Menü University formalties Timetables and examination schedules (current) Course of studies Lecture, examination and lecture-free periods Examinations Insurances University formalties Timetables and e
1-Druck [...] wirtschaftliche Kriterien.
ORC-Geothermiekraftwerk in Insheim.
Erneuerbare Energien
Dr.-Ing. Florian Heberle, Jahrgang 1979, Studium [...] Braunschweig, Promotion
an der TU Braunschweig. Seit 2013 Projektmanagerin bei
Evonik Creavis GmbH, Marl.
BWK Bd. 69 (2017) Nr. 652
Erneuerbare Energien
sich ein Spannungsdreieck
Hospitaltechnik GmbH (Heideck), IGZ (Falkenberg), Lippert GmbH & Co. KG (Pressath), Nachtmann GmbH (Neustadt, Weiden), pro aurum GmbH (München), Rödl & Partner GmbH (Nürnberg), Scherdel GmbH (Marktredwitz) [...] in Amberg are: Altium Software GmbH (München, Karlsruhe), Baumann GmbH (Amberg), Constantia Pirk GmbH (Pirk), Deprag Schulz GmbH (Amberg), Epoxonic GmbH (Landsham/Pliening), Grammer AG (Amberg), Huber [...] Partners in Weiden are: BAM GmbH (Weiden), BHS Corrugated GmbH (Weiherhammer), Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH (Regensburg, Pfreimd, Wackersdorf), Hamm AG (Tirschenreuth), HOHPE GmbH (Schirmitz), HT Labor und
Kloster Strahlfeld BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH (Weiherhammer) Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH (Wackersdorf) Stadtwerke Amberg GmbH (Amberg) Volksbank Nordoberpfalz eG (Weiden) Zentrum für E [...] Healthcare GmbH Kemnath Klinikum St. Marien Amberg Kultur-Schloss Theuern Amt für Ländliche Entwicklung (ALE) IRS Systementwicklung GmbH Siemens AG Amberg DEKRA WITRON Stadt Neumarkt Herding GmbH Filtertechnik [...] Fraunhofer UMSICHT Geschichtspark Bärnau IGZ Ingenieurgesellschaft für logistische Informationssysteme mbH Nabaltec AG Brauerei Bruckmüller SIPOS Aktorik PIXELWERKSTATT - Staatsinstitut für Frühpädagogik und
advice. Program Coordinator Prof. Dr. Gabriele Murry, M.B.A. (USA), M.H.R. (USA) Contact Prof. Dr. Gabriele Murry, M.B.A. (USA), M.H.R. (USA) Professor Weiden Business School , Centre for Gender and Diversity
advice. Program Coordinator Prof. Dr. Gabriele Murry, M.B.A. (USA), M.H.R. (USA) Contact Prof. Dr. Gabriele Murry, M.B.A. (USA), M.H.R. (USA) Professor Weiden Business School , Centre for Gender and Diversity
– Agilität und New Work im produzierenden Mittelstand 11.04.2024, 05:00 pm | on site at Herding GmbH Filtertechnik Amberg or virtually in the YouTube stream Hidden Champions Oberpfalz "Hidden Champions [...] oth-aw . de Zum Profil Schließen Past events Recordings of previous events in the series. Baumann GmbH Automation erleben BHS Corrugated Anlagen- und Maschinenbau Jobmotor in der Oberpfalz – Wellpappenanlagen
University of Bayreuth Jiangsu University University of West Bohemia Institute for Energy Technology IfE GmbH at the Tech. Univ. of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden Wasserstoffbündnis Bayern (Hydrogen Alliance of [...] (BayWISS) Cluster Energietechnik (Cluster Energy Technology) Hokkaido University AVL Deutschland GmbH UCEEB at the Czech Technical University
Girls' Day at OTH Amberg-Weiden Open Innovation Evening with Siemens Amberg and Herding Filtertechnik GmbH EMI Forum: Artificial intelligence and mobile robotics Industry 4.0 - Spring School 2023 Visit of Science [...] intelligence in industrial production". 2022 Open Innovation Evening - joint event of Siemens, Herding GmbH Filtertechnik and OTH Amberg-Weiden provides impulses for digital transformation AI Summer School at [...] Study program of the week: Industry 4.0 Informatics Dual study: Cooperation agreement with publisher C.H.BECK Student groups from Istanbul and Tallinn at OTH Amberg-Weiden Innovative teaching method: learning
M., Paluch, D., Staupe, M., & Schirmer, E. (2019). STACK trifft H5P – adaptives, audiovisuelles Feedback in STACK-Aufgaben basierend auf H5P . doi: 10.5281/zenodo.2564185. Bach, S. (2019). STACK-Fragen [...] ILIAS; Prof. Dr. Karin Landenfeld, HAW Hamburg: STACK-based testing in STEM subjects; Joubel AS, Norway (H5P developer): Design of interactive learning environments; School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh:
n, Gesellschaft für praxisbezogene Forschung und wissenschaftliche Lehre gGmbH, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Emperra GmbH E-Health Technologies, Potsdam und Deutsche Diabetes-Forschungsgesellschaft e [...] reporting for a regional company. Cooperation partner: BHS Corrugated - Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH Selected publications Prof. Dr. Lisa Marie Ranisch (geb. Schöttl) Monograph: Schöttl, L. (2018): Integrität [...] unter Berücksichtigung von Stakeholdergruppen. In: Forschungsbericht 2020, (Ed, Amberg-Weiden, O.T.H.) pp. 112-117. Herzner, A. (2021): Educate responsible manager with the UN PRME Helix Model. In: Responsible
-Ing. Heinrich Kammerdiener Contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Kammerdiener Phone +49 (9621) 482-3334 h.kammerdiener @ oth-aw . de Zum Profil Schließen Vice Dean Prof. Dr. - Ing. Christoph Lindenberger Contact [...] e KWK Winter garden Infanteriestraße Nürnberger Straße Digital Campus Siemens Innovatorium B A E D H F G Admin- istr. Parking OTH ID required Amberg Campus Automated external Defibrillator (AED) Assembly
each faculty has its own International Affairs Officer: Weiden Business School (WEBIS) M.B.A.(USA), M.H.R. Gabriele Murry Fakultät Elektrotechnik, Medien und Informatik (EMI) Prof. Dr. Tatyana Ivanovska Fakultät
oth-aw . de Zum Profil Schließen Prof. Dr. Gabriele Murry, M.B.A. (USA), M.H.R. (USA) Contact Prof. Dr. Gabriele Murry, M.B.A. (USA), M.H.R. (USA) Professor Weiden Business School , Centre for Gender and Diversity
Connect 200 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Verwenden Sie für datenschutzrelevante Inhalte ab Vertraulichkeitsstufe 2 (d. h. Informationen, die innerhalb der Hochschule nur einem durch seine Rolle definierten Personenkreis
Hermann Raab Professor Weiden Business School Weiden, main building, Room 104 Phone +49 (961) 382-1320 h.raab @ oth-aw . de To the profile Close Study Coordinator Theresa Schreiber Contact Theresa Schreiber
thermochemical gasification of biomass with different qualities or even synthetic fuels such as hydrogen (H 2 ). Particularly when new types of fuels are used, the exhaust emission behaviour has not yet been
vocational training programme Deutschlandstipendium Otto-Carl-Schulz-Stiftung der DEPRAG SCHULZ GmbH & Co. KG Max-Weber-Programm des Freistaats Bayern Oskar-Karl-Forster-Stipendium Students in need at
Prediger Cooperation partners: Centre for Teacher Education (Zentrum für Lehrerbildung; DZLM) Joubel AS (H5P) Arnsberg District Government (Bezirksregierung Arnsberg) Associated Partner: evidentmedia Agency
the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the company BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH, (June 2023) Report Implementation of two workshops "Developing Key Skills through Design Thinking" [...] School on Sustainability with the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the company emz-Hanauer GmbH & Co. KGaA (Juni 2022) Report Report of the UWB: Weiden hosts an international summer school focusing
Publications Contact AI concrete Interview with Jonas Rietsch from adigi GmbH, Parkstein Interview with Jonas Rietsch from adigi GmbH, Parkstein 1. Please briefly introduce yourself. What is your background [...] . Interview with Reinis Vicups and Timo Walter from TIKI GmbH, Weiden i.d. Obpf. Interview with Reinis Vicups and Timo Walter from TIKI GmbH, Weiden i.d. Obpf. 1. Please briefly introduce yourself. What [...] OTH Amberg-Weiden as part of a dual study program with BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH. There I took a liking to software development and therefore I did a Master in Computer Science, again
und einer inhaltsgleichen Präsenzeinheit zur Ingenieurmathematik. In T. Witt, C. Herrmann, L. Mrohs, H. Brodel, K. Lindner, & I. Maidanjuk (Eds.), Innovative Formate in digitalen Bildungskulturen (pp. 117–128)
Broadband (eMBB) - Peak data rates up to 10Gbit/s - Stable connections at high speed (up to 500 km/h) Massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) - Connection density up to 1 million devices/km 2 - Reduction
International Management and Sustainability) will get a central welcome in English starting 9.30 am in H001] There will be further programme items at both locations afterwards. Therefore, please plan enough
you want to do a traineeship in a public or private institution in one of the participating countries h SMS). Your internship must last at least two months and can last a maximum of twelve months. The funding