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Noticeboard: Technical Engineering Bachelor

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  • Behavior in the 24-hour library



    As you have probably already noticed, the libraries can only be used from December 23th to January 6th with 24h access.
    We would therefore like to remind you once again of the rules of conduct during the 24-hour period:

    Behave quietly and considerately when using the library to study and work!

    If you want to talk louder, make phone calls or work in a group, please go to the library foyer. The large, open library room is not suitable for this!

    If you notice that people are talking loudly in the library, it is best to address them directly.
    (During our opening hours, you can also report it to the library staff at the counter).

    Mutual respect applies during the 24-hour library.
    The 24-hour library is a quiet place for all students.
    The 24-hour access can only function in the long term with mutual consideration from everybody!

    Thank you for your help.

  • Staffing of deanery MB/UT from 23.12.2024 to 06.01.2025

    Dear students,

    the deanery MB/UT will not be staffed from Monday, 23.12.24 to Monday, 06.01.2025.

    We wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2025!

    Deanery MB/UT

  • Punctured tires on and near OTH parking lots - Press charges!!!

    Event planning/university sports

    Dear students,

    Recently, a tire has been punctured on the side of several vehicles. The tires have been punctured in such a targeted manner that you can hardly see it and air only escapes slowly. You may only notice this after driving a few kilometers. At least three reports have already been filed with the police. The incidents have occurred in the OTH parking lots and the surrounding parking lots of the OTH. If you are affected, please report it to the police!!!

    If you have any relevant information, please contact the police directly.

    The property management


  • Registration for voluntary modules

    Study office

    Dear Students,

    Please register for voluntary modules at the Amberg Students´ Office as usual.

    The Amberg Students´ Office will be closed from Friday, 20.12.2024 up to and including Monday, 06.01.2025 due to company holidays.

    Please come to the Amberg Students´ Office by Thursday, 19 December 2024 and register for your voluntary module exams.

    Your Students´ Office in Amberg

  • Shortened library opening hours on December 16th and 17th



    • All courses

    Please note our shortened opening hours:

    Monday, December 16th:
    Library Amberg: regular opening hours (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.), from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. circulation desk not staffed
    Library Weiden: 3 - 5 p.m.

    Tuesday, December 17th:
    Amberg Library: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
    Library Weiden: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

    From December 18th - 20th the regular opening hours apply at both locations.

    From December 23rd - January 6th both libraries are closed.

    Students and staff can use the libraries with activated 24-hour access at any time, even during the Christmas break.

    We wish all library users a Merry Christmas!

  • Examination schedules of the FK MBUT - winter semester 2024/25

    You can now find the examination schedules of the MBUT faculty for the winter semester 2024/25 online at the following link:

    Or via the respective pages of the individual degree programs under course content. 

    The schedules are also available in paper form in the display cases on the 2nd floor. 

  • Update adress data

    Study office


    • All courses

    Dear students,

    a note from the students´office asking you to take this into consideration:

    In order to be able to send you important post, please update your address details if necessary. To do this, please update your personal details in the Primuss portal.

    Thank you very much
    Your students´office

  • Einladung zur Info-Veranstaltung MAPR ("Forschungsmaster") am 04.12.2024

    Liebe Studierende,

    in diesem Semester findet wieder eine Informationsveranstaltung zum Studiengang
    "Master of Applied Research in Engineering Sciences" (Forschungsmaster) statt.

    Ich lade alle Interessierten herzlich ein, an dieser Veranstaltung teilzunehmen.
    Vor allem richtet sich die Information an alle Studierenden, die demnächst ihr Bachelorstudium abschließen werden.

    In diesem Rahmen werde ich den Studiengang und das Curriculum vorstellen, sowie über Besonderheiten, Projekte
    usw. informieren.Außerdem werden Kollegen bzw.  Kolleginnen  mögliche Projekte aus Ihren Laboren präsentieren.

    Termin: Mittwoch, 04.12.24, von  8:00-9:30 Uhr

    Ort: EMI Gebäude G, Raum 214

    Viele Grüße,
    Prof. Matthias Söllner
    Studiengangsbeauftragter MAPR


  • Präsentation & Vorstellung des Masterstudiengangs "Educational Technology" am 21.11. + 12.12. - Prof. Kock

    Sehr geehrte Studierende,

    am 21.11. sowie am 17:00 Uhr findet online unter

    ein Info-Abend über den Masterstudiengang Educational Technology statt.
    Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ich Sie begrüßen dürfte.

    Viele Grüße
    Maximilian Kock, Studiengangsleiter

  • Orange Day - zusammen setzen wir ein starkes Zeichen gegen Gewalt an Frauen!


    Der „Orange Day“ an der OTH AW (Standort Weiden) bietet eine wichtige Plattform, um auf die Themen Frauensicherheit und sexualisierte Gewalt aufmerksam zu machen und gleichzeitig praktische Unterstützung und Empowerment zu bieten. Die Veranstaltung, die am 21. November 2024 stattfindet, stellt einen bedeutenden Schritt zur Sensibilisierung der Öffentlichkeit und zur Unterstützung der Betroffenen dar.
    Komm ins Hörsaalgebäude und mach mit!

    Wir starten um 13 Uhr mit einer Tanzperformance der Gruppe "Elly tanzt" (Mehrzweckhalle), danach folgen offizielle Begrüßung durch Prof. Dr. Hellbach und Frau Kamm (Inner Wheel Weiden) und Vortrag von Rechtsanwältin Zümrüt Turan-Schnieders "verliebt, verlobt, verprügelt". (H001)

    Im Anschluss an den Vortrag laden wir zu einem kurzen Networking bei Fingerfood ein. (Multifunktionsraum)

    Ab 15 Uhr beginnt der zweite Block des Orange Days. In der Orange Lounge treffen wir Frau Nora Kellner, die aus ihrem Buch "Opfer Macht. Klartext reden über sexualisierte Gewalt" lesen wird. Anschließend, ab ca. 16.15 Uhr, lernen wir im Multifunktionsraum Selbstverteidigungstechniken mit Thomas Neser von der Kampfkunstschule "Zanshin".

    Den Abend lassen wir gemeinsam mit der Filmvorführung "#Female pleasure" ausklingen. Der Film wird parallel zum Selbstverteidigungskurs und danach noch einmal angeboten. (H001)

    Im angehängten Flyer findet ihr noch mehr Informationen zu den einzelnen Programmpunkten.

    Euer ZGD-Team


  • Luminafest - note regarding the use of parking spaces

    Dear students,

    We would like to inform you that, on the occasion of the upcoming Luminafest this coming weekend
    and the associated construction and dismantling work, the gravel parking spaces behind building G [Faculty EMI]
    will be closed and unusable from Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 06:00 a.m. until Monday, 28 October 2024 18:00 p.m..
    During this time, the property management asks you to use the other student and staff parking places
    [access via Sechserstraße or Infanteriestraße] and to drive away timely any vehicles still parking there!

    We kindly ask for your attention and consideration!

    Mr. Heindl [property management]