Management (Master)
General Information
With the dynamic economic situation and the ever-changing job market in
mind, the importance of internationalization is quite noticeable. Most
companies are globally
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Die Stelle wird als Mini-Job-Stelle ausgeschrieben (Verdienst < 450 € pro Monat bei 10 € / h). Die Abre-
chung erfolgt auf Basis
Tel.: 09674 9200-132
Fax: 09674 9200-130
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Fluency in English (both written and verbal)
How to apply:
Please visit the MAHLE Behr USA Job Portal or to
Management (Master)
General Information
With the dynamic economic situation and the ever-changing job market in
mind, the importance of internationalization is quite noticeable. Most
companies are globally
Unternehmens gerecht
werden wollen.
Welche Kenntnisse und
Fähigkeiten benötigen Sie ?
Mein Job erfordert Wissen in
unterschiedlichsten Disziplinen
das kombiniert werden müssen,
um das Werk richtig
generated revenues of € 56.5 billion and employed
a workforce of over 140,000.
Description of the job
For Airbus Helicopters in Donauwörth within Intellectual Property Management we are looking for
Arbeitslosenquote bei 20
Prozent liegt.
Unternehmen können auf Grund des
Wettbewerbs nur dann Jobs schaffen,
wenn dies für sie rentabel ist. Die Lohn-
strukturen müssen daher den unter-
Lecture Period Summer: March - July
7th Semester: Bachelor‘s
Semester Break: Feb - March:
Job, Placement,
5th or 6th Semester:
Practical Semester
fördern führen
Gomez-Salvador, R., J. Messina und G. Vallanti (2004), »Gross Job Flows
and Institutions in Europe«, ECB Working Paper No. 318.
Lazear, E. (1990), »Job Security Provision and Employment«, Quarterly Jour-
Abschlussarbeit bei
einem Industrieunternehmen der Region hat mir
einen nahtlosen Übergang in den Job gesichert.“
Sorge für Bewegung
Sie suchen Fachkräft e, die sich trittsicher und souverän
auf internationalem Parkett bewegen. Dein Job?
Das Ticket für deine internationale Karriere löst du bei uns. Im
Studiengang International Business
Sie suchen Fachkräft e, die sich trittsicher und souverän
auf internationalem Parkett bewegen. Dein Job?
Das Ticket für deine internationale Karriere löst du bei uns. Im
Studiengang International Business
world is open to you.
With your interdisciplinary specialist knowledge and skills,
a wide range of job opportunities in companies of
all industries await you.
„The "iStudy" among the degree programmes
den sammeln?« Heidrun Bock, Klaus Hirn und
Dr. Markus Lommer winken ab: »Nein, das ist nicht
unser Job.« Die evangelische Pfarrerin und die bei-
den katholischen Pastoralreferenten sind sich einig:
Wir [...] Wellpappenmaschinen und -anlagen
Über 1.500 weltweit,
davon rund 800 in Weiherhammer
jobs für hochschulabsolventen
Herr Manfred Riedl
Telefon (0 96 05) 919-660
professionals who are sure-
footed and confi dent in their moves on the international stage.
Your job?
Buy your ticket to an international career with us. In the
International Business Degree Program
professionals who are sure-
footed and confi dent in their moves on the international stage.
Your job?
Buy your ticket to an international career with us. In the
International Business Degree Program
survey. Their results show that innovating firms (and innovative
sectors) have created more new jobs than non-innovating firms (less innovative sectors).
Their results suggest that, on the firm level [...] evidence, The Economic Journal 110, C1-C33.
Blanchflower, D. and S. Burgess (1998), New technology and jobs: Comparative
evidence from a two country study, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 5(2), [...] Effect of Technical Change, Oxford
University Press.
Klette, T. and S. Førre (1998), Innovation and job creation in a small open economy:
Evidence from Norwegian manufacturing plants 1982-92, Economics
S. Buscher, G. Licht, Employment, Investment and Innovation at the Firm Level,
in: OECD, The OECD Jobs Study - Investment, Productivity and Employment, Paris 1995. Die Autoren
verwenden in ihrer Studie [...] Beschäftigungsef-
fekte sind jedoch weit davon entfernt, das Bild des gefährlichen technologischen „Job-
killers“ zu bestätigen. Produktinnovationen hingegen weisen einen eindeutig positiven
Berufseinsteigende und Young
Professionals haben eine Einstellung gemäß „Jobs follow People“ anstelle
von „People follow Jobs“: Die Bereitschaft, sich an die äußeren
Bedingungen von Arbeitgebenden [...]
Bin, A. S. (2015). The relationship between job satisfaction, job
performance and employee engagement: An explorative study. Issues
in Business Management [...] 19.02.007
Shaikh, S. H., Shaikh, H., & Shaikh, S. (2019). The Impact of Job
Satisfaction and Job Dissatisfaction on Herzberg Theory: A Case
Study of Meezan Bank Limited and National
Berufseinsteigende und Young
Professionals haben eine Einstellung gemäß „Jobs follow People“ anstelle
von „People follow Jobs“: Die Bereitschaft, sich an die äußeren
Bedingungen von Arbeitgebenden [...]
Bin, A. S. (2015). The relationship between job satisfaction, job
performance and employee engagement: An explorative study. Issues
in Business Management [...] 19.02.007
Shaikh, S. H., Shaikh, H., & Shaikh, S. (2019). The Impact of Job
Satisfaction and Job Dissatisfaction on Herzberg Theory: A Case
Study of Meezan Bank Limited and National
information about the precise field of your studies and, if applicable,
description of job experience
• acquired university degrees *
(please attach an explanation of the grading system)
survey. Their results show that innovating firms (and innovative
sectors) have created more new jobs than non-innovating firms (less innovative sectors).
Their results suggest that, at the firm level [...] The Economic Journal 110: C1-
Blanchflower, D., S. Burgess (1998), New technology and jobs: Comparative evidence
from a two country study. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 5(2): [...] Technical Change. Oxford University
Press: Oxford.
Klette, T., S. Førre (1998), Innovation and job creation in a small open economy: Evidence
from Norwegian manufacturing plants 1982-92. Economics
survey. Their results show that innovating firms (and innovative
sectors) have created more new jobs than non-innovating firms (less innovative sectors).
Their results suggest that, at the firm level [...] The Economic Journal 110: C1-
Blanchflower, D., S. Burgess (1998), New technology and jobs: Comparative evidence
from a two country study. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 5(2): [...] Technical Change. Oxford University
Press: Oxford.
Klette, T., S. Førre (1998), Innovation and job creation in a small open economy: Evidence
from Norwegian manufacturing plants 1982-92. Economics
read texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language (e.g. basic professional
communication, personal and job or study-related information, basic topics on culture, everyday