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Photography Exhibition - Newspaper

Zeitung Titelseite mit Student der OTH

Through the help of teachers, foreign students could publish some of their favorite pictures.

One made it even in the newspapers!

Zeitung Titelseite mit Student der OTH

Hello everyone!

This time, I'd like to tell you something about our great teachers at Jiangsu University(JU).
Besides planning countless activities, they also support students in any way, if they think it's something worthwhile.

The latest example is an photo exhibition, in which all the foreign students of JU could participate. Since I also own a camera, I was asked, too. Even though I live right now in Shanghai, which is ~200km away.
First I should say, organizing things here in China a very different from back in Germany.
Changing a schedule? Can happen~
Delaying meetings? A short time is ok~
Work shifting completely from one person to another? Not very common~


It doesn't happen ALWAYS, but so often, that I got used to expect it, rather than rearrange my schedule accordingly due to all the "flexibility" people show.
Nevertheless, time will make you get used to all that. At least it "somehow" did work out for me.

- After estimating the cost, printing and framing, we finally began decorating the city library with the help of some participating photographers, volunteers and teachers. Two days later, it was done!
- At the opening ceremony (for which local government representatives were invited), we had a blackout. Of course, we could NOT fix it on the day with the opening ceremony. Since the exhibition area had no windows, it was really dark and people used the phones as a flashlight to get a glimpse of what was there.
- The exhibition is open everyday, for a duration of two weeks.
- My teacher told me, there is a reporter which wants to interview me and publish an arcticle afterwards. A few days later, the newspaper was printed with my pictures and myself inside.

Ok, enough of the words. Have a look by yourself!

Want to go to our partner university in China or have any questions related to it?

Just send me an email to: mailtopaul@gmx.de 

I am officially entitled as a representative of our university. I can help you :)


Kommentare zu diesem Artikel (2)

  1. Marian Mure, am 16.04.2015
    Klasse! : )
  2. Marian Mure, am 10.12.2014
    Klasse! : )

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