Noticeboard: All around studies
Online Infosession Exam Registration
Keeping an Eye on your Exams. Infosession about exam registration and study organisation!
What rights and obligations do I have during exams, what deadlines do I have to meet and am I actually registered for all exams? It's easy to lose track of things during the exam phase. But don't worry, we've put together everything you need to know!
On Thursday, 5 December 2024 (in good time before exam registration), staff from the Student Office and the Study and Career Service will be on hand to answer your questions and dispel any misunderstandings and myths about exam registration and study organization!
Thursday, December 5th 2024, 4 p.m.
💻 Where?
online via BBB ( - no registration required, just join the BBB-room!
Workshop:Umgang mit Stress
Das Studierendenleben kann manchmal ganz schön stressig sein... Vorlesungen, Nebenjob, Privatleben... und dann stehen ja am Semesterende auch noch so einige Prüfungen an, vielleicht sogar Wiederholungsversuche.
Um diesen verschiedenen Stressoren entspannter begegnen zu können, bieten wir am 28.11. in Weiden einen Workshop für Studierende aus allen Semestern an.Das Studierendenleben kann manchmal ganz schön stressig sein... Vorlesungen, Nebenjob, Privatleben... und dann stehen ja am Semesterende auch noch so einige Prüfungen an, vielleicht sogar Wiederholungsversuche.
Um diesen verschiedenen Stressoren entspannter begegnen zu können, bieten wir einen Workshop für Studierende aus allen Semestern an.Am 28.11. findet von 16 bis 19.30 Uhr ein Workshop zum Thema Umgang mit Stress statt.
Ort: OTH in Weiden, HS 139
Anmeldung: E-Mail
Sie lernen Strategien und Techniken kennen, um zukünftigen Stress im Studium und im Alltag entspannter zu bewältigen.
Inhalte sind:
- Kennenlernen eigener Stressoren und deren Auswirkungen auf den Körper und die Psyche
- Praktische Methoden zur Stressbewältigung
- Reflexion des eigenen inneren Antreibers
- Vor-und Nachteile des Stress
Was bringt Ihnen dieser Workshop ganz konkret für Ihr Studium und Ihren Studienerfolg? Durch einen produktiven Umgang mit individuelle Stressoren können Sie
- Ihre Konzentrationsfähigkeit und Produktivität steigern,
- leichter Entscheidungen treffen,
- Prüfungsangst und Drucksituationen besser meistern,
- die Balance zwischen Studium und Freizeit verbessern,
- Ihre emotionale und mentale Gesundheit fördern.
Nutzen Sie die Chance, um praktische Tools zu erlernen, die Ihnen im Studium und darüber hinaus helfen werden.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme! Kleine Snacks und alkoholfreie Getränke werden von der Dozentin gestellt.
The Study and Career Service has moved!
You can now find us in building A, room E03 (next to the Students' Office).
The Study and Career Service has moved from the old office in the MB/UT building into the administrative building A.
In this building you will soon find the new Welcome Center as well as all of the advisory services.
REMINDER Gachon International Winter School
This year, our partner university in Korea is once again organising a Gachon International Winter School.
The winter programme 2024 (GIWS) lasts two weeks and offers various activities related to Korean culture.This year, our partner university in Korea is once again organising a Gachon International Winter School.
The winter programme 2024 (GIWS) lasts two weeks and offers various activities related to Korean culture.Programme period:
1st session: 23 December (Monday), 2024 - 3 January (Friday), 2025
2nd session: 6 January (Monday) - 17 January (Friday), 2025Application period: ~ 22 November (Friday)
Participation fee: 1,350,000 KRW (approx. 904 Euro)
Due date of the application fee: ~ 29 November (Friday)If you are interested, please contact Cornelia Eichinger.
Starting a business in Germany
Start-up consultingConcerns/Category:
At the Oberpfalz Start-up HUB as part of the university’s start-up support, we receive many inquiries from students from non-EU countries who would like to start up a business or become self-employed in Germany.
The way to do this is simple in itself, but leads to complex terms like § 21 AufenthG.
Therefore, on Tuesday, 26.11..2024, starting at 6 p.m., in the lecture hall building Weiden, we are offering an advisory event on precisely these topics under the title „Gründen in Deutschland/ Starting a business in Germany. What do I need as a non-EU citizen? What do I need as a non-EU citizen?“. The event will take place as a WorldCafé. This means that the various partners each have a table, which the participants visit during the course of the event. In the end, all participants have visited all partner tables and could ask their questions there.
The partners 2024 are:
- Julia Pirzer, IHK Oberpfalz/Kelheim
- Iris Monge-Siegert, AAU e.V.
- Martin Duschner, Sparkasse Oberpfalz Nord
- Ani Tovmasyan, Start-up projects SICHERO & CAREAWARE, founder Extra Planner
The event is in German and English.
If you are interested, simply register at
Further information from the start-up support:
- On Monday, 18.11.2024, the innovation and start-up scene of the (Northern) Upper Palatinate will meet at the Inspiration & Startup Night on Campus Weiden. Registration is still possible at
- The after-work event of the Amberg start-up network is entering its second round. On Thursday, November 21, 5.30 pm, at Bahnhofstraße 10 - Drei Höfe as an open event for founders, start-ups, supporters and anyone interested in founding a company. This time there will be a look at the different sides of a start-up: with founder Jan Siebert and start-up investor Michael Schnickmann in conversation. Register now free of charge at: Start-up Network Afterwork
- Anyone who has always wanted to work in a founding team or start-up is welcome to attend the “Talent Matching Event Ostbayern” of the East Bavarian universities on 27.11.2024 (6 to 8 pm). Simply click on this Zoom link on November 27 at 6 pm.
- For students, university staff and alumni whose ideas are still in the early stages or who are generally interested in the topic of founding a company, we are again offering a virtual initial consultation next week on Thursdays between 1 and 2 pm. Simply visit us at this link.
If you have further questions about start-up support at OTH Amberg-Weiden, please contact the project manager of the Oberpfalz Start-up HUB(O/HUB;, Dr. Bastian Vergnon, at or +49 (961) 382-1915.
Survey "Research and Evaluation"
As part of the "Research and Evaluation" course, my groupmates and I are conducting research on the topic
"The Impact of Balancing Part-Time Work and Studies on the Academic Performance and Employability of International Students in Germany"
We kindly ask you to complete this survey to assist us in our research, especially if you are an international student. However, we welcome all participants to contribute to the survey. It will take approximately five minutes to complete.
Thank you very much for your support!
Best regards
Mokhinur RakhmatullaevaHere is the link to the survey: dein Studium mit Unterstützung – Werde Teil unseres Mentoring-Programms „first steps“!/ Start your studies with support - become part of our ‘first steps’ mentoring programme!
Liebe Ersti-Studentin,
du bist neu an der OTH, hast keine Ahnung, wie du dich im Studienalltag zurechtfinden sollst und hast Lust andere Studentinnen aus verschiedenen Semestern kennenzulernen?
Dann ist unser Mentoring-Programm „first steps“ genau das Richtige für dich!
Dear first semester (female) student,
Are you new to OTH, do you have no idea how to cope with everyday student life and would you like to get to know other students from different years?
Then our mentoring programme 'first steps' is for you!-----------------------------------------
Wir möchten dir den Einstieg in den Studienalltag erleichtern, indem dir während des gesamten Mentoring-Zeitraumes eine Studentin aus einem höheren Semester zur Seite steht. Zusätzlich werden im Rahmen des Programms verschiedene kostenlose Workshops und Mottoveranstaltungen angeboten, sodass du dich connecten und weiterbilden kannst.
Mehr Informationen findest du auf unserer Homepage:
Interesse geweckt? Dann melde dich noch heute bei!
Wir freuen uns von dir zu hören!
Liebe Grüße,
Dein ZGD-Team
We want to make it easier for you to cope with everyday student life by having a student from a higher term at your side for the entire mentoring period. The programme also offers a range of free workshops and themed events to help you socialise and develop.
For more information, please visit our website:
Are you interested? Then get in touch with!
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Your ZGD-Team
BHS Stipendium 2025
Liebe Studierende,
für das kommende Jahr wird wieder das BHS Stipendium ausgeschrieben, das für unsere Studierenden aus diversen Studiengängen eine tolle Möglichkeit bietet, um praktische Erfahrungen mit finanzieller Förderung zu verbinden.
Näheres entnehmen Sie bitte dem angehängten PDF.
Application period for the BHS scholarship starting soon!
High-achieving and professionally committed students from many degree programs are invited to apply for the BHS scholarship from 14.10. to 9.12.2024. In addition to financial support, the scholarship also offers dedicated professional support from the company.
BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH would like to support students as an “Innovative Learning Location” of the East Bavarian Technical University of Amberg-Weiden with a scholarship to accompany their studies. In addition to material support, the specialists and managers of tomorrow are given further targeted opportunities to develop their technical, methodological and social skills.
The scholarship will start in the summer semester 2025.
The maximum funding period is generally 4 semesters (Bachelor) or 3 semesters (Master).Students from technically oriented courses of study at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology, Industry 4.0 computer science, industrial engineering, IT and automation, mechatronics and digital automation, media production and media technology or applied research in engineering sciences, etc.) as well as economically oriented courses of study such as business administration (especially with a focus on finance/marketing/HR), applied business psychology, logistics and digitization, digital technology and management, international technology management, digital business, etc.) are eligible for funding.
Funding is provided to accompany studies at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden in both material and non-material ways.
500 Euro monthly allowance for teaching materials and living expenses
Payment of student union fees
Assurance of a working student position in the relevant department *1
Assurance of an internship position for the practical semester *1
Assurance of a thesis topic incl. supervisor *1
Optional stay abroad at an international location of BHS Corrugated
Free access to the BHS Corrugated educational program
Free access to company benefits (gym, restaurant, corporate benefits)
Subject-related assignment of a mentor at BHS Corrugated
Possibility of mobile working*1 Activity is remunerated separately from the scholarship
To apply for a BHS scholarship, the following documents are required as PDF files:
Curriculum vitae
School leaving certificate
certificate of enrollment
current overview of grades
Statement of motivation (max. 2 pages DIN A4)The application documents must be submitted exclusively via the BHS Corrugated homepage.
When is the application period for the scholarship?
The application period for the 2023 scholarship is from 14.10.2024 to 09.12.2024.
Where can I find more information?Further information on the BHS scholarship can be obtained from Vice President Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Müller or Barbara Hauer (BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Specialist Talent Acqusition).
Translated with (free version)
Grenzübergreifendes Mentoring-Programm „careerSTEPS“
Das Mentoring-Programm „careerSTEPS“ ist ein Angebot für Masterstudierende und Promovierende der OTH Amberg-Weiden, aber auch für andere, die eine wissenschaftliche Karriere oder eine Laufbahn in der freien Wirtschaft anstreben und sich dafür noch mehr qualifizieren wollen oder sich noch nicht ganz sicher sind, was für sie der Traumjob wäre. Dabei steht den Teilnehmenden (Mentees) während des Mentoring-Zeitraumes ein*e erfahrener*e Mentor*in aus der Wissenschaft (z.B. Professor*in, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende, Promovierende) beratend zur Seite. Die Mentor*innen werden grenzübergreifend gesucht und angesprochen (für deutsche Bewerbende an der Westböhmischen Universität Pilsen, anderen tschechischen Universitäten und umgekehrt) und unterstützen die Mentees bei der Entscheidungsfindung zur Karriereplanung nach dem Abschluss in der Wissenschaft oder der Einstiegsphase ins Berufsleben.
Das Programm untergliedert sich in die nachfolgenden Etappen und läuft über einen Zeitraum von neun Monaten (Auftakt im November und Abschluss im Juli). Für jedes Tandem aus Mentee und Mentor*in werden wir das Programm und Inhalte extra maßgeschneidert entwerfen, um spezifisch alle Wünsche und Erwartungen des Tandems erfüllen zu können. Die Zusammenarbeit im Tandem findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Sind Sie sich nicht sicher, was Sie nach dem Abschluss machen möchten? Wäre Wissenschaft etwas für Sie?
Schwierige Entscheidung … Was würde mich in meinem Berufsleben interessieren? Wäre Wissenschaft etwas für mich?
Wie sieht eine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn denn aus? Gute Beispiele ziehen …
Die Welt endet nicht nach der Grenze, ich möchte meine Berufsmöglichkeiten um eine internationale Erfahrung aus dem wissenschaftlichen Bereich erweitern …
Wie kann man eine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn mit der Familie gut vereinbaren?
INTERESSE GEWECKT??? Mehr erfahren Sie unter
Application period for the Deutschlandstipendium has started!
From this week on, it is possible to apply for the Deutschlandstipendium for the coming funding year. The application period will end on October 9.
Dear students,
The application period for the upcoming funding year of the Deutschlandstipendium has started on September 1. All students within the standard period of study can apply, including those starting their studies in the coming winter semester 2024/25.
All further information and the link to the application portal can be found here
Good luck with your application!
Application period for the Deutschlandstipendium has started!
From this week on, it is possible to apply for the Deutschlandstipendium for the coming funding year. The application period will end on October 9.
Dear students,
The application period for the upcoming funding year of the Deutschlandstipendium has started on September 1. All students within the standard period of study can apply, including those starting their studies in the coming winter semester 2024/25.
All further information and the link to the application portal can be found here
Good luck with your application!
ADH University Run/ Walk 2024
The ADH university run is entering its 5th round! No matter where you are: lace up your running or walking shoes on September 20 and collect kilometers for the OTH Amberg-Weiden!
Dear students,
On September 20th the annual adh-HOCHSCHULLAUF will take place again. Between 06:00am and 10:00pm you can run, walk or simply stroll for one hour.
Please register under this link:
On September 20, use a running app or smartwatch to track your run/ hike/ walk/ stroll, upload a screenshot by 10 p.m. at the latest, then the kilometers run will count for our university.
Last year, OTH Amberg-Weiden came 6th in a nationwide comparison of 91 participating colleges and universities, putting us in the top ten. Maybe we can make it into the top 5 this time?