Creation-Date 1996-10-17T05:27:31Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Rottmann/D_Optionsgrundlagen.xls
dcterms:created 1996-10-17T05:27:31Z
Last-Author *
Management - Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl
Last, but not least: Thanks to small student
groups, professors, lecturers and support
staff quickly get to know you by name. We
are quickly accessible and try [...] (WiSe) 2020/21
592 Summer term (SoSe) 2021
416 Employees2
95 Professors
13 Special task teachers
93 Scientific staff
215 Non-scientific staff
1 Studie
Digital Technology and Management - Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl
2 Thanks to small student groups, professors,
lecturers and support staff quickly get to know you
by name. We are quickly accessible and try [...] (WiSe) 2020/21
592 Summer term (SoSe) 2021
416 Employees2
95 Professors
13 Special task teachers
93 Scientific staff
215 Non-scientific staff
1 Studie
realization of
the module nor to participation
Module Convenor Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl respective professor hosting the intensive week
Application, organization [...] realization of
the module nor to participation
Module Convenor Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl respective professor offering the soft skill module
Application, o [...] realization of
the module nor to participation
Module Convenor Professor / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Julia Heigl respective professor offering the soft skill module
Application, o
Menü Prof. Dr. Ulrich Vogl CV Cooperations Publications Research - Digital Control Teaching DSPLab (current) Prof. Dr. Ulrich Vogl CV Cooperations Publications Research - Digital Control Teaching DSPL
ility true
Creation-Date 2014-02-17T17:19:23Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Seitz/DP_37_komplett_02.pdf
Author Franz Seitz
producer GPL Ghostscript 9.07
effects of interest rate policy, front
loading effects, housing finance, mortgage
1 Professor (ret.), Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.
2 Bundesbank Director (ret.)
3 Bundesbank Director
100 Mrd. US-Dollar erreichen. Nach
Prognosen eines früheren hochrangigen Zentralbankers und Professors an der Yale-
Universität, William English, dürfte der Höchststand der kumulierten Verluste im
Software „MyMathLab“ von Pearson-Mitarbeitern kurz vorgestellt wird. Zudem infor-
miert Professor Rottmann die Studierenden auch ausführlich über den konkreten Ab-
lauf der gesamten Veranstaltung
Asset Management, Pension Fund SBB, Zieglerstrasse 29, CH-3000 Bern 65,
bProfessor of Finance, Consultant Pension Fund SBB, OTH Amberg-Weiden,
Cherry GmbH
91275 Auerbach
Dr. Wolfgang Renninger
Professor Org. & WInf.
OTH Amberg-Weiden
Hetzenrichter Weg 15
92637 Weiden i.d.Opf.
orgung zurück und fördern das bargeldlose Zahlen.11
Der frühere IWF-Chefökonom und Harvard-Professor Kenneth Rogoff hält es für
wünschenswert, dass Zentralbanken künftig Negativzinsen von bis zu
auch bereits im Kontext mit den
Managementkompetenzen ausgeführt – die Kernkompetenzen eines Professors ein:
authentische Vermittlung, situativer Einsatz didaktischer Mittel, interessante,
ist die überarbeitete Version eines Vortrags, der auf der Internationalen Fachtagung der VWL-
Professoren an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen in Jena im Mai 2011 gehalten wurde. Den Teilnehmer bin ich
of new
In contrast to the traditional model of CI, Henry Chesbrough, assistant professor at Har-
vard Business School, shaped the new innovation model of Open Innovation (OI).4 Fol- [...] similar to systems in Western countries,
the difference in cultural origins come through in how professors teach their classes and
in how students adopt knowledge. The Chinese education system was shaped
* I would like to thank Professor F. Seitz for guidance and numerous useful comments and professor J.
Szambelańczyk for help. The paper has been presented at
hat das Ziel
sich einerseits Einnahmen zu erschließen und andererseits die Reputation ihrer Professoren zu erhö-
hen. Als strategische Maßnahme entstanden mehrere MBAs mit Partnerhochschulen (Landshut
statt. Neben Referaten zur aktuellen Doppik-Umstellung wurde
anlässlich eines Referates von Professor Schedler aus St. Gallen auch das Thema IPSAS
intensiv diskutiert – dabei wurden von Schedler
str. 5
81679 Munich, Germany
Horst Rottmann
Research Professor at the Ifo Institute for
Economic Research at the University of
University of Applied
50:50 Equal focus on theory and practice
6+ Professors and experts on sustainability
30 International students
02 Real life challenges
A unique course from a German
professor on the basics of programming
Course catalog DILLUGIS project
IoT Technology
Professor / Lecturer Course Content
Dipl. Ing [...] the East
Bavarian University Amberg-Weiden Digital
Technology and Management program. Also,
professors will work together to develop new
digital courses and digital labs for students.
The project [...] European labor market,
from specialists of German technological
companies (Siemens, OnraSens) and
professors of a German university, whose
courses have a significant practical orientation
- access to
on in the DILLUGIS project, and directions for improvement were covered by professor-lecturer from German side and professors-listeners from Ukrainian side. It was interesting to get the feedback from [...] programs. In order to ensure the best learning environment possible despite challenging circumstances, professors from Germany and the Ukraine are working together to develop and offer digital courses, content [...] European labor market , from specialists of German technological companies (Siemens, OnraSens) and professors of a German university, whose courses have a significant practical orientation access to the digital
Creation-Date 2023-01-28T18:48:58Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Kummetsteiner/DF4S-Einladung__Modul__08_.pdf
Author gk
producer Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2021
Creation-Date 2023-10-12T12:14:05Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Kummetsteiner/DF4S-Einladung_2023.10.11__Modul__02_.pdf
pdf:hasXMP true
Creation-Date 2023-05-01T09:46:48Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Kummetsteiner/DF4S-Einladung_2023.05.25__Modul__08_.pdf
Author gk
producer Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2021