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a [...] world. And second, for
inviting me to discuss a paper as thought-provoking as that presented by professor Eijffinger.
• I shall commence by commenting on Eijffinger's results on the research performance [...] conclusion
that "small is beautiful".
• When considering the organisation of the ESCB, professor Eijffinger compares the
Governing Council voting system and the relative size of the ECB/ESCB
xmpTPg:NPages 6
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Author schu
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DILLUGIS 24 (Digital Labs & Lectures for Ukrainian, German & International Students)
Professors from 3 Ukrainian universities NTUU "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute",
NU "Zaporizhzhia [...] and Technology Lifecycle Management
Natalia Skorobogatova,
Ph.D. in Economics, As. Professor, Department of International Economics, National Technical University of
Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky [...] Number of Participants
Online English 8 days 28 September – 5 October 60
Module Convenor Professor / Lecturer
As. Prof. Dr. Natalia Skorobogatova As. Prof. Dr. Natalia Skorobogatova
DILLUGIS 24 (Digital Labs & Lectures for Ukrainian, German & International Students)
Professors from 3 Ukrainian universities NTUU "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute",
NU "Zaporizhzhia [...] and Technology Lifecycle Management
Natalia Skorobogatova,
Ph.D. in Economics, As. Professor, Department of International Economics, National Technical University of
Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky [...] Number of Participants
Online English 8 days 28 September – 5 October 60
Module Convenor Professor / Lecturer
As. Prof. Dr. Natalia Skorobogatova As. Prof. Dr. Natalia Skorobogatova
and Technology Lifecycle Management
Natalia Skorobogatova,
Ph.D. in Economics, As. Professor, Department of International Economics, National Technical University of
Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky [...] Number of Participants
Weiden English 8 days 30 September – 7 October 60
Module Convenor Professor / Lecturer
As. Prof. Dr. Natalia Skorobogatova As. Prof. Dr. Natalia Skorobogatova
Prerequisites [...] Number of Participants
Weiden English 8 days 30 September – 7 October 60
Module Convenor Professor / Lecturer
As. Prof. PhD. Kateryna Kopishynska As. Prof. PhD. Kateryna Kopishynska
and Technology Lifecycle Management
Natalia Skorobogatova,
Ph.D. in Economics, As. Professor, Department of International Economics, National Technical University of
Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky [...] Number of Participants
Weiden English 8 days 30 September – 7 October 60
Module Convenor Professor / Lecturer
As. Prof. Dr. Natalia Skorobogatova As. Prof. Dr. Natalia Skorobogatova
Prerequisites [...] Number of Participants
Weiden English 8 days 30 September – 7 October 60
Module Convenor Professor / Lecturer
As. Prof. PhD. Kateryna Kopishynska As. Prof. PhD. Kateryna Kopishynska
xmpTPg:NPages 20
Creation-Date 2009-09-18T17:31:39Z
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Creation-Date 2005-01-11T15:21:22Z
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Germany, Tel. +961 - 382 - 172. The first author is Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden, the second author is Professor at the Hochschule Wismar, Fachhochschule für Technik, [...]
Creation-Date 1997-01-30T15:34:00Z
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resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Seitz/cse1.doc
Last-Author Franz Seitz
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Creation-Date 2009-04-06T16:13:01Z
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Creation-Date 2007-06-27T13:25:19Z
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Creation-Date 2006-10-10T09:25:19Z
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Author Franz Seitz
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Creation-Date 2008-05-09T08:14:46Z
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Author schu
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Creation-Date 2016-07-04T14:33:36Z
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ISBN (pdf) 978-92-899-3879-2
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Creation-Date 2001-02-21T09:35:26Z
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Author Ulrich Bindseil, Franz Seitz
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Creation-Date 2015-05-29T09:38:46Z
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Author Bruno Albuquerque, Ursel Baumann, Franz Seitz
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Creation-Date 2003-08-21T08:08:55Z
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Author European Central Bank
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Author European Central Bank
producer Acrobat Distiller 5.0.5 f.r [...] Economics of the ECB (email: bjorn.fischer@ecb.int; petra.koehler@ecb.int).The third
author is professor of economics at the University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden (email: f.seitz@fh-amberg-weiden
Creation-Date 2007-04-11T10:11:22Z
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Creation-Date 2008-05-26T11:59:07Z
resourceName /var/www/public/files/oth-aw/Professoren/Seitz/einfuehrung.pdf
Author schu
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