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They use the following equation:
(1) 0 1 2
t t t ty spread x ,
where tht
t YY
y lnln400 is the annualised real GDP growth over the next h quarters (and is
the difference operator) [...] conducting VAR residual Portmanteau tests for autocorrelation up
to lag h and serial correlation Lagrange-Multiplier tests at lag order h. We end up selecting 2 lags,
which are sufficient to ensure white [...] full sample, it is among the best
ones for h=2 to 3, and it is the best model, beating the benchmark by the strongest margin over longer
horizons (h=4 to 8). The model with the mortgage term spread
the following equation:
(7) ttt
t xisily εααα ++−+=∆ 210 )( ,
where ( )tht
t YY
y lnln
400 −=∆ + is the annualised real GDP growth over the next h quarters and xt
is a vector of [...] horizons h = 6
to 8, whereas the difference between the money market rate and the own rate of return of M1 (between a composite
lending rate and the money market rate) does so for the horizon h = 2, 3 (h = 1) [...] regression for the euro area. It reads as
(8) 0 1 2 4 31h
t t t t ty spread m r xα α α α ε∆ = + + ∆ + + ,
where m1r is seasonally adjusted real M1 (h = 1,...,8). Our GDP measure (y) refers to seasonally
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e) Prerequisites
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h) Study and examination requirements
i) Instruction and examination language in the individual modules
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v specific volume (m3/kg)
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als direkte Kohlenstoffquelle zu nutzen:
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