seminars; practical work in
5 Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Exam preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of the module, students [...] case studies; practical exercise;
5 Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Exam preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of the module, students [...] Workload
Lecture, seminar with exercises, computer
5 Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 90 h
Total workload: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of the module, students will
case studies; practical exercise;
5 Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Exam preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of the module, students [...] Workload
Lecture, seminar with exercises, computer
5 Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 90 h
Total workload: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of the module, students will [...] Lecture, project work, practical applications
using software
5 Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 90 h
Total workload: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of the module, students will
is the efficient model under the H0 that the institutions are exogenous re-
gressors and the IV estimation is the consistent but inefficient estimation method under H0..The degrees of freedom
for the [...] University of Applied Sciences Amberg-
Hetzenrichter Weg 15
92637 Weiden
December 2007
The research in this paper is part of the project [...] Agent Models of Consumption and Leisure. Quarterly Journal of Economics 103, 51 – 78.
Flaig, G. and H. Rottmann (2001), Input Demand and the Short- and Long-Run Employment
Thresholds: An Empirical Analysis
is the efficient model under the H0 that the institutions are exogenous re-
gressors and the IV estimation is the consistent but inefficient estimation method under H0..The degrees of freedom
for the [...] University of Applied Sciences Amberg-
Hetzenrichter Weg 15
92637 Weiden
December 2007
The research in this paper is part of the project [...] Agent Models of Consumption and Leisure. Quarterly Journal of Economics 103, 51 – 78.
Flaig, G. and H. Rottmann (2001), Input Demand and the Short- and Long-Run Employment
Thresholds: An Empirical Analysis
is the efficient model under the H0 that the institutions are exogenous re-
gressors and the IV estimation is the consistent but inefficient estimation method under H0..The degrees of freedom
for the [...] University of Applied Sciences Amberg-
Hetzenrichter Weg 15
92637 Weiden
December 2007
The research in this paper is part of the project [...] Agent Models of Consumption and Leisure. Quarterly Journal of Economics 103, 51 – 78.
Flaig, G. and H. Rottmann (2001), Input Demand and the Short- and Long-Run Employment
Thresholds: An Empirical Analysis
standard In (2a) embedded _1085826687
embedded:image13.wmf image13.wmf t
and embedded _1085826744 [...] Discussion paper 1/95, Economic Research Group of the Deutsche Bundesbank, May.
litver S inn , H.-W. and F. Westermann (2001), Why has the Euro been Falling?, CESifo Working Paper No. 493, May [...] Economic Research, August 24, (
litver Stix , H. (2001), Survey Results about Foreign Currency Holdings in Five Central and Eastern European Countries
Seitz, F., D. Stoyan, K.-H. Tödter (2009), Coin Migration within the Euro Area. Deutsche Bun-
desbank, Discussion Paper, Series 1, No. 27/2009.
Sinn, H.-W., H. Feist (2000), Seignorage Wealth [...] „Eurodiff‘‘ projects are available. We focus on the ‘indirect’ calcula-
* We thank N. Bartzsch, H. Herrmann and G. Schultefrankenfeld as well as two anonymous referees
and seminar participants at the [...] = 0.295229.
Coin Migration and Seigniorage within the Euro Area . 91
Stoyan, D., H. Stoyan, G. Döge (2004), Statistical Analyses and Modelling of the Mixing Process
of Euro Coins in
r r e i c h i s c h e Nat i ona l b a n k
W o r k i n g P a p e r 6 4
Th e Fe d e r a l D e s i g n o f a C e n t r a l
B a n k i n a M o n e t a r y U n i o n :
T h e C a s e [...] e o f t h e E u r o p e a n
S y s t e m o f C e n t r a l B a n k s
Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
with comments by José Luis Malo de Molina and by Franz Seitz
Editorial Board [...] have the
strength of the argument.
Akhtar, M.A. and H. Howe (1991), The Political and Institutional Independence of U.S.
Monetary Policy, Banca Nazionale
Rules when Agents must Learn', Journal of Economic Dynamics and
Control 25, 245±279.
ToÈdter, K. -H. and H. -E. Reimers (1994), `P-Star as a Link between Money and Prices in
Germany', Weltwirtschaftliches [...] from each other.
2 ß Verein fuÈr Socialpolitik and Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2001
F. Seitz and K.-H. ToÈdter
output growth by their current estimates and forecasts [...] announced targets.
4 ß Verein fuÈr Socialpolitik and Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2001
F. Seitz and K.-H. ToÈdter
concludes that the money-growth indicator `disregards
Lecture; group discussion;
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Module work preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Understanding innovation and innovative [...] Lecture; group discussion;
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Module work preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Understanding globalization and financial [...] discussion;
presentation, case-study, flipped
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Test preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Formation of the set competencies in co
Lecture; group discussion;
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Module work preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Understanding innovation and innovative [...] Lecture; group discussion;
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Module work preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Understanding globalization and financial [...] discussion;
presentation, case-study, flipped
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Test preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Formation of the set competencies in co
Hybrid format
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Module work preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Understanding innovation and innovative [...] seminars;
practical exercise
Hybrid format
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Module work preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
After successful [...] discussion;
presentation; lab work.
Hybrid format
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Module work preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Understanding globalization and financial
Hybrid format
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Module work preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Understanding innovation and innovative [...] seminars;
practical exercise
Hybrid format
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Module work preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
After successful [...] discussion;
presentation; lab work.
Hybrid format
Contact time: 60 h
Self-study: 60 h
Module work preparation: 30 h
Total effort: 150 h
Learning Outcomes
Understanding globalization and financial
20,1 8,01
Reduktion [%] 95,2 92,9 72,9 n. b. 55,4 58,1
Einheit Fe II Fe ges Fe III Ca Mg °dH
Mittelwert Permeat [mg / l]* 0,30 0,45 0,16 200 16,4 32,3
*außer bei der
Sowohl für Unternehmen als auch für externe Beobachter kann die Analyse von Credit Spreads,
d.h. der Differenz zwischen den Renditen von Unternehmensanleihen und laufzeitäquivalenten ri-
sikolosen [...] sind. Dies
führt technisch zu einer Heteroskedastizität der Anleiheren-
diten und damit der Spreads, d.h. die Varianz des Störterms
kann nicht als konstant unterstellt werden. Zweitens be-
rücksichtigen wir [...] immer wieder festgestellt, dass Ratingklassi-
fikationen sowohl vor- als auch nachlaufend sind, d.h.
manchmal reagieren die Märkte vor einer Änderung des
Ratings, manchmal erfolgt eine Reaktion erst nach
Sowohl für Unternehmen als auch für externe Beobachter kann die Analyse von Credit Spreads,
d.h. der Differenz zwischen den Renditen von Unternehmensanleihen und laufzeitäquivalenten ri-
sikolosen [...] sind. Dies
führt technisch zu einer Heteroskedastizität der Anleiheren-
diten und damit der Spreads, d.h. die Varianz des Störterms
kann nicht als konstant unterstellt werden. Zweitens be-
rücksichtigen wir [...] immer wieder festgestellt, dass Ratingklassi-
fikationen sowohl vor- als auch nachlaufend sind, d.h.
manchmal reagieren die Märkte vor einer Änderung des
Ratings, manchmal erfolgt eine Reaktion erst nach
residuals have a normal distribution. The equation is free of first order autocorrelation (see Durbin's h D(h)). The residual autocorrelation test is significant at the 5 per cent level for autocorrelations from [...] Balance of Payments Adjustment", in: Putnam, B. H., Wilford, D. S. (eds.), The Monetary Approach to International Adjustment, New York, pp. 197-211.
Branson, W. H., Henderson, D. W. (1985). "The Specification [...] T., Putnam, B. H., Wilford, D. S. (1986). "A Currency Portfolio Approach to Exchange Rate Determination: Exchange Rate Stability and the Independence of Monetary Policy", in: Putnam, B. H., Wilford, D.
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wir diese Abhängigkeit durch eine lineare Projektion von
h auf die Mittelwerte der Innovationsvariablen jedes Unternehmens:
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und t. Um die Spe [...] random-effects-Modell darf keine Korrelation zwischen den Variablen
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der Deutschen Bundesbank, W. Boeschoten von [...] X: und X: in jeder Periode positiv sind, entfallt (8) als Restriktion
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vance-Beschränkung (6) noch die Nichtnegativitätsbedingung der DM-Bestände aus (7),
d.h. h3,t=h5,t=0. AUS (9) bis (1 1) können dann die Ersparnisse (in DM) anhand Gleichung
(12) bestimmt werden
eingeschaltete Kamera Voraussetzung.
Das Seminar findet ausschließlich online statt, d.h. Sie kommunizieren, arbeiten und üben
von zu Hause aus oder von jedem anderen Ort, an dem Sie sich
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