Gute bibtex-Vorlagen per DBLP zu einem Großteil meiner Publikationen. (Weitere Indizes: ORCiD, Google Scholar, DBLP, ResearchGate.)
Journale (International)
- Christoph P. Neumann and Richard Lenz. The alpha-Flow Approach to Inter-Institutional Process Support in Healthcare. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations, Volume 2, Number 4, Pages 52-68. DOI: 10.4018/ijkbo.2012100104. IGI Global, 2012. [PDF via IGI global]
Konferenzen und Workshops (International)
- Patrick Levi and Christoph P. Neumann: Vocabulary Attack to Hijack Large Language Model Applications. In: Proc of the 15th International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (Cloud Computing 2024), Venice, Italy, April 2024, pp. 19-24, ISSN 2308-4294.
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- Ausgezeichnet mit einem Best Paper Award
- Amir Pakmehr, Andreas Aßmuth, Christoph P. Neumann, Gerald Pirkl: Security Challenges for Cloud or Fog computing-Based AI Applications. In: Proc of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (Cloud Computing 2023), Nice, France, June 2023, pp. 21-29, ISSN 2308-4294.
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- Philpp Stangl and Christoph P. Neumann: FoodFresh: Multi-Chain Design for an Inter-Institutional Food Supply Chain Network. In: Proc of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (Cloud Computing 2023), Nice, France, June 2023, pp. 41-46, ISSN 2308-4294.
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- Christoph P. Neumann and Richard Lenz: Distributed Ad Hoc Cooperation in Healthcare. In: Process Support and Knowledge Representation in Health Care. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 7738, Springer, 2013, pp. 113–125.
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- Christoph P. Neumann, Scott A. Hady, and Richard Lenz: Hydra Version Control System. In: Proc of the 10th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA-12), Madrid, Spain, July 2012.
- Christoph P. Neumann, Andreas M. Wahl, and Richard Lenz: Adaptive Version Clocks and the OffSync Protocol. In: Proc of the 10th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA-12), Madrid, Spain, July 2012.
- Christoph P. Neumann, Peter K. Schwab, Andreas M. Wahl, and Richard Lenz: alpha-Adaptive: Evolutionary Workflow Metadata in Distributed Document-Oriented Process Management. In: Proc of the 4th Int'l Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare (ProHealth'11) in conjunction with the 9th Int'l Conf on Business Process Management (BPM'11), Clermont-Ferrand, France, August 2011.
- Christoph P. Neumann, Thomas Fischer, and Richard Lenz: OXDBS - Extension of a native XML Database System with Validation by Consistency Checking of OWL-DL Ontologies. In: Proc of the 14th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS '10), Montreal, QC, Canada, August 2010.
- Thomas Fischer, Michael Daum, Florian Irmert, Christoph P. Neumann, and Richard Lenz: Exploitation of Event-Semantics for Distributed Publish/Subscribe Systems in Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments. In: Proc of the 14th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS '10), Montreal, QC, Canada, August 2010.
- Christoph P. Neumann and Richard Lenz: The alpha-Flow Use-Case of Breast Cancer Treatment - Modeling Inter-Institutional Healthcare Workflows by Active Documents. In: Proc of the 8th Int'l Workshop on Agent-based Computing for Enterprise Collaboration (ACEC) at the 19th Int'l Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2010), Larissa, Greece, June 2010.
- Florian Irmert, Frank Lauterwald, Christoph P. Neumann, Michael Daum, Richard Lenz, and Klaus Meyer-Wegener: Semantics of a Runtime Adaptable Transaction Manager. In: Proc of the 13th Int'l Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS'09), Cetraro, Italy, September 2009.
- Christoph P. Neumann and Richard Lenz: alpha-Flow: A Document-based Approach to Inter-Institutional Process Support in Healthcare. In: Proc of the 3rd Int'l Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare (ProHealth'09) in conjunction with the 7th Int'l Conf on Business Process Management (BPM'09), Ulm, Germany, September 2009.
- Christoph P. Neumann and Richard Lenz: A Light-Weight System Extension Supporting Document-based Processes in Healthcare. In: Proc of the 3rd Int'l Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare (ProHealth'09) in conjunction with the 7th Int'l Conf on Business Process Management (BPM'09), Ulm, Germany, September 2009.
- Christoph P. Neumann, Florian Rampp, Michael Daum, and Richard Lenz: A Mediated Publish-Subscribe System for Inter-Institutional Process Support in Healthcare. In: Proc of the 3rd ACM Int'l Conf on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'09), Nashville, TN, USA, Juli 2009.
- Marcus Meyerhöfer and Christoph P. Neumann: TestEJB - A Measurement Framework for EJBs. In Ivica Crnkovic, editor: Proc of the 7th Int'l Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE'04) in conjunction with the 26th Int'l Conf on Software Engineering (ICSE'04), Edinburgh, UK, pages 294-301. LNCS 3054, Springer, May 2004.
- Copyright is held by the Springer-Verlag
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Technische Berichte
Die Liste technischer Berichte pflege ich auf einer Schwesterseite separat. Non-peer-reviewed Publikationen hatten bis 2023 keinen wissenschaftlichen Stellenwert. In Bayern haben diese seit dem 13. Februar 2023 einen neuen Stellenwert erhalten, durch die Aufnahme als Teilkriterium für das eigenständige Promotionsrecht an Fachhochschulen (vgl. § 13 (2) BayHIG).
Journale (Deutschland)
- Holger Jouanne-Diedrich, Juliane Blechinger, Christoph P. Neumann, Stefan Schwarz, and Richard Lenz. Integration verteilter und heterogener Configuration Management-Datenbanken - Eine Anforderungs- und Marktanalyse. Informatik-Spektrum, Volume 33, Number 4, Pages 351-362. DOI: 10.1007/s00287-009-0398-6. Springer, 2010.
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Konferenzen und Workshops (Deutschland)
- Andreas M. Wahl and Christoph P. Neumann: alpha-OffSync: An Offline-Capable Synchronization Approach for Distributed Document-Oriented Process Management in Healthcare. In: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) Seminars 11 / Informatiktage 2012. Bonn, Germany, March 2012. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Bonn, Germany.
- Aneliya Todorova and Christoph P. Neumann: alpha-Props: A Rule-Based Approach to 'Active Properties' for Document-Oriented Process Support in Inter-Institutional Environments. In: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) Seminars 10 / Informatiktage 2011. Bonn, Germany, March 2011. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Bonn, Germany.
- Florian Irmert, Christoph P. Neumann, Michael Daum, Niko Pollner, and Klaus Meyer-Wegener: Technische Grundlagen für eine laufzeitadaptierbare Transaktionsverwaltung. In: Tagungsband der 13. Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW'09), Münster, Germany, März 2009. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Bonn, Germany.
- Christoph P. Neumann, Florian Wagner, and Richard Lenz: XdsRig - Eine Open-Source IHE XDS Testumgebung. In: Tagungsband der 54. GMDS-Jahrestagung, Essen, Germany, September 2009. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS), Köln, Germany.
- Christoph P. Neumann, Stefan Hanisch, Bernhard Schiemann, and Richard Lenz: OXDBS - Erweiterung einer nativen XML-Datenbank um die Validierung und Konsistenzprüfung gegen eine OWL-Ontologie. In: Tagungsband der 54. GMDS-Jahrestagung, Essen, Germany, September 2009. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS), Köln, Germany.
- Christoph P. Neumann. Distributed Case Handling, Verlag Dr. Hut, 2013. [ISBN 978-3-8439-0919-8]
- Buchform meiner Dissertation: 472 Seiten, A5
- Christoph P. Neumann. Distributed Document-Oriented Process Management in Healthcare. Dissertation, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2012. [10.25593/open-fau-1285]
- Gutachter-Fassung: 353 Seiten, A4
- (Neben der Bestnote wurde meine Dissertation von der FAU durch eine Nominierung für den GI Dissertationspreis 2012 ausgezeichnet.)
- Christoph P. Neumann. Design of an Open Framework for Optimizing the Distribution of Hardware and Software Components in Control Networks for Vehicles. Diplomarbeit, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität of Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2005. [10.13140/RG.2.2.35259.67360]
- (Meine Diplomarbeit legte den Grundstein für die Dissertation meines Betreuers Bernd Hardung.)
- Christoph P. Neumann. Design and Realization of a "Component Test Stand" for Measurements on Enterprise JavaBeans. Studienarbeit, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität of Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2004. [10.13140/RG.2.2.28548.78725]
- Ausgezeichnet als beste Studienarbeit des Jahres, am Tag der Informatik 2004.
- (Meine Studienarbeit legte den Grundstein für die Dissertation meines Betreuers Marcus Meyerhöfer.)
Copyright of LNCS publications is held by Springer-Verlag.
Copyright of Informatik-Spektrum publications is held by Springer-Verlag.
Copyright of ACM publications is held by the Association of Comupting Machinery.
Copyright of IEEE publications is held by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.