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  • Reminder today: Online Session "Career Entry in Germany

    Today is the Online Session "Career entry in Germany. Getting started in the german job market".

    Start: 5.30 pm

    BBB Link was sent by Email.

    More information and registration here:



  • 13.05.2024: Online Session "Career entry in Germany"

    Success and personal satisfaction are often key when planning one’s career. What is crucial to achieve an individual and fulfilling working life?

    Success and personal satisfaction are often key when planning one’s career. What is crucial to achieve an individual and fulfilling working life? In addition, entering the German jobmarket is often a difficult task for international students. One of the major challenges is managing the cultural differences between one‘s home country and the German culture. Also, navigating through the job application process can be demanding as there are expectations in Germany, which may differ to one‘s country of origin.

    Contents of the webinar:

    •  Defining factors for a successful career
    •  Career planning: How to start your career in Germany?
    •  What is important when starting a job?
    • Dealing with cultural challenges
    •  Information on the German labor market
    •  Question / answer session

    Referent: Sandra Adam,

    When? 13 of May, at 5.30 pm

    Where? Online via BBB

    Language? English

    Registration here: