Publications and Patents



E. Rothgang, W.S. Anderson, E. Breton, A. Gangi, J. Garnond, B. Hensen, B.F. Judy, U. Kägebein, F.K. Wacker "Chapter 27 - Interventional Imaging: MR“ in "Handbook of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention”, edited by S.K. Zhou, D. Rückert, G. Fichtinger,  2020, pp. 673-699. ISBN 9780128161760. DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-816176-0.00032-6.

Journal Articles – Peer Reviewed

S. Förstel, M. Förstel, M. Gallistl, D. Zanco, B.M. Eskofier, E. Rothgang."Data quality in hospital information systems: Lessons learned from analyzing 30 years of patient data in a regional German hospital" International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2024.105636.

J. Denck, O. Haas, J. Guehring, A. Maier, E. Rothgang."Automated Protocoling for MRI Exams – Challenges and Solutions". Journal of Digital Imaging, 2022, 35(5), pp. 1293-1302, DOI: 10.1007/s10278-022-00610-1.

B. Hensen, U. Drenkmann, B. Frericks, E. Rothgang, M. Gutberlet, F. Länger, W. Gilson, S. Valdeig, C.R. Weiss, F. Wacker. "Detection of Ablation Boundaries Using Different MR Sequences in a Swine Liver Model". Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2022, 45(7), pp. 1010-1018, DOI: 10.1007/s00270-022-03143-w.

J. Denck, J. Guehring, A. Maier, E. Rothgang."MR-contrast-aware image-to-image translations with generative adversarial networks". Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg, 2021, 16(12), pp. 2069-2078,DOI: 10.1007/s11548-021-02433-x.

O. Haas, A. Maier, E. Rothgang. "Machine Learning-Based HIV Risk Estimation Using Incidence Rate Ratios". Frontiers in Reproductive Health, 2021, 3:756405, DOI: 10.3389/frph.2021.756405

O. Haas, A. Maier, E. Rothgang."Rule-Based Models for Risk Estimation and Analysis of In-hospital Mortality in Emergency and Critical Care". Frontiers in Medicine, 2021, 8:785711, DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2021.785711 .

O. Haas, M. Hutzler, T.H. Egginger, A. Maier, E. Rothgang"Automating Time-Consuming and Error-Prone Manual Nursing Management Documentation Processes". CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 2021, 39(19), pp.584-591, DOI: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000790.

O. Haas, L.I. Lopera Gonzalez, S. Hofmann, C. Ostgathe, A. Maier, E. Rothgang, O. Amft, T. Steigleder. "Predicting Anxiety in Routine Palliative Care Using Bayesian-Inspired Association Rule Mining". Frontiers in Digital Health, 2021, 3:724049 DOI: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.724049.

A. Nguyen, S.Foerstel, T. Kittler, A. Kurzyukov, L. Schwinn, D. Zanca, T. Hipp, D. J. Sun, M. Schrapp E. Rothgang, B. Eskofier. "System Design for a Data-Driven and Explainable Customer Sentiment Monitor Using IoT and Enterprise Data". 2021, 9, pp. 117140-117152, DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3106791.

J. Denck, O. Haas, J. Guehring, A. Maier, E. Rothgang"Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Image Synthesis with Contrast-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks". Journal of Imaging, 2021, 7(8), pp. 133, DOI:  10.3390/jimaging7080133.

J. Denck, J. Guehring, A. Maier, and E. Rothgang"Acquisition Parameter-conditioned Magnetic Resonance Image-to-image Translation”. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021, 2021, pp. 199-204, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-33198-6_49.

J. Denck, W. Landschütz, K. Nairz, J.T. Heverhagen, A. Maier, E. Rothgang. "Automated Billing Code Retrieval from MRI Scanner Log Data". Journal of Digital Imaging, 2019, 32(6), pp. 1103–1111. DOI: 10.1007/s10278-019-00241-z.

C.G. Overduin, J. Heidkamp, E. Rothgang, J.O. Barentsz, F. de Lange, J.J. Fütterer. “Fast 3-T MR-guided transrectal prostate biopsy using an in-room tablet device for needle guide alignment: a feasibility study”. European Radiology, 2018, 28(11), pp. 4824-4831. DOI: 10.1007/s00330-018-5497-9.

R. Hoffmann, H. Rempp, C. Schraml, N. Schwenzer, G. Grözinger, G. Blumenstock, E. Rothgang, P.L. Pereira, C.D. Clausen, S. Clasen. “Diffusion‐weighted imaging during MR‐guided radiofrequency ablation of hepatic malignancies: analysis of immediate pre‐ and post‐ablative diffusion characteristics.”. Acta Radiologica 2015, 56(8), pp. 908‐916. DOI: 10.1177/0284185114545148.

H. Rempp, H. Loh, R. Hoffmann, E. Rothgang, L. Pan, C.D. Claussen, S. Clasen. “Liver lesion conspicuity during real‐time MR‐guided radiofrequency applicator placement using spoiled gradient echo and balanced steady‐state free precession imaging”. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2014,40(2), pp. 432‐439. DOI: 10.1002/jmri.24371 .

E. Rothgang, W.D. Gilson, F. Wacker, J. Hornegger, C.H. Lorenz, C.R. Weiss. “Rapid freehand Mrguided percutaneous needle interventions: An image based approach to improve workflow and feasibility”. Journal for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2013, 37(5), pp. 1202‐1212. DOI: 10.1002/jmri.23894.

T. Kobus, A.K. Bitz, M.J. van Uden, M.W. Lagemaat, E. Rothgang, S. Orzada,A. Heerschap, T.W.J. Scheenen. “In vivo 31P MR spectroscopic imaging of the human prostate at 7T: Safety andfeasibility”. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2012, 68(6), pp. 1683‐1695. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.24175.

M.G. Schouten, J.G.R. Bomers, D. Yakar, H. Huisman, E. Rothgang, D. Bosboom, T.W.J. Scheenen, S. Misra, J.J. Fütterer. “Evaluation of a robotic technique for transrectal MRI‐guided prostate biopsies”. European Radiology, 2012, 22(2), pp. 476‐483. DOI: 10.1007/s00330-011-2259-3.


M. Förstel, D. Powering, E. Rothgang. "Business Intelligence im Gesundheitswesen”. Forschungsbericht OTH-Amberg-Weiden 2024, pp. 163-169.

S. Förstel, E. Rothgang. “Maschinelles Lernen für die Personalbedarfsplanung in der Klinik“. Forschungsbericht OTH Amberg-Weiden 2021, pp. 33-36.

O. Haas, E. Rothgang. “Odds Ratio-basierte Analyse von Assoziationsregeln zur Erkennung von statistisch signifikanten medizinischen Risikomustern in heterogenen klinischen Daten“. Forschungsbericht OTH Amberg-Weiden 2021, pp. 116-122.

O. Haas, E. Rothgang. “Graphdatenbanken im klinischen Kontext“. Forschungsbericht OTH Amberg-Weiden 2020, pp. 12-16.

Conference Contributions - Peer Reviewed

M. Förstel, S. Förstel, E. Rothgang. "Impact of Vohenstrauß Hospital Closure on Patient Distribution at Weiden Hospital."  International Conference on Operations Research 2024, München, Deutschland, September 2024.

N. Humig, D. Powering, E. Rothgang. "Extraction of Data from a Hospital Information System for Nursing Research – Lessons Learned.” 69. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS), Leipzig, Deutschland, September 2024. doi: 10.3205/24gmds184

O. Haas, A. Maier, E. Rothgang. “Using Associative Classification and Odds Ratios for In-Hospital Mortality Risk Estimation.” Workshop on Interpretable ML in Healthcare at International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2021.

J. Denck, J. Guehring, A. Maier, and E. Rothgang"Fat-Saturated MR Image Synthesis with Acquisition Parameter-Conditioned Image-to-Image Generative Adversarial Network . Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Vol. 29, Vancouver (BC), Canada, May 2021. Proceedings Website. Presentation.

O. Haas, A. Maier, E. Rothgang"Mining statistically significant odds ratios from large heterogeneous clinical datasets", Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, GMDS & CEN-IBS 2020, Berlin, Germany, September 2020.

J. Denck, G.W. Ferguson, J. Guehring, A. Maier, E. Rothgang. "Acquisition Parameter–Conditioned Generative Adversarial Network for Enhanced MR Image Synthesis", Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Vol. 28,  Sydney, Australia, April 2020.

M. Wehmöller, E. Rothgang. “Digital products and processes in dental technology.” In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 4(1), pp. 665-667, 2018. DOI: 10.1515/cdbme-2018-0160.

J. Weine, E. Rothgang, F. Wacker, C.R. Weiss and F. Maier. “Passive Needle Tracking with Deep Convolutional Neural Nets for MR-Guided Percutaneous Interventions.” 12th Interventional MRI Symposium ‐ Proceedings, p. 53, Boston (MA), USA, Oct 2018. Proceedings Website. Full Text.

C. Overduin, J. Heidkamp, E. Rothgang, J. Barentsz, F. de Lange, J. Fütterer.“Real-time Needle-guide Alignment during 3-T in-bore MR-guided Prostate Biopsy using an In-room Tablet Device: Initial clinical experience.” 12th Interventional MRI Symposium ‐ Proceedings, p. 98, Boston (MA), USA, Oct 2018. Proceedings Website. Full Text.

J. Denck, W. Landschütz, K. Nairz, J. Heverhagen, A. Maier, E. Rothgang. “Automated Billing Code Prediction from MRI Log Data”. Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Vol. 26, p. 2635, Paris, France, June 2018. Full Text.

H. Rempp, R. Hoffmann, E. Rothgang, P. Li, H. Loh, P. L. Pereira, K. Nikolaou, S. Clasen. “Liver lesion conspicuity in interactive MR fluoroscopic sequences: dependency on lesion histology, size and image weighting.” 10th Interventional MRI Symposium ‐ Proceedings, p. 77, Leipzig, Germany, Oct2014. Full Text.

J. Garnon, G. Tsoumakidou, E. Rothgang, M. de Mathelin, E. Breton, A. Gangi. “MRI‐guided mediastinal biopsies: retrospective evaluation on 15 cases”. 10th Interventional MRI Symposium ‐Proceedings, p. 119, Leipzig, Germany, Oct 2014. Full Text.

M. Neumann, É. Breton, L. Cuvillon, L. Pan, E. Rothgang, A. Hengerer, M. de Mathelin. “Wireless hybrid passive and active tracking for automatic image plane alignment”. 10th Interventional MRISymposium ‐ Book of Abstracts, p. 145, Leipzig, Germany, Oct 2014. Full Text.

C. G. Overduin, E. Rothgang, J. Fütterer, T. Scheenen. “3D UTE MR thermometry of frozen tissue during cryoablation: clinical feasibility at 3T.” Proceedings of International Society for MagneticResonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Vol. 23, p. 1655, Toronto (ON), Kanada, Mai 2014.

K.M. Sekins, S. Brunke, X. Zeng, S. Barnes, J. Hoppel, D. Liu, S. Hsu, C. Lee, C. Maleke, J. Nam, J. Eaton, K. Wong, L. Petrusca, M. Viallon, S. Terraz, C.Becker, R. Salomir, C.H. Lorenz, K.J. Kirchberg, S.M. Shea, S. Patil, J. Barbot, T. Meng, E. Rothgang, J. Roland. “Compact modular MR‐guided HIFU systemfor treatment of liver cancer”. Proceedings of Annual International Symposium for Therapeutic Ultrasound., Vol. 13, p. 1699836, Shanghai, China, May 2013. Full Text.

J.G.R. Bomers, E. Rothgang, K. Overduin, J. Roland, J.O. Barentsz, J.J. Fütterer. “MR‐guided temperature mapping in prostate cancer patients: stability and feasibility”. Proceedings ofInternational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Vol. 21, p. 1808, Salt Lake City(UT), USA, April 2013. Full Text.

G. Tsoumakidou, H. Lang, J. Garnon, E. Breton, E. Rothgang, A. Gangi. “Transperineal prostate cryoablation under MR‐guidance”. Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance inMedicine (ISMRM), Vol. 21, p. 3409, Salt Lake City (UT), USA, April 2013. Full Text

M. Hoes, J.G.R. Bomers, K. Overduin, E. Rothgang, J.J. Fütterer, F. De Lange. “Towards Proton Resonance Frequency Shift (PRFS) Thermometry during Focal MR‐guided Cryotherapy”. RadiologicalSociety of North America (RSNA) Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, pp. LL‐PHS‐TU4C, Chicago(IL), USA, Nov 2012.

E. Rothgang, E. Breton, X. Buy, A. Gangi, J. Garnon, R. Hoffmann, M. de Mathelin, L. Pa, H. Rempp, G. Tsoumakidou, C.R. Weiss, C.H. Lorenz, W.D. Gilson. “Initial, multi‐site clinical experience using an integrated interventional needle guidance workflow”. 9th Interventional MRI Symposium ‐ Book of Abstracts, p.141, Boston (MA), USA, Sep 2012. Full Text.

E. Breton, E. Rothgang, L. Pan, J. Garnon, G. Tsoumakidou, X. Buy, C.H. Lorenz, M. de Mathelin, A. Gangi. “Spinal infiltrations and biopsies using an advanced real‐time MR guidance approach: preliminary clinical report”. Proceedings of International Society forMagnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Vol. 20, p. 212, Melbourne, Australia, May 2012. Full Text.

E. Rothgang, W.D. Gilson, L. Pan, J. Roland, K.J. Kirchberg, F. Wacker, J. Hornegger, C.H. Lorenz. “An Integrated System for MR‐Guided Thermal Ablations: From Planning to Real‐Time Temperature Monitoring”. Proceedings of International Society forMagnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Vol. 20, p. 1561, Melbourne, Australia, May 2012. Full Text.

E. Rothgang, W.D. Gilson. “Rapid Entry Point Localization for Percutaneous Interventions”. Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Vol. 20, p. 1591, Melbourne, Australia, May 2012. Full Text.

E. Rothgang, C.R. Weiss, F. Wacker, J. Hornegger, C.H. Lorenz, W.D. Gilson. “Improved Workflow for Freehand MR‐Guided Percutaneous Needle Interventions: Methods and Validation”. Proceedings ofInternational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Vol. 20, p. 1605, Melbourne,Australia, May 2012. Full Text.

E. Rothgang, W.D. Gilson, S. Valdeig, , J. Roland, A. Flammang, C.H. Lorenz, F. Wacker, B. Frericks. “Enhanced Intra‐Operative Control During Cryoablation by Using the PRF Method: In Vivo Imaging and Histopathologic Correlation”. Proceedings ofInternational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Vol. 19, p. 1762, Montréal,Québec, Canada, May 2011. Full Text.

E. Rothgang, J. Roland, W.D. Gilson, J. Hornegger, C.H. Lorenz. “Automatic B0 Drift Correction for MR Thermometry”. Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM),Vol. 19, p. 1773, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 2011. Full Text.

E. Rothgang, W.D. Gilson, W. Strehl, L. Pan, J. Roland, C. Lorenz, J. Hornegger. “Interventional MRImaging for thermal ablation therapy.” In: Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Symposium onBiomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI), pp. 1864‐1868, Chicago (IL), USA, March 2011. DOI: 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872771.

B. Frericks, E. Rothgang, W.D. Gilson, L. Pan, A. Flammang, J. Roland, S. Valdeig, D. Kratichman, F. Wacker. “In Vivo Online MR Thermometry for Detection of Heat Sink Effects during Thermal Ablation of Porcine Liver: PRF‐based Temperature Measurements with Pathologic Correlation”. Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Scientific Assembly and AnnualMeeting, p. VO41‐05, Chicago (IL), USA, Nov 2010. Full Text.

E. Rothgang, W.D. Gilson, S. Valdeig, L. Pan, A. Flammang, J. Roland, F. Wacker, B. Frericks. “MRI guided cryoablation: In vivo assessment of measuring temperature adjacent to ablated tissue using the PRF method”. 8th Interventional MRISymposium ‐ Book of Abstracts, pp. 39‐42, Leipzig, Germany, Sep 2010. Full Text.

W. Strehl, E. Rothgang, W.D. Gilson, J. Hornegger, C.H. Lorenz. “A Passive, Image‐Based Navigation Tool for Real‐Time MR‐Guided Percutaneous Interventional Procedures”. Proceedings of InternationalSociety for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Vol. 18, p. 1840, Stockholm, Sweden, May2010. Full Text.

E. Rothgang, W.D. Gilson, J. Hornegger, C. Lorenz. “A system for advanced realtime visualization and monitoring of MR‐guided thermal ablations.” In: Proceedings of Medical Imaging: Visualization,Image‐Guided Procedures, and Modeling (SPIE Medical Imaging), Vol. 7625, pp. 762522‐1, San Diego(CA), USA, Feb 2010. DOI: 10.1117/12.844203


Granted Patents:

E. Rothgang. “Method and magnetic resonance apparatus for image monitoring of a medical interventional procedure.”
CN104997510B granted 2018-11-09.DE102014207699A1 granted 2023-07-13

E. Rothgang, M. Siegert. “Computer-implemented method for optimizing the usage of medical imaging apparatuses.” CN108694997B granted 2022-12-19. DE102017206029A1 published 2018-10-11.

C. Faigle, B. Heismann, S. Quick, E. Rothgang. “Method for supporting a user when positioning an accessory for a magnetic resonance examination.”
US11054492B2 granted 2021-07-06. CN109199385A published 2019-01-15.

P. Gall, E. Rothgang. “Method for providing a selection of at least one protocol parameter from a plurality of protocol parameters and a magnetic resonance device therefor.”
CN107518899B granted 2021-02-05. US10782374B2 granted 2020-09-22.

A. Hengerer, L. Lauer, E. Rothgang, R. Schneider, D. Franger. “Magnetic resonance apparatus with standardized radio coupling with an external device.”
EP3388854B1 granted 2020-09-16. CN108696949A published 2018-10-23.US10820804B2 granted 2020-11-03.

E. Rothgang, R. Schneider. “Tracking a Marker in an Examination Subject by a Magnetic Resonance Tomograph.”
DE102015215476A1 published 2017-02-16. US10682199B2 granted 2020-06-16.

E. Rothgang, A. Hengerer, L. Lauer, J. Fritz, P.A. Bottomley, W.D. Gilson, R. Grimm.“System And Method For Real-Time MRI-Guided Object Navigation.” 
US10548505B2granted 2020-02-04.

A. Hengerer, E. Rothgang, L. Lauer, J. Lewin, J. Fritz, C.R. Weiss, K.J. Macura, P.A. Bottomley, W.D. Gilson. “Sterile RF Coils For MR Imaging Systems.”
US10459045B2 granted 2019-10-29.

E. Rothgang, V. Matschl, A. Hengerer, L. Lauer, W.D. Gilson, J. Lewin, J. Fritz, C.R. Weiss, K.J. Macura, P.A. Bottomley. “Magnetic resonance imaging coil with adjustable opening.”
US10209325B2 granted 2019-02-19. KR20170101820A granted 2019-03-25. CN107132499B granted 2020-10-23.

A. Hengerer, E. Rothgang. “Medical imaging apparatus with a positioning unit, and a method for determining a position on a positioning surface thereof.”
DE102015213935B4 granted 2019-02-14. CN106361339A granted 2020-02-11. US10667719B2 granted 2020-06-02.

A. Hengerer, E. Rothgang, L. Lauer, J. Lewin, W.D. Gilson, J. Fritz, C.R. Weiss, K.J. Macura, P.A. Bottomley.“Gesture-controlled MR imaging system and method.”
US10180469B2 granted 2019-01-15.

E. Rothgang, M. Sühling, J. Roland “Method and apparatus for generation of image data based on mr thermometry data.” 
DE102013203407B4 granted 2018-10-18. US10551456B2 granted 2020-02-04. CN104021581B granted 2020-04-03.

A. Hausotte, M. Petsch, M. Requardt, M. Ringholz, E. Rothgang. “Patientenliege.”
DE102014208924B4 granted 2017-05-11.

A. Hengerer, M. Petsch, M. Requardt, M. Ringholz, E. Rothgang. “Patient positioning table having a transfer plate.”
CN204909988U granted 2015-12-30. DE102014207025B4 granted 2017-11-09. KR101702747B1 granted 2017-02-22. US9539136B2 granted 2017-01-10.

E. Rothgang. “Method and magnetic resonance system to automatically determine imaging planes.”
CN103300921B granted 2017-03-01. US9326701B2 granted 2016-05-03. DE102012204134B4 granted 2021-02-11.

H. Eder, P. Gross, A. Hausotte, M. Ringholz, E. Rothgang. “Method to prepare an interventional and/or diagnostic imaging procedure with at least two different medical imaging modalitites.”
US9117257B2 granted 2015-08-25.

A. Kickhefel, J. Roland, E. Rothgang. “Magnetic resonance method and system to determine the position of a slice relative to a region moving relative to the slice.”
DE102010042518B4 granted 2013-01-24. CN102565736B granted 2015-09-16. US9000765B2 granted 2015-04-07.

W. Strehl, W.D. Gilson, E. Rothgang. “System and method for passive medical device navigation under real-time MRI guidance.”
US8526691B2 granted 2013-09-03.

Running Applications:

A. Hengerer, L. Lauer, E. Rothgang, R. Schneider. Method and computer for scheduling customer appointments.”
CN108364089A published 2018-08-03. DE102017201333A1 published 2018-08-02.

E. Rothgang. “Magnetic resonance apparatus and operating method therefor.”
DE102016207501A1 published 2017-11-02. CN107334473A published 2017-11-10. 

A. Hengerer, E. Rothgang. “Method and medical imaging apparatus for detecting at least one input gesture of a user.”
DE102015211331A1 published 2016-12-22.