2013 – 2014: SmartF-IT [BMBF] - Cyber-physical IT systems to master complexness of a new generation of multi-adaptive factories
2009 – 2011: TAKE [BMBF] - Technologies for Advanced Knowledge Extraction for Aggregating Semantic Models of Human Life and Thought
2008 – 2012: Cluster of Excellence Multimodal Computing and Interaction (M2CI) [DFG] - Robust, Efficient and Intelligent Processing of Text, Speech, Visual Data and High Dimensional Representations - Open Science Web
2007 – 2008: Language Grid [NICT] - Integrating Language Grid and Heart of Gold as Hybrid Language Processing Service
2006 – 2008: HyLaP [BMBF] - Hybrid language processing technologies for a personal associative information access and management application
2002 – 2004: DeepThought [EU] - Hybrid Deep and Shallow Methods for Knowledge-intensive Information Extraction
2000 – 2002: Whiteboard [BMBF] - Multilevel Annotation for Dynamic Free Text Processing
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