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Other funding opportunities


The European Commission's Erasmus+ programme was introduced to promote international academic mobility within Europe. It is available for students of all disciplines and all types of higher education institutions who have completed at least one academic year (60 ECTS). The programme includes studies and internships/placements. You may even consider doing a so-called graduation internship, i.e. you are eligible to receive Erasmus funding for up to twelve months after your graduation.

Recognition of outcomes:

The Erasmus+ programme provides for the recognition of your learning outcomes acquired at the host institution. However, this does not include learning outcomes in which you failed at your home institution. Prior to your stay abroad please make sure that your studies or internships are recognized. The modules that you want to take during your studies should be entered in a Learning Agreement. Notify your supervisor of any changes during your stay and make sure that the recognition of credits is not affected.

Submit your transcript or internship certificate to the International Office after your stay to have your achievements recognized.

Possible length of stay:

  • 3 - 12 months (study abroad)
  • 2 - 12 months (internship abroad)

Monthly remuneration:

  • From 330 euros (studies) and 435 euros (internship), staggered according to country groups
  • Please note: Erasmus+ can be combined with BAföG (up to 300 euros), Deutschlandstipendium and scholarships from the Bavarian University Centres
  • Additional funding for students with special needs, those who are the family’s first to study or those who work full- or parttime

If you wish to benefit from Erasmus+, please start your preparations at least six months ahead of your planned stay abroad.

Applications should be made to the International Office. Please submit the following documents:

  • Erasmus+ application form
  • Learning Agreement / Traineeship Agreement
  • Internship Contract
  • Certificate of enrolment
  • Transcript of Records (for studies)
  • Language certificate, if applicable

Deadline for applications:

  • Winter Semester 01 April
  • Summer Semester 15 October
  • For internships, there is no deadline

European Policy Statement

PROMOS - Program for increasing the mobility of students at German universities

Within the framework of the PROMOS program to increase the mobility of students at German higher education institutions - funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) - the International Office awards scholarships for internships, specialist courses and summer schools, language courses, study and competition trips, and study visits to non-European countries.

Depending on the funded activity, the scholarship holders will receive partial scholarships for subsistence, travel costs, tuition and course fees as well as a flat-rate residence allowance.
Applications are open to OTH Amberg-Weiden students of all disciplines who have completed at least 2 semesters at the OTH-AW.

  1. Application: 31 December each year (announcement of results: 31. January at the latest).
  2. Application : 31 May each year* (announcement of results: 15 June at the latest)
    *without guarantee: only if budget allows it

Please submit the completed application form with the following application documents to the International Office

  • Your letter of motivation, description of your project (maximum 1-2 pages)
  • Internship contract or letter of invitation from the university/language school (if these are not yet available, we reserve the right to withhold payment of the funds until the above-mentioned documents have been presented)
  • Tabular curriculum vitae
  • Proof of knowledge of the language in which the internship/summer school is conducted
  • Latest transcript of records
  • Certificate of enrolment
  • Copy of the identity card
  • BAföG notice or notice of refusal (if applicable)

Applicants will be selected according to the following criteria:

  • Study achievements
  • Purpose of the stay abroad
  • Language skills
  • Motivation
  • Social commitment
  • Recommendation of the faculty

Vanessa Kamran


OTH International

Within the framework of the "OTH International" program, the OTH Amberg-Weiden awards scholarships of the Free State of Bavaria for German students who are studying or doing an internship abroad outside the Erasmus area (EU) as well as for foreign students regularly enrolled in a German higher education institution.

Applicants should have completed at least 2 semesters at OTH Amberg-Weiden.

The funds are limited.

Application deadline: please contact the International Office directly.
Contact person: Vanessa Kamran


Application Form OTH International

The completed and signed application form must include:

  • Proof of the stay abroad (internship contract / admission for study abroad)
  • Proof of travel expenses for the stay abroad
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Certificate of enrolment
  • Copy of the current transcript
  • Copy of the identity card
  • If applicable, copy of the BAföG refusal notice
  • Copy of income statements and other financial support, if applicable

In the event of a successful application, the experiences of the scholarship holders* will be posted to the foreign blog "Zugvögel" of the OTH Amberg-Weiden.

If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail to make an appointment.

Funding programmes and scholarships with an external application process

Förderung von Studienaufenthalten und Abschlussarbeit

  • Bayerische Hochschulzentren
    The Free State of Bavaria also provides support for students wishing to spend time abroad (study, internship and writing an academic paper) in certain countries or groups of countries. Funding from the Bavarian university centres is available to students from state and church universities in Bavaria who have completed at least the first stage of their studies (semesters 1 and 2).
  • Scholarships for study visits to China: Scholarship Jiangsu University
    Further information from the International Office
  • Funding from the Ranke-Heinemann Institute for study visits to Australia, New Zealand and Canada
  • Fulbright Scholarships

    Further dates for info sessions with the Fulbright network universities in the USA will be published promptly on the Fulbright Germany website at
    Many more exciting opportunities at Fulbright-Stipendienfinder.

    Fulbright Germany is once again organising fully funded scholarship programmes in Virginia and Texas in summer 2024: a great opportunity to get to know American campus life while deepening your intercultural skills and study knowledge!
    Application deadline is 28 February 2024.
  • Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes: MacCloy Programm
    The application deadline is 1 November each year.

  • Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes: ERP-Stipendienprogramm
    The application deadline is 1 October each year.

  • RISE Weltweit

    The German Academic Exchange Service arranges research internships all over the world as part of the RISE Worldwide (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) scholarship programme.
    Bachelor's, diploma and state examination students from the 2nd semester onwards in the fields of natural sciences and engineering as well as medicine, pharmacy, psychology and computer science from German universities and universities of applied sciences are eligible to apply. Unfortunately, Master's students are not eligible to apply!
    Scholarship holders receive a monthly DAAD full scholarship instalment and a travel allowance (both depending on the destination country) as well as health, accident and liability insurance.

    Further Information

    As part of RISE Worldwide (Research Internships in Science and Engineering), students can apply for a research internship in summer 2024 until 30 November 2023.
    The DAAD is working together with the Canadian exchange organisation Mitacs in the Globalink programme. The programme is aimed at bachelor's, diploma and state examination students from universities and universities of applied sciences/universities of applied sciences in the fields of natural and engineering sciences, medicine, psychology and computer science. (Master's students are unfortunately not eligible to apply).
    The scholarship holders receive
    - a monthly DAAD full scholarship instalment
    - a travel allowance (both depending on the destination country).
    - health, accident and liability insurance
    - a local (Globalink) mentor