  • LIVIVO (Search Portal of ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences,  for medicine, health care, nutrition, environmental and agricultural sciences)
  • German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS – Deutsches Register Klinischer Studien)
  • PubPharm (Search for scientific literature in the field of pharmacy)
  • Epistemonikos (evidence-based information for clinical practice, literature references)
  • Dimensions(linked research data on publications, grants, clinical trials and patents)
  • DORIS (Search portal for research reports and other technical publications of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection)
  • Medrxiv (Med-Archive, online archive for previously unpublished research papers from medicine/preprints. Attention: Papers that have not yet been peer-reviewed!)
  • de Gruyter E-Books (all subjects, German and English)
  • Sage Journals Online Complete
  • Science direct (E-books on medicine and medical technology, e-journals are not accessible)
  • Scopus (literature and citation database)
  • SpringerLink (E-books and journal articles on medicine and medical technology)
  • Taylor & Francis E-Books (after entering the search term → Filter by → "Content I have access to" displays accessible e-book)
  • UTB E-Books (interdisciplinary). Switch off IPV6 when using via the VPN client or use a login via Shibboleth as an alternative. The VPN web portal does not work.
  • Wiley Online Library (E-journals on medicine, e-books are not accessible)
  • JSTOR (interdisciplinary journal articles and book chapters, partially accessible)

Patents and standards

Please note: The following search options are not suitable for professional research on the state-of-the-art.


Journals and newspapers

The OTH library offers you a wide range of scientific journals. You can also read the daily press (Amberger Zeitung / Der neue Tag, Süddeutsche Zeitung) with us.
Single issues can be borrowed via the counter, entire volumes can be borrowed for two weeks.

The service also includes online access to the newspapers Süddeutsche Zeitung (german) and The New York Times. University members can access them from anywhere via VPN Forticlient, while external users can read them via a computer in the libraries.

You are looking for a specific journal and want to know if it is available at OTH? Search for the journal title in the OPAC and click on individual volumes to see which volumes of a printed journal are available.
For e-journals, use our databases and the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).

For articles whose journal the OTH library does not hold, interlibrary loan of copies is possible in many cases. You can find all further information on this in our information leaflet about ordering articles (with step-by-step instructions).

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask at the counter.

Reference management

Citavi - free of charge for university members

Citavi is a Windows-based software for self-organization and source management that is available to university members free of charge in the form of a campus license.

With Citavi Web, Mac- and Linux-users can also use Citavi browser-based (see Logging in to Citavi Web), however, this application is still under construction. We therefore recommend Mac and Linux users to use the software Zotero (see information below).

There are regular short introductions to the use of the software by the library team. Dates are announced in the current information section.

The most important information about Citavi can be found here:

Here you can get the campus license of Citavi.
If you have problems with the program, you can contact the support.

We support your scientific work with different solutions for literature management. In view of the lack of a legally secure framework for the providers' online services, we would like to point out that you should observe the following in the context of official use:
Unpublished personal data of persons who do not use this service (case 1) should not be transferred unencrypted to the service's online storage offering, nor should data that is subject to special secrecy or protection (case 2).

  • Examples of Case 1 include attendance lists or lists of participants at an event, but also transcribed interviews; examples of Case 2 include non-anonymized surveys without the explicit consent of the data subjects relating to racial and ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or ideological beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health information, sex life or sexual orientation, and research contracts subject to confidentiality.
  • To the extent that Permitted Processing of Third-Party Personal Data occurs, you must comply with data protection regulations and ensure compliance with information disclosure requirements.

Open source reference management tools

If you are a Mac user, the following reference management alternatives are available for you:

Tutorials about Zotero can be found here:

Unsure which software for reference management you should use?

Then take a look at the Reference Management Software Comparison from the Technical University of Munich, which is created at regular intervals by a project team from various libraries.

In a clear tabular form, you can compare different programs for the management of literature and thus find the best possible software for your own scientific work.