Zielgruppen sollen im persönlichen Austausch die Möglichkeit bekommen, IGZ
generell, die individuellen Job-Möglichkeiten sowie die Benefits eines inhabergeführten
Unternehmens mit Oberpfälzer Wurzeln kenn
Printaufgaben wie auch
administrativen Tätigkeiten im digitalen Büroalltag.
Die Stelle wird als Mini-Job-Stelle ausgeschrieben (Verdienst < 450 € pro Monat bei 10 € / h). Die Abre-
chung erfolgt auf Basis
2With the appropriate choice of modules,
graduates of the program can therefore find a wide range of job opportunities, especially in the
areas of digitally supported or data-based after-sales, in key account
Development of
Electronic Money, Basle, October 1996 (http://www.bis.org).
Benito, A. (2002), Does Job Insecurity Affect Household Consumption?, Banco de España,
Servicio de Estudios, Working Paper No. [...] evidence from the EU” by A. Afonso and
R. Strauch, February 2004.
304 �Equilibrium unemployment, job flows and inflation dynamics” by A. Trigari, February 2004.
305 �A structural common factor approach [...] 2004.
317 �Fiscal policy and inflation volatility” by P. C. Rother, March 2004.
318 �Gross job flows and institutions in Europe” by R. Gómez-Salvador, J. Messina and G. Vallanti, March 2004.
topic of interest, Clements and Hendry (1998) have shown that VARs
in differences may do a good job. Finally, in the context of Bayesian VARs, the Minnesota prior
ensures that to the extent that random
suggest that particularly narrow monetary aggregates as well as different credit variables do a
good job in forecasting US GDP growth. In particular, our paper supports the view that for all
forecasting [...] while the term spread is useful in predicting whether there will be a recession or not, it does a poor job in
capturing the probability of a recession.
ECB Working Paper 1803, June 2015 4
page [...] Diebold-Mariano
test statistics (see Diebold, 2012). Nevertheless, some of the models do a good job at longer horizons:
notably the two money variables and the model with total mortgages outperform
industrial production).18 The results indicate that the model does a very good forecasting job in that
the forecasted regime 0 corresponds to the actual regime for all 23 quarters until 2017Q2
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Unterstuetzung-Foerderung/Career_Day/Jobs/doc00785520171018093356.pdf
pdf:hasXMP true
access_permission:extract_content true
LICHT, Georg (1995), Employment, Investment and
Innovation at the Firm Level. In: OECD: The OECD Jobs Study - Investment, Productiv-
ity and Employment, 67-80.
MUNDLAK, Yair (1978), On the Pooling
co-ordination and the generosity of unemploy-
ment benefits have a negative effect on job creation and the pace of job reallocation. Messina
(2004) finds that more unionized and coordinated wage-setting [...] indicators of labour market performance.
In a study for 60 countries, Caballero et al. (2004) find that job security regulation reduces the
speed of adjustment of employment to shocks and lowers the growth [...] Economic
Review, 2 (4), 367-384.
Gomez-Salvador, R. Messina, J. And G. Vallanti (2004), Gross Job Flows and Institutions in
Europe. ECB Working Paper No. 318.
Gregg, P. and A. Manning (1997),
co-ordination and the generosity of unemploy-
ment benefits have a negative effect on job creation and the pace of job reallocation. Messina
(2004) finds that more unionized and coordinated wage-setting [...] indicators of labour market performance.
In a study for 60 countries, Caballero et al. (2004) find that job security regulation reduces the
speed of adjustment of employment to shocks and lowers the growth [...] Economic
Review, 2 (4), 367-384.
Gomez-Salvador, R. Messina, J. And G. Vallanti (2004), Gross Job Flows and Institutions in
Europe. ECB Working Paper No. 318.
Gregg, P. and A. Manning (1997),
co-ordination and the generosity of unemploy-
ment benefits have a negative effect on job creation and the pace of job reallocation. Messina
(2004) finds that more unionized and coordinated wage-setting [...] indicators of labour market performance.
In a study for 60 countries, Caballero et al. (2004) find that job security regulation reduces the
speed of adjustment of employment to shocks and lowers the growth [...] Economic
Review, 2 (4), 367-384.
Gomez-Salvador, R. Messina, J. And G. Vallanti (2004), Gross Job Flows and Institutions in
Europe. ECB Working Paper No. 318.
Gregg, P. and A. Manning (1997),
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we do not need this variable before 2005, which means that the traditional
macrofactors do a good job in capturing the evolution of US bond yields until mid-2005.
540 H. Bandholz et al.
l [...]
especially for longer forecast horizons. Moreover,
it is obvious that the SEECM does a better job the
better the forecaster’s predictive abilities with regard
to the exogenous variables are.
LICHT, Georg (1995), Employment, Investment and
Innovation at the Firm Level. In: OECD: The OECD Jobs Study - Investment, Producti-
vity and Employment, S. 67-80.
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suggest that particularly narrow
monetary aggregates as well as different credit variables do a good job in forecasting US GDP growth. In particular, our paper
supports the view that for all forecasting horizons [...] while
the term spread is useful in predicting whether there will be a recession or not, it does a poor job in capturing the probability of a recession.
330 B. Albuquerque et al. / North American [...] corrected Diebold–Mariano test statistics (see
Diebold, 2012). Nevertheless, some of the models do a good job at longer horizons: notably the two money variables and
the model with total mortgages outperform the
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