Exam administration
We are involved in the preparation and implementation of the examinations, which take place at the end of each semester. In particular, we organise the online exam registration. All exam results also come together with us and we keep a grade sheet for each student. If you have any questions about this, we are the right people to contact. You can also contact us regarding the recognition of competences acquired at university and outside of university. You can find more information on questions regarding examination law in the university's FAQs.
Amberg: studienbuero-am@oth-aw.de
Weiden: studienbuero-wen@oth-aw.de
Campus Amberg
Examinations Office department EMI
Agrar-Ing. Daniela Winter
Examinations Office for master degree programmes taught in English, Campus Amberg
B.A. Emma Krahn
Examinations Office department MB/UT
Ute Reichenwallner
Certificate creation, archive
Marion Schmid
In Weiden
Diana Sommer
Anna Forster
Susanne Winterl
Kerstin Humig